Descrição do Produto: Chitosan Powder – Chitosan 1000mg
O Chitosan em pó da é um suplemento alimentar de alta qualidade, formulado com 1000mg de chitosan por dose. Este produto é derivado da quitina, uma substância natural encontrada em crustáceos, e é conhecido por suas propriedades de absorção de gordura. O chitosan é um pó de grau alimentício, livre de glúten, que pode ser facilmente incorporado à sua rotina diária. Ideal para aqueles que buscam auxiliar na gestão de peso, o chitosan atua como um agente de ligação que pode ajudar a reduzir a absorção de gordura e colesterol no organismo. Além disso, sua formulação em pó permite uma versatilidade no uso, podendo ser adicionado a shakes, smoothies ou até mesmo em receitas culinárias.
1. Auxílio na Gestão de Peso: O chitosan pode ajudar a reduzir a absorção de gordura, contribuindo para um controle de peso mais eficaz.
2. Suporte ao Metabolismo: Promove um metabolismo saudável, ajudando na digestão e na eliminação de toxinas.
3. Ação Antioxidante: O chitosan possui propriedades que podem ajudar a combater os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
4. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente adicionado a diversas receitas e bebidas, tornando o consumo prático e agradável.
5. Produto Livre de Glúten: Ideal para pessoas com intolerância ao glúten, garantindo uma opção segura e saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 colheres de chá (aproximadamente 3 a 6g) de Chitosan em pó, misturadas em água ou suco, de 30 a 60 minutos antes das refeições. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com uma quantidade adequada de água para maximizar a eficácia do produto. Para um uso contínuo, consulte um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades específicas.
Boomer! –
I’m impressed with this chitosan. I’m actually using this product for a chemistry project, so I had occasion to record some of the physical properties during my work. They matched up almost perfectly with what >90% de-acetylated chitosan should display – for the very low price I’m kind of surprised, I mean they could easily have slightly less purity with some maltodextrin and it’d still be well worth the money…. They may source their products mostly from China but the key seems to be that they must know who is producing the best supplements over there. 10/10 in my book.
Rick Layton –
I purchased this supplement to help improve kidney function. I have not had a chance to analyze that purpose yet. The product itself appears to be of good quality. I put about a half teaspoon in some juice and stirred it to mix. I found it does not mix well with cold juice. The product remained gritty – often lumping together. It stuck to the sides of the cup. When I drank it, I had to constantly mix with the spoon and I felt the grit as I swallowed. It was difficult to get it all down since there was some on the sides of the cup. I tried to scrape the sides of the cup with the spoon to gather as much as I could. I didn’t want to waste any of it. Overall, that method didn’t work well. My next method was to try to mix it into yogurt – which I felt would work better.
However, before I tried that, I decided to do more research online about Chitosan and kidney function. I found a lot of support regarding the benefits. However, I also came across a few studies that had me concerned. One such study was done in 2014 and firmly demonstrated that chitosan supplementation greatly increased oxalate crystal formation in the urine. I found several sources that referred to that study. Since I also produce calcium-oxalate kidney stones and have had several lithotripsy (shockwave) surgeries to break up stones, this was a deal-breaker for me. I just cannot use a supplement that increases kidney stone risk. Although the studies only indicated a much higher level of oxalate crystals – not necessarily stones, I just cannot take that risk. So, unfortunately, I had to stop using this product.
Those of you who have diminished kidney function may benefit from this product, but if you’re also susceptible to kidney stones, I would probably be wary of using this supplement.
Excommunicado –
This chitosan powder repeatedly caused me a bad stomach distress which can best be described as cuts at random locations in the stomach. I had to discard it.
Camilo Loza –
I had suffered acid on the stomach for 20 years. and finally there was an answer. To me this is like a miracle and I needed this so badly.
Basically I take 2 table spoon on the empty stomach and eat something sweet to get it down.
This really grabs the nasty acid on the stomach and your nerve starts to feel calm down.
I take at least 3 table spoon per day. and I have been healed so much ever since. I laugh about the pill because it is normally a half gram or a gram size. I take quite alot and I lost so much weight and my skin glows.
I thank you crabs.
And thanks to bulksupplements too. I don’t have any fish after taste or smell like someone else said on other product.
If you want to be strong and healthy I would take this.. Not just lose weight. This is an under valued supplement.
I would like to add how I take it. I get a spoon in the mouth and drink water and wash down. I tried with Kombucha once they stuck to my mouth all bitter and extremely sticky. So ever since then I only use water and I try to be quick. once you taste it it tastes really bitter.
Sublimeload –
Hands down the best product I have ordered all year. My cat turns 19 in a month, and recently his kidneys began to fail. On the recommendation of a friend who spend thousands of dollars on his cat at the vet, this is what the vet recommended to improve blood values. It’s working. He went from imaciated, weak, drinking water ever few minutes and peeing just as much, to gaining weight, getting his strength back, his fur looks healthy, and he can jump on the couch all by himself again. He acts 4 years younger. I will keep using this product as long as I can. He is the sweetest, most considerate cat I have ever met, and this is his karma.
G. Carlin –
I have a large dog with kidney issues (expensive KD food) and vet wanted me to use Epatikin (basically a chitosn and calcarbonate supplement) but it is way to expensive with a very large dog (I would have to use a hundred dollar container that lasts less than a month). I researched and found for large dogs – just go with chitosin. So I use this with a calcium carbonate supplement instead and it works just as well at a fraction of the cost.
Dawnalee Bellis –
It taste is nasty and sticks to the inside of your mouth. If you choose this product in this powder form find something like pudding to mix it into.
Amazon Customer –
Let’s be honest: you don’t buy this for the mouth-feel! It has hardly any flavor (good), but the fine powder makes it worse than the Cinnamon Challenge if you don’t mix it first! It will work well in smoothies, but not so well in just water (I have read it prefers acid solutions, but that still might take time). I mix it with oatmilk and that seems to do the trick.
A couple notes for those not in the know: chitin is in shellfish (shrimp, crab, etc) and get processed to become chitosan, so this product is not vegan, kosher, or halal.