Descrição do Produto:
O pó de bromelina 150gdu – Ananas comosus, 1 lb, da Starwest Botanicals, é um suplemento natural extraído do abacaxi, uma fruta tropical conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde. Originário dos Estados Unidos, este produto é cuidadosamente processado para preservar suas enzimas ativas, oferecendo uma forma concentrada de bromelina, uma enzima proteolítica que auxilia na digestão e na redução de inflamações. O pó é de fácil dissolução e pode ser incorporado em diversas receitas, desde smoothies até molhos, proporcionando uma maneira prática de enriquecer a dieta com nutrientes essenciais.
A bromelina é amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e digestivas, sendo uma escolha popular entre aqueles que buscam melhorar a saúde gastrointestinal e reduzir o desconforto associado a condições inflamatórias. Além disso, o pó de bromelina é uma excelente opção para atletas e pessoas ativas, pois pode ajudar na recuperação muscular após exercícios intensos. Com um sabor suave e levemente adocicado, este pó é uma adição versátil à sua rotina alimentar.
– Apoio Digestivo: A bromelina ajuda na quebra de proteínas, facilitando a digestão e aliviando desconfortos estomacais.
– Propriedades Anti-inflamatórias: Contribui para a redução da inflamação, sendo benéfico para pessoas com condições como artrite.
– Recuperação Muscular: Ideal para atletas, pois auxilia na recuperação após treinos intensos, reduzindo a dor muscular.
– Saúde Respiratória: Pode ajudar a aliviar sintomas de sinusite e outras condições respiratórias, promovendo a saúde dos pulmões.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a combater infecções e doenças.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o pó de bromelina, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 colheres de chá (aproximadamente 5 a 10 gramas) por dia. O pó pode ser misturado em água, sucos, smoothies ou adicionado a receitas de alimentos. É importante não aquecer o pó, pois altas temperaturas podem destruir suas enzimas benéficas. Para aqueles que buscam um efeito mais concentrado, a bromelina pode ser tomada em jejum, facilitando sua absorção pelo organismo. Sempre consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas pré-existentes ou estiver tomando medicamentos.
Night of Starz –
My experience with this ‘cut w/unmentioned additive’ product is: I opened it today Dec. 8, 2017, put it in a cup with some apple juice, looked down at the label, & discovered what was in my cup had a high glycemic starch maltodextrin in it, that I cannot have. I was so angry. My experience with this product is the value in the powder in my cup is LOST when an unmentioned additive is PRESENT (pictured is the label I got, now compare it to the misleading label on the ad). Also, regarding the tablespoon that sat in the apple juice on my counter, I realize this product isn’t making it clear for ‘anyone’ exactly how much of a bromelain teaspoon has the little amount of 150gdu… so that the experience with the product in the cup on your counter can continue for anyone as ‘knowledgeable product use’ …. so your description of the experience of the use of the product can be complete. I know this company knows better. The money is gone, I am low income struggling with a highly inflammatory disease reactive to starch. Starwest botanicals is best when it does not put additives in products people are seeking very pure versions of, & Starwest has to know that ‘pure’ “uncut” products were one of the strengths everybody was going to them for. The only reason I can find to cut something with an additive at all, as I realized was the case when I opened this bag, is to give less of the pure product to the public. I didn’t open one of the 2 bags I ordered until today because I was using a prior bag by another supplier.
Night of Starz –
Medicinal supplements doses should be 500-1000 mg at 1000-3000 GDU. This will works wonders for tenderizing meat and helping it to marinade faster but will not help your arthritis or inflammation.
You also don’t want bromelain powder in your mouth or throat because it stings. You want to swallow it in a capsule.
Javier –
Not what we expected. Not all natural
Kay Lee –
This Bromelain Powder from Starwest Botanicals is fantastic! The quality is top-notch—clean, pure, and potent. It has been a wonderful addition to my herbal store , especially for reducing inflammation and supporting digestion.
The packaging is secure and keeps the powder fresh. It dissolves easily in water or smoothies, making it super convenient to use. I also appreciate the 1 lb size, which provides great value for the price.
If you’re looking for a reliable bromelain supplement for natural health support, I highly recommend this product. It’s been a game-changer for me!
Jrico –
131313 –
I bought this powder to tenderize my meat for Sous Vide Cooking. I had used the Papaya powder in the past and with the Papaya powder if you marinate it to long it will shred up the meat when cooking it. I noticed that I didn’t have the same problem with the Bromelain Powder and my meats come out nice and tender without any taste of pineapple.
Donald –
This product is mixed into a base of maltodextrin. This is not mentioned in the description. At the time of ordering, the poor picture of the product could not be enlarged enough to read this fact on the label. Product was returned unopened.
Nils –
I like this product, and like Starwest’s approach. It’s an innovative idea to sell pure powdered enzymes in bulk, in sealed airtight bags, instead of putting a tiny amount into a capsule or tablet then selling it for a greatly inflated price.
I bought two products from this company: Bromelain powder and Papain powder. Both ae high quality. They arrived packaged in airtight foil packages. I opened the packages and transferred the powder into glass jars, which I keep in a cupboard away from excess heat, and away from light. (I’m not sure if light damages enzymes like it does other supplements, but better safe than sorry.)
I’m happy with the product, and recommend both (powdered bromelain and papain) for people looking for a better way to buy and take enzymes.
BohdiTree –
Very Satisfied with this Product! I mixed this up in my Morning Banana Shakes. The taste is over powering but WORTH IT. My knees have been bothering me lately but This product has definitely helped with inflammation!
Thank You.