Descrição do Produto: Zint Camu Camu Powder Organic
O Zint Camu Camu Powder Organic é um superalimento em pó feito a partir da fruta Camu Camu, conhecida por seu alto teor de antioxidantes e vitamina C. Este ingrediente orgânico é ideal para enriquecer smoothies, sucos, sorvetes e diversas receitas, proporcionando um sabor levemente ácido e refrescante. Com 3,5 oz de pura potência nutricional, este pó é não transgênico, livre de glúten e certificado kosher, garantindo qualidade e segurança para sua saúde. O Camu Camu é uma excelente fonte de nutrientes que pode ajudar a fortalecer o sistema imunológico e promover o bem-estar geral.
1. Rico em Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, ajudando a proteger as células do corpo.
2. Aumento da Imunidade: A alta concentração de vitamina C fortalece o sistema imunológico.
3. Melhora da Saúde da Pele: Contribui para uma pele mais saudável e radiante, combatendo sinais de envelhecimento.
4. Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser facilmente adicionado a diversas receitas, como smoothies, sucos e sobremesas.
5. Opção Saudável e Natural: Produto orgânico, não transgênico e livre de glúten, ideal para dietas restritivas.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Zint Camu Camu Powder Organic, adicione uma colher de chá (aproximadamente 5g) do pó em seu smoothie ou suco favorito. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente incorporado. Também pode ser polvilhado sobre iogurtes, cereais ou utilizado em receitas de sorvetes caseiros. Para uma experiência ainda mais saborosa, combine com frutas como banana ou abacate, que ajudam a suavizar o sabor ácido do Camu Camu. É uma maneira prática e deliciosa de enriquecer sua dieta com nutrientes essenciais.
Amazon Customer –
Small pouch but good price! Used mountain rose herb before. Seems like same quality.
Wrongway –
It’s added to my daily vitamin intake.
Grandoodles –
As a person who suffers from food sensitivities It’s been difficult to find a good source of vitamin C.
I’ve tried many high quality vitamin C supplements and have reacted to all of them in one way or another.
Whether it’s the actual supplement or additives in them, I haven’t tolerated any of them well.
After using this product for awhile I am pleasantly surprised at how much better I feel!
I am no longer lethargic and have not had any reactions at all!
The only thing I have had difficulty with is the bitter taste, so I have figured out the best way for me to take it.
It does not dissolve well in water or juice if just dropped in the liquid.
It seems to need something to bind to, so I put a teaspoon in my fruit and vegetable smoothies and blend in my nutribullet.
I think it would also work well if mixed into certain foods.
Since it does have a sour taste, I have found that apples, pears, carrots and similar foods mask the bitterness well.
I will be using this from now on as my regular vitamin C source as its worked so well for me and during allergy, cold and flu season will increase the daily serving size to fit my needs.
Overall, I am VERY happy with this product!
Takes time to get used to the bitter taste but I like it.
Carol Auxer –
Recommended by a friend. Good source of Vitamin C
pink –
Elizabeth T. –
My first experience with Camu Camu so I can’t compare it to any other brand. I add it along with many other super food nutrients to my green nutri-blasts. It tastes tangy tart by itself and a little goes a long way. I’m guessing it really does have a lot of Vitamin C in it b/c if I add more than 1/4 teaspoon to my smoothie it makes me have to urinate too much for my body. I like it! 🙂
Rilx –
I really love Camu Camu, but hey i really love the supernatural and aliens too, but the real question is, are you a star wars fan or a star trek fan, heck i love both, why not…But seriously folks if you want to add some killer supplement to your smoothies and feel energized for a few hours naturally with no side effects, this is for you!!! Will buy again, thank you very much for putting out a good product that we all can enjoy…!!!
Blanca H. –
Very small package and taste awful. I have ordered other zint products and love them but this one is not for me i just can’t get over the taste.