O Pó de D-Manose, 12* Onças, é um suplemento puro de D-Manose que se destaca pela sua rápida solubilidade em água, oferecendo um suporte eficaz para a limpeza do trato urinário. Este produto, desenvolvido pela Micro Ingredients, é ideal para quem busca uma solução natural e prática para manter a saúde urinária. Com uma fórmula amigável para veganos, o pó de D-Manose é uma escolha segura e confiável, livre de ingredientes transgênicos, soja, laticínios, glúten, enchimentos, conservantes, sabores artificiais e nozes. Cada porção é testada em laboratório para garantir a pureza e potência, proporcionando um suporte essencial para a saúde do trato urinário.
A D-Manose atua de forma eficaz ao combater substâncias indesejáveis que se aderem à parede da bexiga e da próstata, promovendo uma ação rápida e duradoura. Sua fácil dissolução em líquidos permite que você a adicione a sucos, shakes, smoothies ou qualquer bebida de sua preferência, tornando o consumo prático e agradável. Este suplemento é uma excelente opção tanto para homens quanto para mulheres que desejam manter a saúde do trato urinário em dia.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte natural para infecções do trato urinário
- Ação rápida e duradoura
- Combate substâncias indesejáveis na bexiga e próstata
- Fácil de dissolver em líquidos
- Ingredientes premium e testados por laboratório
- Promove a saúde do trato urinário de forma natural.
- Ajuda a prevenir infecções urinárias, proporcionando um alívio rápido.
- Facilita a eliminação de impurezas, contribuindo para o bem-estar geral.
- Versatilidade no consumo, podendo ser misturado a diversas bebidas.
- Produto seguro e confiável, com ingredientes de alta qualidade.
Para adultos, recomenda-se misturar 1 colher de chá (aproximadamente 2g) de pó de D-Manose em 8-10 onças de água ou na bebida de sua escolha. O ideal é consumir uma vez ao dia. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso do suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Dana M . –
I use as directed when I get a little bladder discomfort seems to help me . It has a very little sweet taste to me but not enough to bother me . I prefer the pill form but I thought I’d give this a try . It’s a great value for the price .
Nick –
The product dissolves quickly and easily in a glass of water. There is a very slight citrus taste, but nothing overwhelming. The bag is resealable, which is convenient. There is a scoop measure inside the bag. Product performed as advertised.
Jonna l. –
Mixes almost instantly w water and works so well I don’t have to take every day
Catherine Hinkle –
I ordered this about a year ago for my UTI. Used it as directed and it did clear up my infection. But then a few months later I got another infection, which did not go away. I am still fighting it. The D Mannose does control it , but does not now clear it up. Anyway, I want to warn those of you who are taking it to be cautious! I had been taking a teaspoon 2-3 times a day to keep it inn check, but about a week ago I got up one morning and everything hurt. I have been having back issues for years now, but this was like “I can barely move!” Have been seeing a chiropractor and a physical therapist, and I was having a lot of improvement. Then this hit! The chiropractor said I was not as tender anywhere like I usually was and the therapist could not find any places that were more than normal for pain. I knew something was not right, so I googled D Mannose, and one lady said she was using it and suddenly every bone in her body hurt! Bingo! The last does I had taken was yesterday morning, and I got up this morning with 75% improvement in symptoms! I can move! This may not happen with everyone, but I do want people to be aware of this. I am going to try a probiotic since articles I have read say that this can help with UTIs. Has to be the right strains though. Read articles from Dr. Axe. Also, found out that conventionally raised chicken (as opposed to organic) are given antibiotics which are in the chicken we buy, and the e. coli bacteria are now resistant to the antibiotics given for UTIs. I usually buy organic chicken but have found a canned chicken which is really good, but not organic. Back to cooking my own.
WrethaOffGrid✨🌟⭐😎 –
I have taken this almost daily for a few weeks now, I can definitely tell when I take it vs when I skip a day or two. I will keep taking it to see if it has a beneficial effect, I believe it is.
The powder, it’s identical in appearance and feel to powdered sugar. It easily mixes with water, I prefer mixing it with a couple of ounces of water, drinking it down, then following up with a glass of clear water, I prefer taking it on an empty stomach as I feel like it gets absorbed quicker. I have added it to coffee or taken it with other supplements, my preferred way is by itself with just water.
It is sweet, not as sweet as actual sugar or powdered sugar, it’s just slightly less sweet than those. It almost has an “artificial” sweetener whang to it, it’s not bad though, I’m pretty sensitive to the off flavors of artificial sweeteners and this is much better.
This is much easier to take than pills, I can take pills but prefer not to.
The little scoop, like other’s here have commented on, it’s convenient but when I first opened the package, the scoop had migrated to the bottom of the container, I closed the package and worked it up to the top, it was messy getting it out. I don’t know how that could be remedied, it’s not a deal breaker though. The packaging, I think it was the second or third time I opened the package, I noticed the zipper wouldn’t zip, one side of it had come loose from the package. I just fold it down and use a clothes pin to keep it closed. I’m trying to figure out a different container to store it in, again that’s not a deal breaker.
All in all, I’m happy with this, I will continue taking this daily or near daily.
Arggh –
I ordered my package of D-mannose on May 13th of 2020. Just now getting low. I don’t take it regularly, only when I feel that feeling, we all know to well, which means a UTI has come to visit. 🤨 So, I downed a scoop full, mixed in water(it literally just makes your water maybe a tad sweeter but not in a artificial sweetener kind of way) and took an OTC Azo pill, with before mentioned water. Repeated process in the evening and again the next morning. I felt so much better, so quickly, that I forgot to take the 2nd dose on day 2. 🤯 on day 2! That’s unheard of for me. Before this stuff came into my life, it usually took a couple rounds of Azo, pure organic cranberry juice, dried cranberry capsules and usually finally going into the doctor for help, after being miserable for days.
I remembered on day 3 to make up a glass(because I felt a little reminder sensation😒) but opted to not take more Azo. I have been feeling no pain or uncomfortableness since. I’ve been drinking it once a day and continue to feel good. It just amazes me as to how effective this stuff works on me. As I’ve done for the last 3 years, I’ll probably take it for another week just to make sure I’m good and then I will forget I have it until the next UTI comes to visit. But what is so wonderful is now I don’t dread them or fear them because I have D-mannose to take care of it.
Gina Farnsworth –
I normally take the capsules but this is so much easier. Put a scoop in with 6 oz of water and drink. There is no taste. This product doesn’t have any fillers so it is about as pure as I could find. 🙂