Descrição do Produto: Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Camu Camu Powder
Descubra o poder do Camu Camu com o Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Camu Camu Powder, um superalimento amazônico que promete transformar sua saúde e bem-estar. Este pó de Camu Camu, com 3,5 oz, é uma fonte potente e natural de vitamina C, reconhecida como a mais rica do mundo. Produzido a partir de bagas de Camu Camu, este produto é moído a baixa temperatura, preservando todos os nutrientes essenciais e garantindo que você receba o máximo de benefícios em cada colher.
- Certificado Orgânico, Verificado como Não-OGM, Cru, Sem Glúten, Vegano
- O Camu Camu é uma fonte potente de vitamina C natural e biodisponível, ajudando a fortalecer o sistema imunológico
- Pó moído a baixa temperatura feito a partir de bagas de Camu Camu, a fonte mais potente conhecida de vitamina C no mundo
- Cada decisão que tomamos na Terrasoul é baseada em um princípio orientador – sua felicidade. Nossa equipe de especialistas se dedica a trazer os alimentos de mais alta qualidade a preços justos, e a medida do nosso sucesso é sua satisfação.
- Nos esforçamos para tornar cada experiência com nossa empresa e nossos produtos positiva, por isso garantimos todos os nossos produtos com uma garantia de satisfação de 100%. Basta nos avisar se houver algum problema, e nós resolveremos. É nossa promessa para você.
1. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: A alta concentração de vitamina C no Camu Camu ajuda a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo, tornando-o mais resistente a doenças.
2. Antioxidante Poderoso: O pó de Camu Camu é rico em antioxidantes, que combatem os radicais livres e ajudam a prevenir o envelhecimento precoce das células.
3. Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser facilmente adicionado a smoothies, sucos, iogurtes e receitas de sobremesas, proporcionando um impulso nutricional sem alterar o sabor.
4. Produto Sustentável: Sendo orgânico e não-OGM, o Camu Camu é uma escolha consciente para quem se preocupa com a saúde e o meio ambiente.
5. Satisfação Garantida: A Terrasoul oferece uma garantia de satisfação de 100%, assegurando que você tenha uma experiência positiva com o produto.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Camu Camu Powder, adicione uma colher de chá (aproximadamente 5g) do pó em seu smoothie matinal ou misture em sucos e iogurtes. Você também pode incorporá-lo em receitas de bolos e sobremesas para um toque nutritivo. Para obter resultados ideais, recomenda-se consumir diariamente, garantindo assim uma ingestão constante de vitamina C e antioxidantes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco para preservar sua frescura e potência.
Meg R –
I used this in treating my first UTI in 10 years. I REALLY did not want to go on antibiotics and decided to give this a try. I had been taking d mannose and it wasn’t 100% gone so I added in Camu Camu. After a few days, my symptoms were gone. I was seriously amazed. I have also been using it when I first notice symptoms of a cold. I truly believe that the high dosage of vitamin C and the fact that it’s food-based and more bio-available make it very potent at fighting infections and viruses. The only con is that it. tastes. awful. AWFUL. I was taking it mixed in a little bit of water as a shot and it was rough, it’s super bitter and sour. I am someone that enjoys taking shots of ACV, so maybe that can speak to the level of gross-ness. A friend of mine mixes it into her smoothies but I wouldn’t run the risk of ruining a smoothie. Honestly, because it works so well, I don’t mind the terrible taste, but if you’re someone that is sensitive, you might want to put it in capsules.
AmazonGirl –
I haven’t felt well in many years and have been trying to get my self healthy again. For months, I’ve felt that it would be very beneficial if I had some vitamin C, but I’m not a huge fan of orange juice and I REALLY did not want to add in yet another supplement. I hate swallowing pills so I didn’t want to add more.
I somehow stumbled upon reading about Camu Camu. 1 teaspoon of this stuff gives you 1080% of your daily Vitamin C! And no pills! I tossed a teaspoon of this right into my green smoothie! The bag also says you can mix it in with juice or plain water. I have yet to try it that way, but since I don’t drink a smoothie every day, I probably will. Taste wise, it’s ok. It’s a little tart, so I’m not sure I’d want to mix it in with just water. I have not tried any other brands, so I can’t say how this stacks up with other Camu Camu powders.
The bag I received was pretty small, but a good amount to try out. The powder is so fine, though, that during shipping the fine powder packed into the zipper. I dug out as much as I could but it still doesn’t want to zip well, so I’ll probably store it in a small jar.
Overall, I’m very happy with this method of receiving my Vitamin C, and have even heard that this is a better way to get it vs Vitamin C in pill form. I’ll definitely be purchasing more when I run out of what I have.
