Perfect Keto Exogenous Ketones Powder, BHB Salts for Ketosis
A Perfect Keto Exogenous Ketones Powder é uma fórmula avançada e aprimorada que foi reinventada para proporcionar um sabor melhor e menos amargo. Utilizamos ingredientes de alta qualidade, sem adição de açúcar ou enchimentos. Nossa fórmula contém apenas sais de beta-hidroxibutirato racêmico de qualidade, além de eletrólitos adicionados para uma hidratação ideal.
Esses suplementos de cetonas podem ajudar você a entrar mais rapidamente em um estado de cetose. A fórmula de beta-hidroxibutirato (BHB) ajuda a aumentar os níveis de cetonas no sangue, o que facilita a conquista e a manutenção da cetose. A cetose sustentada, por sua vez, pode levar a um gerenciamento saudável do peso.
Nossa keto powder também oferece suporte ao jejum intermitente. Ela foi formulada para fornecer as cetonas e os eletrólitos necessários para que você se sinta saciado por mais tempo. Isso pode ajudar a reduzir os níveis de fome, permitindo que você estenda o período de jejum.
Utilizamos o adoçante natural monk fruit para proporcionar o equilíbrio perfeito entre doçura e eliminar o amargor usual dos sais de BHB. Nosso suplemento de cetonas exógenas com sabor de chocolate mistura-se facilmente e tem um sabor delicioso em água, leite de coco, café, shakes e muito mais.
A Perfect Keto Exogenous Ketones Powder é ideal para diversas situações, como pela manhã, para combater a queda de energia à tarde, antes dos treinos, para melhorar o foco, manter níveis de energia elevados e reduzir os sintomas de adaptação à dieta cetogênica. As cetonas exógenas atuam como combustível para o seu estilo de vida cetogênico.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Rápida indução à cetose
- Suporte ao jejum intermitente
- Sabor doce e agradável
- Combustível para o corpo
- Gerenciamento saudável do peso
O Perfect Keto Exogenous Ketones Powder oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Primeiramente, ele proporciona uma rápida indução à cetose, permitindo que você aproveite os benefícios dessa dieta de forma mais eficiente. Além disso, o suporte ao jejum intermitente é um grande aliado para quem busca controlar a fome e prolongar os períodos de jejum. O sabor doce e agradável torna a experiência de consumo muito mais prazerosa, enquanto o fornecimento de combustível para o corpo garante energia e foco durante o dia. Por fim, o gerenciamento saudável do peso é uma vantagem significativa, ajudando a manter a forma desejada sem sacrifícios extremos.
Recomendamos misturar uma colher de sopa (15g) da Perfect Keto Exogenous Ketones Powder em 250ml de água, leite de coco, café ou shake. Consuma uma vez ao dia ou conforme orientação profissional. Para melhores resultados, é aconselhável ingerir o suplemento pela manhã ou antes de atividades físicas, garantindo assim um aporte energético ideal e a maximização dos efeitos da cetose.
P. Costea –
Update – While I stand by my review of the vanilla flavor, Perfect Keto offered a full refund on the purchase which I’ll use to buy salted caramel, my favorite flavor & sweetness. Added 2 stars for awesome customer service.
As someone that’s been living the keto life for quite a while now, the vanilla flavor is so far overboard on the sweetness that I couldn’t finish the coffee I’d added it to. The salted caramel is perfect so this was totally unexpected and a shame and makes me hesitant to try the chocolate flavor that I bought as well. If you’re new to keto / low carb and still have a sweet tooth this might work for you but I’d be cautious if your tastebuds are already adjusted to no sugar.
Trevor K Smith –
Perfect Keto Exogenous Ketones Powder in Strawberry Lemonade flavor is a versatile supplement designed to help users achieve and maintain ketosis. It includes beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) salts to support ketone production, helping the body burn fat more effectively, and contains electrolytes for hydration. This caffeine-free option provides a natural energy boost and is free from artificial sweeteners and fillers.
**Key Benefits:**
1. **Supports Ketosis:** This product helps users enter ketosis quickly by supplementing the body’s ketone production. It can be particularly helpful for those new to keto or restarting the diet, avoiding common “keto flu” symptoms like fatigue and headaches.
