Descrição do Produto: Pure Hydrolyzed Multi Collagen Peptides Protein Powder Supplement
Descubra o poder transformador do Pure Hydrolyzed Multi Collagen Peptides Protein Powder Supplement, uma fórmula avançada que combina cinco tipos distintos de colágeno, projetada para atender às suas necessidades de saúde e bem-estar. Com um total de 16 oz, este suplemento em pó é uma fonte pura e eficaz de colágeno hidrolisado, abrangendo os tipos I, II, III, V e X, provenientes de fontes alimentares de alta qualidade, como bovinos alimentados com capim, peixes selvagens, frango e cascas de ovos.
- 5 FONTES DE COLÁGENO: O Pure Prescriptions Perfect Collagen é um suplemento completo que combina peptídeos de colágeno bovino hidrolisado, proteína de caldo de osso bovino, peptídeos de peixe, caldo de osso de frango e peptídeos de colágeno de casca de ovo, formando uma matriz multi colágeno robusta.
- IMPROVE, REJUVENATE, & HEAL: Este suplemento ajuda a repor os estoques de colágeno, promovendo melhorias na saúde da pele, unhas e cabelos, além de aumentar a função digestiva e melhorar a saúde das articulações e tendões.
- CLEAN & PURE: O Pure Prescriptions Perfect Collagen é obtido de frangos criados soltos, peixes selvagens e bovinos alimentados com capim, garantindo uma fonte limpa de ingredientes livres de antibióticos e hormônios de crescimento frequentemente utilizados em fontes convencionais.
- EASY-TO-MIX: Com um pó sem odor e sem sabor, o Perfect Collagen pode ser facilmente misturado em água morna ou em temperatura ambiente. Também pode ser adicionado a café, aveia, iogurte, sopas ou molhos para uma ingestão prática.
- MADE IN THE USA: Fabricado em uma instalação certificada pela GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), sob supervisão da FDA. É livre de glúten e não contém leite, crustáceos, nozes, trigo, amendoim ou soja.
1. Melhora da Saúde da Pele: Aumenta a elasticidade e a hidratação da pele, reduzindo sinais de envelhecimento.
2. Fortalecimento das Unhas e Cabelos: Promove unhas mais fortes e cabelos mais saudáveis, reduzindo a quebra e a queda.
3. Saúde Digestiva: Contribui para a integridade da mucosa intestinal, melhorando a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes.
4. Suporte às Articulações: Ajuda a aliviar dores articulares e melhora a mobilidade, ideal para atletas e pessoas ativas.
5. Fácil Integração na Dieta: A versatilidade do produto permite que seja adicionado a diversas receitas, facilitando o consumo diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do Pure Hydrolyzed Multi Collagen Peptides em 240ml de água morna ou em temperatura ambiente. O pó é facilmente solúvel e pode ser adicionado a bebidas quentes como café ou chá, bem como a alimentos como iogurte, aveia ou sopas. Para uma rotina diária, consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Deb Lindsley –
Unfortunately I purchased a lot of 16 oz. Perfect Collagen thinking it was a great price, had all 5 types of collagen, and would be worthwhile to try. I have used 1-1/2 containers and noticed my nails, hair and skin going south, with a lot of breakage, dryness and dullness. It was quite a disappointment and I still have 2-3 containers to either toss or give away. I re-ordered LiveWell Collagen Peptides and put aside the unused Perfect Collagen. I have tried many collagens; Vital Proteins, Sports Research, Great Lakes, Ancient Nutrition, Youtheory and NeoCell. I think there must be a heck of a lot of unknown filler in this one because it does absolutely nothing. The LiveWell seems to be the best so far that I have used in the last 5 years, but Vital Proteins, Sports Research and Great Lakes seem to also give good value for the money. I should have known there was a reason for the cheap price on the Pure Prescriptions brand. Ha ha.
Stephanie G. –
A friend purchased this for my husband for his recovery after an ATV accident. He started using it immediately and after reading up on the product, and considering the source who gave it to us, I now use it daily as well. We add it to our morning coffee and it is perfectly tasteless and dissolves completely, leaving no residue at the top of our coffee. We also add it to smoothies and hot chocolate. We are on our 3rd container already.