Dee –
I’ve struggled with Epstein Barr virus for years just zapping my energy away, and constant high numbers in my ebv blood work causing mono. I read lots of good things about camu destroying the ebv virus and thought I’d try it. In just a few days my lethargy is almost gone!!! It’s an easy product to mix into a little bit of juice and easy on digesting. This is truly remarkable. I feel myself coming back around and will definitely reorder this. Im hoping it will speed up my recovery of mono/ebv since research tells me ebv can’t survive in vitamin c. One dose is like eating 60 oranges and doesn’t upset the stomach. I will be adding another dose in about a week, but after only a few days, the difference is noticeable in my energy!!
This product is a must for people with chronic ebv. I would highly recommend this product!! Thank you for this wonderful product!! Here’s to health & healing!!
Dr. BuBu –
Of course, I bought this Camu Camu for its benefits. I’ve been having different things for about two years, from cancer to breaking bones. Most medications have so many side effects. At one point one just need to get over it. Using superfoods is the most natural way. Superfoods is a marketing label used to name foods that are high in vitamins and minerals, etc. Recently I read a study that suggested humans absorb vitamins way better through eating healthy food (vs. pills)
So this powder arrived this morning in an envelope of proper size. The Camu Camu container bag has a zipper, but the zipper didn’t work.
It was funny the feeling I had just before trying it for the first time. I had no idea how to consume this “stuff”. Could I add it to my coffee? Will I be happy with my cup of coffee if I do that? Well, it has a tart taste but not strongly bitter.
I mentioned my health issues. What brought me to Camu Camu (the first superfood I try) are its many various ingredients and benefits. In short it seems Camu Camu is loaded with iron, niacin, riboflavin, phosphorus, potassium, beta-carotene, calcium and amino acids, like leucine, serine, thiamine and valine.
Vitamin C: Massive amounts of vitamin C. One teaspoon of camu camu powder has 1180 per cent of your recommended daily intake. Vitamin C is used to stimulates blood cell production, works as an anti-inflammatory, boost the immune system, is key component of collagen used to repair and develop cells, tissue and organs, like gum health among others.
Valine: An amino acid used to prevent muscle breakdown, great for the nervous system and cognition.
Potassium: Required for the proper functioning of the heart
Leucine: An amino acid used for muscle and bone tissue growth and recovery and the production of growth hormones.
Serine: Another amino acid, for digestion. Serine helps breaking down the bonds of proteins and polypeptides.
Flavonoids: natural flavoring and coloring, helpful as antioxidant and neutralizing harmful free radicals.
Gallic Acid: natural anti-fungal and anti-viral.
Ellagic Acid: antioxidant.
Which translates into various properties for the repair and wellbeing of our bodies:
-Cognitive: Increases memory, attention and concentration. Prevents cognitive deterioration such as those in dementias (ie Alzheimer).
-As an anti/inflammatory agent helps soothe arthritis, hemorrhoids, headaches.
-Lots of antioxidants that help prevent cancer.
-Sedative for balancing mood swings and soothe anxiety and depression, like during menopause.
-Antiviral and antibacterial that boosts our immune system.
-Infertility prevention.
-Boost metabolism and helps protect and grow muscle tone.
-Generous in vitamin A (carotenoids) to prevent eye deterioration
-Rebuilds collagen in tissue, which would make your face glow and your hair shine in an overall younger look.
Who shouldn’t take Camu Camu: Everyone should check with their doctors or let them know you are taking this superfood. Check the ingredients of other vitamins you are taking and avoid overload. As with anything, having too much can be as bad as having too little. Studies suggest excessive amount of vitamin C result in digestive ulcers and kidney problems. I’m planning to take a break every so many days. In his website Dr Oz suggest pregnant women and individuals that are undergoing chemotherapy should be specially careful when taking Camu Camu.
How to take it? Straight up for some, or any type of smoothie, jello, ice-cream… If you want to mix it with juice or something else, be aware that Camu Camu doesnt disolve as quick as sugar. Just be patient and let it rest in the juice for a while. That worked for me.
I bought my Camu Camu at full price. If you found this review to be useful, please let me know. I don’t get anything from it other than the pleasure of knowing I’ve been helpful.
transparent –
High quality food-based Vitamin C in an easy to use powder form. This is especially helpful now during the pandemic as clinical data show that high doses of Vitamin C protect cells from the virus and reduce the inflammatory cytokine storm. Throw out your synthetic Ascorbic Acid pills. I mix this organic, food-based Vitamin C into my morning coffee to dilute the bitter taste, it’s also good in iced tea, lemonade or juice. Best price for the quality I’ve found so far. Fast Delivery. Highly recommend.