Descrição do Produto: Bluebonnet Nutrition Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder
O Bluebonnet Nutrition Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder é um suplemento premium que oferece uma solução eficaz para quem busca melhorar a saúde e a aparência dos cabelos, pele e unhas. Este produto é cuidadosamente elaborado a partir de peptídeos de colágeno hidrolisado dos tipos I e III, provenientes de vacas alimentadas com pasto, garantindo a mais alta qualidade e pureza. Com 10,58 oz (300 g) e 25 porções, este colágeno é ideal para quem segue dietas cetogênicas ou paleo, proporcionando um suporte nutritivo essencial.
- SOURCED – Elaborado com peptídeos de colágeno hidrolisado dos tipos I e III, provenientes de vacas alimentadas com pasto.
- SUPPORTS – Promove cabelos exuberantes, pele jovem e unhas fortes. Um complemento perfeito para sua dieta cetogênica e paleo.
- DIRECTIONS – Adicione uma colher (10 g) a 8 fl oz de água ou bebida de sua escolha e agite, misture ou mexa até ficar homogêneo. Para MELHORES RESULTADOS, use água em temperatura ambiente ou morna (não quente) e agite em seu copo shaker favorito. Adicione gelo e aproveite!
- SERVINGS – 10,58 oz (300 g), 25 porções.
- ECO-FRIENDLY PRODUCTS – Este produto é livre de soja, glúten, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO) e é livre de laticínios. Feito sem cores, sabores ou adoçantes artificialmente derivados e sem ligantes, enchimentos ou aditivos desnecessários para manter a integridade dos nutrientes. Embalado em material 100% reciclável e livre de BPA!
1. Melhora da Saúde Capilar: O colágeno é essencial para a estrutura do cabelo, promovendo fios mais fortes e saudáveis.
2. Pele Radiante: Contribui para a elasticidade e hidratação da pele, reduzindo sinais de envelhecimento.
3. Unhas Fortes: Ajuda a prevenir a quebra e promove o crescimento saudável das unhas.
4. Fácil de Usar: A fórmula em pó se dissolve facilmente em líquidos, tornando a incorporação na rotina diária simples e prática.
5. Opção Saudável e Sustentável: Produto livre de aditivos artificiais e embalado de forma ecológica, ideal para consumidores conscientes.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Bluebonnet Nutrition Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder, recomenda-se adicionar uma colher de sopa (10 g) a 8 fl oz de água ou à sua bebida preferida. Misture bem utilizando um shaker ou um liquidificador até que a mistura esteja completamente homogênea. Para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes, utilize água em temperatura ambiente ou morna, evitando temperaturas elevadas que possam comprometer a integridade do colágeno. Você pode adicionar gelo para um toque refrescante e desfrutar de uma bebida nutritiva que complementa sua dieta e estilo de vida saudável.
GigiThinks –
Bluebonnet Nutrition Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder, Supports Hair, Skin, and Nails*, Soy-Free, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Grass-fed Cows, Pasture Raised, 10.58 oz, 25 Servings, Unflavored, Unsweetened
I have been using this collagen supplement in my coffee every morning for almost a month. I have already noticed that my hair is looking & feeling better than ever and my nails are stronger and growing very fast. IMPRESSIVE!!!
I chose this collagen supplement because it is Soy-Free, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Dairy-Free. Made with hydrolyzed collagen peptides types I & III from grass-fed cows, and WITHOUT artificially-derived colors, flavors or sweeteners and unnecessary binders, fillers or additives to maintain nutrient integrity.
I use this in my morning coffee, along with 1/2 Tbs of Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Raw Cacao for a caffe mocha delight. It blends easily, with no clumps.
At the time I ordered this collagen supplement, it was competitively priced at $24 for 25 servings. I’d rather pay $30 for a 30 day supply and just reorder once a month. 25 days is an odd amount, in my opinion, regardless; I am super happy with this supplement and I highly recommend.
