Descrição do Produto: Pó de Brócolis Orgânico, 1 Libra, Liofilizado
O Pó de Brócolis Orgânico da Vitaminer Shop é um superalimento liofilizado de alta qualidade, que preserva todos os nutrientes essenciais do brócolis fresco. Com 1 libra de puro poder verde, este pó é uma fonte rica em fibra e vitamina C, contribuindo para o fortalecimento do sistema imunológico. Além disso, contém DIM (Diindolylmethane), um composto natural que auxilia na saúde hormonal e na desintoxicação do organismo. Ideal para smoothies, sucos e receitas saudáveis, o pó de brócolis é uma maneira prática e deliciosa de incorporar vegetais cruciais na sua dieta diária. Seu sabor suave e versatilidade permitem que você o adicione facilmente a diversas preparações, garantindo uma nutrição completa sem esforço.
1. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Rico em vitamina C, o pó de brócolis fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo.
2. Saúde Digestiva: A alta concentração de fibras promove um sistema digestivo saudável e regular.
3. Equilíbrio Hormonal: O DIM presente no produto ajuda a regular os níveis hormonais, beneficiando a saúde geral.
4. Praticidade: Fácil de usar, pode ser adicionado a smoothies, sopas e receitas, facilitando a inclusão de vegetais na dieta.
5. Nutrição Concentrada: O processo de liofilização preserva os nutrientes, oferecendo uma forma concentrada de obter os benefícios do brócolis.
Para aproveitar ao máximo o Pó de Brócolis Orgânico, adicione 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do pó em seu smoothie ou shake de proteína. Misture bem com frutas, vegetais e líquidos de sua preferência, como água, leite ou leite vegetal. Também pode ser incorporado em sopas, molhos ou até mesmo em receitas de panificação, como pães e bolos, para um impulso nutricional extra. Armazene em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para manter a frescura e a potência do produto.
la0508 –
I do really like this broccoli powder. Unlike most broccoli pwdrs/extracts, it is bright green, and has a good effect on the stomach. It mixes well and easily. It does taste very salty, although I am not sure if that is the result of sodium itself, or if that is a result of other compounds/minerals naturally present in the broccoli. I WISH THE MANUFACTURER WOULD ANSWER THIS QUESTION RE: SODIUM/SALTY TASTE. I doubt whether it is the sodium content, because as salty as it tastes, it would have effect on swelling/pee production, and it does not have this effect. I like it enough that I am buying it again. My main issue is that the directions say there are 90 servings to the bag, and a serving = 1 scoop. So they included a nice scoop, and I have used it exactly as they say, and lp and behold, about 2 weeks after I first used it, the bag is almost finished! So NOTE TO MICROINGREDIENTS: INCLUDE AN ACCURATE SCOOP!! Also in the blurb above the reviews, the manufacturer says do not exceed 50-80 MILLIGRAMS per day. I have news for you: the scoop you have included measures 20 GRAMS a day (which is fine–except for the cost, 20 grams of broccoli powder is good for you! 80 milligrams would have virtually no effect on anything in your body!) So fix this! Other than that, this powder is very very good, which is why I am re-purchasing it Also to AMAZON: IT IS CONFUSING TO THE PURCHASER IF YOU DON’T MAKE CLEAR IN THE REVIEWS WHAT PRODUCT IS BEING TALKED ABOUT! MOST OF THE REVIEWS MAKE NO MENTION OF THE PRODUCT, BUT THOSE THAT DO, ARE USUALLY TALKING ABOUT MACA! FIX THIS!
David P. –
Excellent product and company. The taste is much better than I expected and mixes well in my smoothies. I have ordered many Microingredients powders and they all have been of the highest quality. This company is a great find as I get about 50% of my calories from my Blender Salads.
TheCreator –
If this stuff is so packed with vitamins, why aren’t they listed on the nutrition facts? Because if I’m reading the nutrition facts, there’s almost nothing in here.
scientist infinity –
This product has a good flavor and you can get a serving of broccoli with one rounded tablespoon. Perfect for people such as myself very busy lives but want their vegetables.
if you were to buy this much broccoli to reduce it to a powder it would probably cost you about $60. So this is an exceptional purchase at 22 bucks… i’ve also added it to soups and it creates a great flavor. I highly recommend this product and Previously I requested a third-party analysis from this company for another one of their products and they happily emailed it to me I have a lot of trust for the quality Inn previously I requested a third-party analysis from this company for another one of their products and they happily emailed it to me I have a lot of trust for the integrity of this company
L. M. L. Wilson –
I compared Broccoli Powder to Moringa Powder. Both offer similar nutrients, except Broccoli beat out Moringa….so now I start my day with Broccoli Powder tea with added organic medicinal mushrooms mix Sacred 7 Mushroom Extract Powder byReal Mushrooms brand), My Community 17 Species Blend Mushroom Mycelium Powder Comprehensive Immune Support (Host Defense Mushroom brand), Agaricus blazei Murill mushroom powder (Nature Restore brand), organic Boswellia extract powder (I forgot which brand on, Organic Marine Supre Greens Bland of kelp, chlorella & spirulina powder (Bare Organics brand), Lions Made powder (Real Mushrooms brand), Turkey Tail powder (Real Mushrooms brand),Tonic Alchemy Ultimate SuperTonic Superfood Bland (Dragon Herbs brand),Organic Acai powder, Organic Papaya powder, Organic Purple Potato powder, Marine Hydrolyzed Collagen, Grass Fed Beef Bone Powder, Vanilla Flavor Egg White Protein powder, Turmeric powder, organic Matcha green tea power…..all mixed in room temperature organic Vanilla Soy Milk. I also add a couple tablespoons of organic Trader Joe’s non fat Vanilla flavor yogurt just to add more sweet taste. This slurry sets me up for the rest of the day. I don’t eat much else….maybe a couple of slices of organic nutty bread toast, spread with high quality New Zealand Manuka honey. Or maybe organic avocado mashed up on toast. I lost weight on this and hardly ever felt hungry. I add this broccoli powder to everything…(soups, srambled eggs, etc. I like the taste and like that it makes my body healthier.
sarutobi –
The package it came in started to come apart wear you seal it. No problem I had an old empty whey protein powder container. I bought this to get my green vegetables in my diet. To me it taste horrible and I drink it very quickly. Its broccoli powder so its supposed to taste bad. If you have had hemorrhoids before and take miralax, this combined with the same brand spinach powder is the organic version that works very well along with fiber one cereal. Drink it fast and reap the rewards.
meg –
Quality seems good and I wanted something without stevia or sweeteners but I don’t know if I can actually hang. I’ve tried it mixed with water (ew!), in a smoothie (ew! ruined the whole smoothie) and just now in yogurt (ew but possibly the easiest). I love real broccoli so didn’t think I’d mind the taste but this is pretty harsh folks. I thought this would be convenient and easier but im just gonna go back to regular broccoli.
Reviews Master –
I often don’t have time to prepare food because of my work ,but this helps me still eat my vegtables even on the go.
Clean, high quality product. Smells and tastes amazing, would recommend. I try to eat fresh vegetables but when I’m out of time this is my go to drink.
It mixes really well and last a long time. Easy to travel, take you cup with some brocolli powder and just pour water when you are ready to drink or just have it prepared and shake it before drinking.