Descrição do Produto: Alaya Multi Collagen Powder
Descubra o poder transformador do Alaya Multi Collagen Powder, uma fórmula avançada que combina os tipos I, II, III, V e X de colágeno hidrolisado, enriquecida com MSM, Glucosamina e Condroitina. Este suplemento em pó, com 40 porções, é a solução ideal para quem busca melhorar a saúde da pele, articulações e tecidos. Proveniente de vacas alimentadas com pasto, livres de crueldade e hormônios, e de galinhas criadas soltas, o Alaya Multi Collagen é sinônimo de pureza e qualidade.
- INGREDIENTES LIMPOS E PUROS – Sourced from grass-fed, cruelty-free, hormone-free cows & cage-free chickens, our Multi Collagen Protein Type I, II, III, V, & X is paired with an MSM, Glucosamine, and Chondroitin blend, the perfect complement.
- FÁCIL DE USAR – Nosso pó de peptídeos de colágeno multi é inodoro, sem sabor e dissolve-se facilmente – você pode misturá-lo em bebidas, adicionar ao iogurte, molhos ou até mesmo assar em suas guloseimas favoritas.
- BELEZA E BEM-ESTAR – O colágeno fornece estrutura ao nosso corpo, fortalece a mucosa intestinal e mantém ossos, articulações, tecidos, unhas e pele, ajudando a manter uma aparência jovem e uma sensação de força; o colágeno hidrolisado é a arma definitiva contra o envelhecimento.
- VERSATILIDADE – A versatilidade do nosso pó de colágeno permite que você o incorpore facilmente em sua rotina diária, seja em bebidas quentes ou frias, smoothies, ou até mesmo em receitas de panificação.
1. Melhora da Saúde da Pele: O colágeno ajuda a manter a elasticidade e a hidratação da pele, reduzindo sinais de envelhecimento.
2. Fortalecimento das Articulações: A combinação de colágeno com MSM e Glucosamina promove a saúde das articulações, aliviando dores e desconfortos.
3. Apoio à Digestão: O colágeno fortalece a mucosa intestinal, contribuindo para uma melhor digestão e absorção de nutrientes.
4. Cabelos e Unhas Mais Fortes: O uso regular do colágeno pode resultar em cabelos mais saudáveis e unhas menos quebradiças.
5. Fácil Integração na Dieta: Por ser inodoro e sem sabor, o produto pode ser facilmente adicionado a diversas receitas, tornando sua ingestão prática e agradável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do Alaya Multi Collagen Powder em sua bebida favorita, como água, suco ou smoothie. O pó também pode ser adicionado a iogurtes, molhos ou utilizado em receitas de panificação. Para maximizar os benefícios, consuma diariamente e mantenha uma dieta equilibrada e saudável.
Magly –
I used this product for 2 years and it worked miraculously on my joints in my hands. Just recently, coincidently after the packaging changed, it does not work. The joints in my hands are back to the way they were before I started the formula. I reached out to the company and they basically said go to a doctor. Did not ask what batch number or anything. I know something changed in the formula because if I was in between shipments my joints would start to flare up again. After using the formula two days later I had relief. I really counted on this product and unfortunately I need to shop for another. If anyone has had the same problem and can point me in the direction of something better I would very much appreciate it. Thank you!
ggsnowwhite –
I am almost done with my first tub of Alaya collagen and I’ve noticed several positive benefits. First, my joints don’t feel as stiff. I am a 49 year old woman who lifts weights regularly. One day it occurred to me that I’m not getting the little aches and pains that go along with resistance training. In fact, I don’t feel the need to take a rest day as often as I did in the past.
Second, both my husband and I have noticed that my complexion is smoother. The only annoying thing is that I am constantly cutting my nails!
I add it to my morning coffee and it has absolutely no taste. I highly recommend this collagen over any other.
Jan V –
I easily dissolve this collagen into my coffee. It gives my coffee more body and notice a difference when not using it. It is expensive but at my age I feel I need it for joints, skin, and hair. I noticed my nails are stronger and grow quicker. No one said anything about my appearance. I have not noticed a difference with my skin. This does not interfere with my sleep pattern. I think it has helped with my arthritic knees some. This is my second month and the only collagen I have ever used.
R.S. –
2nd one I have order – 100% flavorless and mixes completely and easily. Have in my coffee-
Don’t know if doing anything but no weird taste and mixes well
Blob –
Amazon Customer –
I wanted to wait three months before posting this review because they say it takes that long to see results in your skin hair and nails. OMG! Ladies, if you have creepy skin, I’m telling you this stuff will plump it. My skin looks brand new and I’m 57. I’ve had joint issues in my foot and knee which have gotten better. My nails are so much stronger and so is my hair. I will always have this on hand and it’s easy to take. I just put it in my coffee every morning. Do yourself a favor and get Asap!!
Sus35 –
This dissolved easily in my morning coffee with no aftertaste. I have seen an improvement in my hair and nails. I am also feeling better in my joints.
Jody Kay –
I’ve been using this product for 8 months now, and can tell you my skin is clear with no breakouts and my hair is finally growing again! I would usually get my nails done because of how thin they are, but now I’ve noticed they are getting so much stronger.
I use one scoop in my coffee each morning and that’s it! Easy!
So worth it! ❤️
NoFlyZone –
I liked Alaya. It was on special so I decided to try it. It dissolved well, was tasteless and seemed to be helping. I loved the variety of collagen sources – marine, poultry, meats etc. and the variety of collagens it provides.
However the total grams of collagen is very low and it costs 30-40% more than others that give you 20g of collagen, that also work well. I take 1 star off for that. My favorites are Vital Proteins and Sports Research, I also discovered them on AMZ. They work great and help muscle recovery after workouts and my skin looks great too.