🤗 Thank you so much for taking the time to read this review, have a FANTASTIC day!!😊
hydrolyzed collagen peptides types I & III from grass-fed cows
Richard – Virginia Beach –
MS –
I love using collagen and have been using it for nearly 3 years now and noticing results. I love adding it to my morning coffee and to soups. Where on one hand this product doesn’t have an odd smell or taste, it didn’t not sit well with my stomach unfortunately. It dissolves fine in hot drinks as well, without any lumps. I tested it for 4 days to see if my stomach would get used to it but it didn’t. Not for me.
Reine Soleil –
I started taking powdered collagen peptides 4 months ago, this is my second go around with the Blue Bonnet Brand.
With supplements and raw herbs and roots, results are not usually immediate and they come in stages. The first thing I noticed after about a month of taking this product was that my knees hurt a lot less, so there was an noticeable improvement in joint comfort. It was noticeable but yet it took me a while to realize that as I bent my knees it was definitely easier to get up. This is not a miracle cure. There has been a gradual improvement in pain in my joints but it’s not a healing. I just have less pain getting up and there is a correlation to taking this product.
Second and most noticeable is my skin. I am 50 something, I have great skin, I am lucky, no lines or wrinkles but for the last couple of months I have a glow and my neck is definitely firmer. My own mother asked me what kind of make up I was wearing to take my selfies. I don’t wear make up but my skin has been looking so clear, smooth and even that she thought I was wearing stuff, at least powder she said but no mom, this is bare skin, just lipstick and mascara.
Skin and joints are the two things that I can say for sure have changed in an observable way. Now the weight loss support claims and hair and nails, I haven’t seen a change in me. Maybe it would work differently for someone else.
Elizabeth –
Dissolves completely in my coffee and I can’t even taste it. I’ve been using it for several months now. My nails are stronger, my blood calcium is normal (has been low for years) and my hair is thicker, so for me it’s working well.
Heidilyn –
My body reacts pretty quickly to products that I take for nutrition. I’m sensitive to many foods, fragrances and ingredients that many people have not issues with. One ingredient that bothers me quite a bit is MSG. Some people love it, I can’t tolerate it. Collagen can have a similar effect on my body as MSG, and I’m not sure why that it. Some collagen is amazing for my body and helps with inflammation and pain issues, and some can make it worse. I don’t want to imply that this is bad collagen, it’s just not working for me. I’d estimate that about half the collagen that I have tried has caused some body issues for me.
Blue Bonnet is a brand I’ve known and trusted since the 90s, I think that long ago. The collagen powder from this company is new to me, and I wanted to try it. Essentially, what I do is try a collagen powder for as long as I can, but discontinue if I start feeling aches and pains or start having migraines again. Then I take a collagen that I know to be effective for me, and see if my body improves. Once it improves, after about a week, I try the new collagen again, and typically if in deed it is the collagen that I am having an issue with, it will start by the next day, and will continue as long as I use the collagen. In this case I tried it, had the typical unique symptoms I get with some collagen. Stopped, went to my standard collagen until I felt great. Then tried the Blue Bonnet brand again, and felt the pain and typical issues, for three days and stopped. I felt better the next day with the collage that I typically use, that works for me. I feel like I’m not being that clear, and perhaps it is confusing. But, that’s what I do.
The reason why I try collagen products, is to find various brands that I like, so I can have resources should anyone have issues or should I need to go to another brand. Sadly, I’ve come to depend on collagen to reduce pain. It also does wonders for my hair, nails and skin.
I will try this Blue Bonnet Collagen again, when I feel up to it and will follow up again. But for now, I think people should know that not all collagen is the same, and many people can use any of them successfully. I am just very sensitive. I’m not sure what collagen sources are available or where companies get their collagen or how it is processed, but I’m am positive that it matters. I’m not sure how many suppliers or processors there are either. It’s something to consider and research. In the meantime, if you are just starting to check out collagen, if one doesn’t seem to do anything or you don’t like it, try another or ask around for the products that people like.
I’m giving the collagen 3 stars.
Texas Red –
I use a lot of Blue Bonnet nutrition products and was so pleased that that their mcollegan powder has no sodium in it. Why so many others that also claim to be tasteless have a slug of sodium in them I can’t figure out, It is certainly not needed.
Sheryn D Smith –
strenthen nails & joints