2. **Increased Energy & Focus:** With sustained energy levels and enhanced mental clarity, it’s ideal for intermittent fasting, workouts, or overcoming afternoon slumps without relying on caffeine.
3. **Appetite Control:** Users report a decrease in cravings and better appetite management, which can be beneficial during fasting or to control caloric intake.
4. **Hydration Support:** The added electrolytes assist in maintaining hydration, especially important during the ketogenic diet when electrolyte imbalance is common.
5. **Great Taste:** The Strawberry Lemonade flavor is praised for being a pleasant departure from the traditionally bitter taste of ketone supplements, sweetened naturally with monk fruit.
**Potential Downsides:**
1. **GI Distress Risk:** Some users might experience digestive issues if they start with too much product at once, so it’s recommended to begin with half a scoop.
2. **Price Point:** At around $44.99 for 15 servings, it might be considered pricey for some users, but discounts are available through subscriptions.
Perfect Keto Exogenous Ketones Powder is highly recommended for those following a keto diet or practicing intermittent fasting. Its clean ingredient list and flavorful formula make it a user-friendly option for boosting energy, curbing cravings, and staying hydrated while maintaining ketosis.
P. Costea –
Container is about 4 1/2″ tall.
3 1/2″ wide. Here it is next to a 12 oz. Plastic cup that your probably familiar with. Just for some idea of size. Small jar about 3/4 full on arrival. Can’t speak on metabolic function. Only tried it twice. First time I absolutely hated it. Forced myself to try it again. I put it in almond milk this time and in my opinion, it has a strong alcohol taste to it. I don’t like it at all. First time i mixed it with a spoon, did not dissolve very well. Second time in a blender, dissolved just fine.
Jack H –
I first tried this with hot milk hoping for a hot cocoa-ish beverage. Disaster, it made some kind of mush (like sea foam) that wasn’t particularly pleasant to drink, but I did anyway since it’s so expensive. At this point I was worried, but another reviewer mentioned having some tasty success just mixing it with water and heavy cream. I tried this, and they were right. Very tasty, and no mush at all. They recommended that mixture over ice, which I haven’t tried yet, but I can see how that might enhance it even more.
On the more clinical side, I have a hard time getting my ketones over the “trace” amounts as I tend to not be as strict as many keto-ers (I eat the croutons that come with my salad, and the little dinner roll with my soups), but an hour after a one scoop drink of this, and I was in “moderate” levels.
If those levels truly mean more fat burning, then I will definitely be adding this product to my keto regimen
After some time using this, my Ketone levels continued to slowly rise (I would test before use as well), which made me want to get more strict with my diet which moved them up even further. I thought I had plateaued but the pounds started coming off again which will be nice for summer.
Couple things since I started…
I’ve noticed this drink is GREAT for when I’m hungry and its not close to a planned meal time or when I’m tempted to get too large of a meal if I’m really hungry. Just a tiny snack and a scoop of this in my beverage and I feel satisfied for hours, or if really hungry, then it helps make a normal meal feel like more. I still only do one drink a day, but I move the time around for convenience to help me keep my meals regular
And after some more tinkering, I have discovered my favorite taste combo. Find a cold brew coffee you like (I settled on a tasty Kona that comes in vanilla, caramel and mocha varieties and only has 5 grams each of carb and sugar) and simply mix with heavy cream and a scoop of PK, drop in some ice cubes and it is super delicious
Heidi H –
I’ve tried exogenous ketones before (in coffee, mostly) and always had trouble dealing with the horrible taste. I drink this cold with ice and add some sparkling water and the taste is actually likeable. It’s a pleasant surprise.
Enibeni –
I’ve seen mixed reviews, but did try it. I’m a faithful Pruvit ketone drinker, but they don’t offer a vanilla ketone. I put this in a 28oz shaker bottle half filled with ice, just under 1 scoop of ketones, and fill the rest of the bottle equally with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and water….probably a bit more water. It’s great! Shake well and you have a delicious, refreshing drink! I highly recommend the product!