Descrição do Produto: Neem Bark Powder 16oz – Suporte Dental e Digestivo – Pó de Casca de Neem – Pó de Casca de Neem Puro
O Pó de Casca de Neem da Vitaminer Shop é um produto natural de 16 onças, elaborado a partir da casca da árvore de Neem, conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde dental e digestiva. Este pó é uma solução eficaz e versátil, ideal para quem busca alternativas naturais para cuidados bucais e suporte digestivo. Com uma composição pura e sem aditivos, o Pó de Casca de Neem é rico em compostos bioativos que promovem a saúde das gengivas, ajudam a combater bactérias orais e contribuem para a manutenção de uma flora intestinal equilibrada. Sua textura fina permite fácil mistura em pastas dentais caseiras ou em bebidas, tornando-o um aliado prático no dia a dia.
1. Saúde Bucal Aprimorada: Ajuda a combater bactérias orais, promovendo gengivas saudáveis e hálito fresco.
2. Suporte Digestivo: Contribui para a saúde intestinal, auxiliando na digestão e aliviando desconfortos gastrointestinais.
3. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Rico em antioxidantes que ajudam a proteger as células do corpo contra danos causados por radicais livres.
4. Uso Versátil: Pode ser utilizado em pastas dentais caseiras, chás ou smoothies, facilitando a incorporação na rotina diária.
5. Produto Natural e Puro: Sem aditivos químicos, ideal para quem busca uma alternativa saudável e natural.
Para utilizar o Pó de Casca de Neem, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de chá do pó em uma pequena quantidade de água ou óleo de coco para formar uma pasta. Esta mistura pode ser aplicada diretamente nas gengivas e dentes como um tratamento natural para a saúde bucal. Para suporte digestivo, adicione uma colher de chá do pó em sucos, smoothies ou chás, consumindo uma vez ao dia. É importante iniciar com pequenas quantidades e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância do organismo. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Dr. AJ, D.N. –
I use this not only for my teeth but I give a sprinkle on the dogs’ and the cat’s food as it boosts their immune system. We adopted a shelter kitten who contracted mange once he went on his daily walks (he is now old enough to out by himself and is happy and healthy). I bathed him three times with peroxide, water and borax and that killed the mange. a few days I forgot to sprinkle the neem on his food and immediately his fur began to fall out and yes it is spring so the winter coat is coming off however, once the neem was applied to his food, his shedding reduced. poor thing – he was taken from his mom waaaaaay too early. anyway, I use this in the garden, for my dental health and for the animals.
Brendan T. –
I have used Neem bark before, though variable in quality. Some powders are rather coarser cut, and others a significantly lighter brown in trying to leverage every ounce of profit from trees and evidently cutting into the sap wood. Incidentally, efficacy can be improved significantly further by mixing with Turmeric – particularly for oral hygiene.
However, the quality of this bark powder from Naked Neem is indisputedly the best I have seen to-date, and have no hesitation giving it my fullest recommendation.
Anupam Das –
Amazing. Finally, neem bark powder available on prime. This stuff is gold in this age of Kali. Why? Because in the western diet, there’s much hard to digest stuff, then the parasites appear, but! If you have neem bark powder tea every day like Paramahamsa Nithyananda recommends……………they’re gone! It’s a heavy detox, but! It’s a heavy acidic mucous western diet! So neem bark powder tea neutralizes the sinful western diet. Better than neem leaf, personally, cause it’s stronger. And that’s what we need, something strong to keep us clean and in the neutral space. Thank you for going prime!
Alexis Waldon –
Edit: I used this in my face wash and to brush my teeth, and I love it! I feel like my teeth are whiter. My face also felt nice and soft after using this!
I’ve read where people are asking how to store it. I stored mine in an old 20 oz pickle jar! I think you get a lot for the price. It will last me a long time.
Deevi Davis –
did not realized how big of a package I was receiving more than enough of what I needed
Brush your teeth with it one time. You will see what I am talking about!
Emilia –
It’s was as described
Purrrfectcat –
UPDATE: October 22, 2022 No pain since I bought this. – The pain hasn’t returned. I’ve now been careful to brush with the bark & NEEM LEAF toothpaste after eating anything sweet.
I put the neem leaf toothpaste on top of the toothbrush, then I dip the toothbrush(with toothpaste on top) in the neem bark powder, then brush. If it”s still painful, use your fingers to put the bark directly on the gums .as well as teeth. Use warm water with salt to spread the bark thruout the mouth and keep the salted water with bark powder in your mouth (where the pain is) for 2-3 minutes at least Then rinse out with cold clean water. Continue to do this regularly after eating until the pain disappears.
APRIL 15, 2022–I had a bad toothache again from eating sweets. I still had some old neem bark as well as neem toothpaste but I could tell the bark wasn’t fresh anymore when the pain persisted. This new batch for sure was FRESH!! I poured some on my toothbrush to brush my gums & teeth and I felt very little pain. A day more of this neem bark brushing and the pain was gone!!! After putting the bark on your gums/teeth, make sure to hold some warm water with salt in your mouth for a few minutes where the pain is so that the bark can penetrate everywhere including into tight spaces.
M.L. –
Seems to be a good product. Used for tooth paste. Tastes like you’re chewing on the side of a tree lol, but I read it’s supposed to kill bad germs in the mouth while leaving the good ones, so i quess it’s worth it. Will last a while.