Alaine Stevens –
I had developed a autoimmune disorder and began breaking out. Went to my Dermatologist and was diagnosed with Granuloma. I am not able to take what is normally prescribed for this disease because I have had a cancer diagnosis in my past. The side effect from the medication they recommended had a possible chance of developing cancer. Therefore, I had and wanted to look for a more natural way to fight this. I read many reviews on collagen and settled on this one. I have been on it for three months and my spots are fading away. Obviously, it is helping to heal a gut issue I could have had. It covers all the types that are necessary for it to be considered a total collagen.
It has no taste or after taste and I find that it mixes well with my cold and hot drinks.
I highly recommend this product.
Chris –
Mixing this into my protein supplement routine. Good blend of natural collagen sources. Hopefully helps with connective tissue recovery after workouts. Not the best flavor but fine if blended with other ingredients.
eebees –
I don’t know if this works yet. But the taste is so bad, I may not find out. So many reviewers say they can’t taste it, which boggles my mind. I’m not a sensitive taster and eat a wide variety of weird things. But oooof, this is a toughie. It isn’t strong, but it is there and will turn whatever you are drinking into that flavor.
Also, it comes in a big container, but when I opened it, it was half empty. I don’t understand the point.
I won’t buy it again, even if I finish it. I need to find something that doesn’t turn my stomach as I’m trying to ingest it.
Wanda L. Cox –
Pure encapsulations collegen is the best I’ve found. Very easy to add to my protein shakes. Helps with my arthritis pain and my skin looks better.
Lourdes –
I bought this product to replace the Perfect Hydrolized Collagen. Also, because it’s grass-fed and had additional types of collagen from different sources. Unfortunately, when I make coffee, you have to make sure the the K-cup stream goes directly over the collagen product in order for it to dissolve. Which means, that I have to move the coffee mug around so the stream of Kcup coffee goes on top of the collagen. Yes, the collagen floats on top. If you left your coffee mug just sitting there and wait for the Keurig Kcup to finish dispensing the coffee what you get is a BIG CLUMP of the Pure Hydrolyzed Collagen on top and it’s pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to make everything dissolve, which means you get chunks and chunks of the powder, which sucks! So, you have to watch your coffee from the Kcup and pick up and move your mug around to make it dissolve. The package is “alright” but the powder is super, super, fine which means your hand will get powdery whenever you scoop out the collagen. Anyways, I poured all the contents from Pure Prescriptives Hydrolyzed Collagen into the empty container (I mentioned above) to make it easier and not get as much super fine powder on my hand every time I reach in there.
Aside from what I mentioned above from the “dissolubility” of the product, well, this product seems to work better than the other collagen products that only had 1 sourced collagen. Just with this bag of the Pure Prescriptives Hydrolyzed Collagen my hair seems to get thicker! My knee bones seem to be healing better and less painful (I have arthritis on left leg). So, overall, despite my complaint about the powdery mess and it doesn’t dissolve well, I would buy this product again. I’m used to standing around my Keurig Kcup brewer and moving the mug around the stream so the actual stream “hitting” the powder from the top is the only way that it will dissolve.
Ellen Ju –
For me, this collagen gives off no smell and is basically tasteless. I mix it with my morning coffee and/or chicken broth later in the day and blend it with my Vitamix. The only difference this way is that it basically foams up with the blending, which is fine for me. I drink the foam like I would liquid, and it really doesn’t smell or taste like anything. I’d know because I was using another brand before this and that DID smell and had a distinct taste.
I’m very happy to be using this instead now. I’ve been taking 2 spoonfuls twice daily for a couple of months now and have definitely noticed improvements to my skin (more supple, less forehead wrinkles, etc.). I’m still fairly young so can’t comment on the joints stuff, but from a beauty perspective it’s a love! Just keep in mind that nothing will give you a miracle. You must combine this with other “good habits” to reap the full benefit. So drink plenty of water, don’t skip your normal beauty routine, and eat clean. Your body will thank you :).