Descrição do Produto: Purely Inspired Collagen Powder, Unflavored (20 Porções)
O Purely Inspired Collagen Powder é uma poderosa adição à sua rotina de bem-estar, especialmente formulado para mulheres que buscam suporte para cabelo, pele e unhas. Cada porção contém 20 gramas de peptídeos de colágeno e biotina, ingredientes essenciais que promovem a saúde e a beleza de dentro para fora. Com um sabor neutro, este pó é versátil e pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, permitindo que você desfrute dos benefícios do colágeno sem comprometer o sabor dos seus pratos favoritos.
Produzido a partir de bovinos alimentados com pasto e criados em pastagens, cada dose oferece 18 gramas de proteína, além de um complexo de vitaminas do grupo B que ajuda a aumentar a energia metabólica. O suporte imunológico é garantido pela presença de Vitamina C e Zinco, tornando este produto uma escolha inteligente para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável. O Purely Inspired Collagen Powder é livre de sabores, cores ou adoçantes artificiais, sendo uma opção que respeita as necessidades de quem segue dietas gluten-free, keto-friendly, non-GMO e paleo-friendly, sem ingredientes lácteos.
– Suporte para Cabelo, Pele e Unhas: Fortalece e melhora a aparência, promovendo um visual saudável e radiante.
– Proteína de Alta Qualidade: Com 18 gramas de proteína por porção, contribui para a manutenção da massa muscular e recuperação após exercícios.
– Ingredientes Naturais e Transparentes: Sem aditivos artificiais, garantindo uma escolha saudável e consciente.
– Versatilidade na Preparação: Pode ser misturado em bebidas, smoothies ou receitas, facilitando a inclusão na dieta diária.
– Apoio Imunológico: Com Vitamina C e Zinco, ajuda a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, especialmente em épocas de maior vulnerabilidade.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Purely Inspired Collagen Powder, misture uma porção (1 colher) com 240 ml de água ou a bebida de sua escolha. Recomenda-se o uso diário para resultados otimizados. Agite vigorosamente ou misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Este produto é ideal para ser adicionado a smoothies, shakes ou até mesmo em receitas de panificação, proporcionando uma maneira prática e saborosa de enriquecer sua alimentação com colágeno.
Morgan –
I bought this to mix into my coffee and I’m really impressed! It mixes really well and doesn’t leave any clumps, and it really is tasteless. I drink this every morning
Pet lover AD –
Despite of the quality I would not suggest to buy it since it actually change the taste of every single beverage. Not unflavored.
karon –
Has a weird taste that ruins the flavor of whatever I put it in.
Davis –
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I looked around for a collagen supplement and picked this one because of the quality. It has a high health benefits without high fat, carbs and it had less sodium than some of the others on the market. It dissolves completely in hot beverages and doesn’t have much of a taste. I mix it with bone broth daily.
khadeeja –
Bops –
I decided this deserves five stars because it’s consistently inexpensive, has a consistently acceptable flavor in coffee, and works consistently well for me. I am a train-spotter of good collagen. It’s the only supplement I use every single day without fail because I have had such extreme improvements in my health and appearance as a result of it. Less joint pain, more energy for a few hours after taking (sometimes I take it before exercise but I’m also more focused on it so it benefits my ADD), somewhat of a appetite suppressant owing to it’s high protein content, better skin, hair stays in my head whereas before collagen, I suffered from alopecia, but also an improvement in vaginal lubrication (there, I said it). I’m a middle-aged woman and this stuff has kept my nethers thrilled or at least not in pain during sex. Nobody talks about this possible positive effect so I feel forced to share… vaginal atrophy (dryness) during perimenopause or actual menopause is caused by a depletion of collagen due to a depletion of hormones so it makes sense that supplementation can help (look into CO2 laser treatments if it doesn’t and you are coping with this).
Purely Inspired has one con, which is that it doesn’t dissolve as easily as some others in hot beverages, you have to stir a little longer to break the lumps of powder up BUT it does dissolve with a little effort. The taste is innocuous, I think most people would say taste-free, not gamey or poisonously burnt tasting like some other collagens. I have tried this now I think four times and each time the quality control has been excellent, which can’t be said for other cheapish collagen powder I’ve tried. Some will taste beefier or more burnt than the previous purchase. I guess the companies spend so much on the manufacturing that they can’t afford to toss the spoiled product, but I haven’t experienced this problem with this collagen. A lot of other companies also raise the price after the positive reviews pour in (at the cheaper price). This gets a 5 star review at its cheap price. If it were more expesnive, it would lose maybe even two stars for the dissolving issue and also for not revealing source on packaging or even on Amazon description. The cows are usually from Brazil, even with the expensive collagens but some are from China. Brazil’s farming regulations aren’t that much better (or at all?) than China’s. Let’s not pretend taking this stuff isn’t at the expense of animal welfare and the environment in other ways, but in my case I feel this supplement is a quality of life gamechanger. Try it for at least a a few weeks before giving up on it, I only noticed it working like a couple of weeks in.
kali –
I just started taking the product a few days ago to strengthen my nails and hair. Also to add with skin and hopes to replace some collagen and prevent wrinkles. I will start by saying the container was filled half way which other reviewers have commented. It is NOT tasteless. To me it tastes like evaporated or powered milk. I can see why they advertise for it to be added to coffee because most people would add cream or milk anyway which has a similar taste, therefore it would be essentially “tasteless”. I tried mine the first few times with tea. The tea flavors I tries the product with do not have strong flavors, so it tasted like I added evaporated milk to my tea it was not bad though it was drinkable. I tried to mix it in with my cereal since I eat my cereal with milk, but I could still taste the powered milk flavor. I think the flavor of the product was actually stronger in the milk as oppose to the tea. I will have to try it in a smoothie and see if I can still taste it. I will have to update my review later as it relates to effectiveness of the product.
Julia MS –
Tastes good!
Letijay –
This mixes very easily and the price is very reasonable. The only reason I hesitated to purchase this was based on some reviews that mentioned difficulty in mixing. This hasn’t been an issue for me at all. As I always do when mixing wet and dry ingredients, I put the dry in first, and slowly mix in a small amount of my liquid until they’re completely incorporated. Then, I add the rest of my liquid. I’ve done this with room temp and warm liquid and they both work the same. I’m not sure if you could just dump a scoop of this into a cup of liquid, as I have done with a more expensive version of this product, but if not, it seems like a small trade-off for the savings in price.
Flavore-wise, this is identical to the more expensive version. It’s not flavor-less, it’s just unflavored. I notice it slightly, so I take it a half scoop at a time, instead of all at once. This isn’t a big deal for me because I drink plenty throughout the day.
I can’t speak to the long term benefits of taking this because I only received it earlier this week. I can update after I’ve taken it for longer.
Bart Gary –
Absolutely love this product for my skin and joints. 10/10