Descrição do Produto: Pó de Argila Bentonita Pure Body Naturals para Desintoxicação Corporal DIY
O Pó de Argila Bentonita Pure Body Naturals é um produto de alta qualidade, ideal para quem busca uma desintoxicação corporal eficaz e natural. Com um frasco de 100g, este pó de argila é perfeito para a criação de máscaras faciais caseiras, limpeza dos poros, banhos de desintoxicação e desodorização das axilas.
A argila de sódio bentonita em pó é conhecida por sua capacidade de absorver e remover toxinas, combater irritações, acalmar vermelhidões, controlar cravos, prevenir acne e reduzir o tamanho dos poros. Quando úmida, a argila atrai as toxinas através da absorção, agindo como uma esponja poderosa.
À medida que a argila de sódio bentonita absorve as impurezas, ela libera sódio em seu lugar. Esse sódio é um eletrólito natural que ajuda a hidratar e rejuvenescer o corpo. Nosso pó de argila bentonita é 100% puro e obtido das cinzas vulcânicas de Wyoming, EUA, garantindo sua qualidade e eficácia.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Desintoxicação Profunda
O Pó de Argila Bentonita Pure Body Naturals é conhecido por sua capacidade de absorver e remover toxinas do corpo, proporcionando uma desintoxicação profunda e eficaz.
2. Combate a Irritações e Vermelhidões
Graças às suas propriedades calmantes, a argila de sódio bentonita ajuda a reduzir irritações e vermelhidões na pele, deixando-a mais suave e saudável.
3. Limpeza dos Poros e Prevenção de Cravos
Utilize o pó de argila como máscara facial para limpar profundamente os poros, removendo impurezas e prevenindo o surgimento de cravos e acne.
4. Hidratação e Rejuvenescimento
Ao absorver as impurezas, a argila deixa o sódio em seu lugar, um eletrólito natural que ajuda a hidratar e rejuvenescer a pele, deixando-a com uma aparência mais jovem e radiante.
5. Origem e Qualidade Garantidas
O Pó de Argila Bentonita Pure Body Naturals é obtido das cinzas vulcânicas de Wyoming, EUA, garantindo sua pureza e qualidade. Você pode confiar em um produto seguro e eficaz para sua desintoxicação corporal.
1. Desintoxicação eficaz, removendo toxinas acumuladas no corpo.
2. Propriedades calmantes que ajudam a aliviar irritações e vermelhidões.
3. Limpeza profunda dos poros, prevenindo acne e cravos.
4. Hidratação natural da pele, promovendo um aspecto rejuvenescido.
5. Produto 100% puro, garantindo segurança e qualidade em sua aplicação.
Para utilizar o Pó de Argila Bentonita Pure Body Naturals, misture uma quantidade adequada de pó com água ou vinagre de maçã até obter uma pasta consistente. Aplique a máscara no rosto ou corpo, evitando a área dos olhos. Deixe agir por 10-15 minutos e enxágue com água morna. Utilize uma vez por semana para melhores resultados. Para banhos de desintoxicação, adicione uma quantidade generosa do pó à água do banho e relaxe por 20-30 minutos.
Jennifer –
Let me just start off saying lm in love with this clay. As a women in my late thirtys l am a fanatic at making sure my skin gets all the tender loving care it needs so hopefully l will look amazing in my fiftys, l do have a whole box full of expensive products that I have tried that have not worked or showed any difference probably over a thousand dollars worth of produc dollars worth I faithfully try a product for at least a month and if it does not work it gets retired to the product grave box. This clay is my new twice a week facial treatment that l am just amazed with especially for the low price . I mix it with water softend coconut oil and a tablespoon of my mud mask l put it all over my face and neck and yes hair and scalp never forget about your neck unless you want a chicken neck in your golden years, this mixture Tighten my whole face as you will see in the picture no those are not big wrinkles it is this clay doing its job, I have been using this product for two months my fine lines around my eyes and four head have lessend dramatically and my complexion is even my pores are hardly noticeable which has always been a problem for me and my face is as soft and clear as a babies butt. Love it!! Don’t forget your hair and scalp clears dandruff cleans and moisturizes scalp and leaver your hair soft and shiny. I never leave reviews but had to on this one because l am so amazed with the results and the price. My only complaint is why the heck did l not find this years ago, would have saved so much money. One last thing l have stopped my monthly facials at the spa as my face is so clear and exfoliated no need for it. This will clear you blackheads and shrink your pores. Probably the reason why I have not found this sooner is because I ignorantly always thought the more you pay for something the better it is and the better results I will never again be stuck up on the price of a product again before trying it. I would love someone to try exactly what I do and leave your exciting review . I am not a sales person nor did l get this to leave a review just a women always looking for a way to have the most beautiful skin. One teaspoon coconut oil one tablespoon mud mask Dead Sea from grace and Stella sold on Amazon another Great product with an amazing price water and healing clay to a thick but spreadable texture, that is just for my face and neck double for hair and scalp, l only do that twice a month and my face twice a week, follow up with vitamin C serum and your favorite moisturizer . Please let me know if anyone else is as happy after trying this as l am. Don’t forget to take before and after pictures wish l did before starting this. I leave it on for an hour and then hop in the shower your face and neck will feel very tight and look scaly but that is just the healing Clay pulling impurities out and tightening your face l love the feeling!! And after it is all washed off you will see A visible difference in fine lines clear pores and a more even skin complexion . Please don’t get discouraged if you don’t get Mircle results the first few times just keep doing it and you will see them. Even if you don’t see them in the mirror after the first time you will definitely feel it . After pics are right out of the shower with no serum or moisurizer!! Goodbye coverup and leave in conditioner!!! Will use for the rest of my life!!! Remember before l had undult acne and inlarged pores, you can still see the marks from the breakout but the scars are going away better with every facial. My 15 year old daughter is lucky to know about this at her age!! Ok l guess you can tell lm in love. Good luck on your journey to a younger looking clearer complexion!!! Remember no product gives mircle results in just one use.
ElleJay –
This works best when you use distilled water. At first I used tap water, and thought the clay smelled like clay dirt, like from the back yard. I learned that this is because the clay sucks up the minerals and all that and the clay basically is going to emit whatever the water supply contains, and because it is sucking up all these random things in the water, it actually makes the clay less effective, since there are all these other things leached into the clay. So I went to the store and got distilled water, and the difference was like night and day. The clay smelled like nothing, not the back yard, which was good, and the clay seemed to be able to work better. Also, some people complain about it being difficult to mix, because it is so messy. I thought so too at first, however, I then just realized, I just needed to alternate with adding small amounts of the clay with small amounts of water, and just keep adding clay and water, until I get the amount and consistency I want. Same as baking. You wouldn’t dump the entire amount of flour the recipe calls for with the entire amount of liquids in the bowl when you bake a cake. You would have a lumpy cake and flour all over your kitchen. Similar concept here. Also, I learned a super cool trick, that I saw online, if you want to make it in advance, if you have a container with a secured lid, (not metal) which you just add very small layers of clay alternated with the water, and then just put the lid on, and let it sit for 24 hours. Theoretically, the water will be absorbed into the clay, and you should have a nice even consistency clay. I tried this, and it pretty much worked, but had a few little dry clumps. Perhaps if I let it sit longer, it would not have needed any mixing, but that’s an option for people who don’t want to mix it, and willing to prepare it in advance. Also, some people complain it made their face red. Yea, it does that. but it’s supposed to, it’s all the red blood cells coming to the surface carrying oxygen, which means it should be healing your skin. It should go away in about 30 minutes to an hour though. Obviously you got a rash or something, then that’s probably not good. I read some horror story online about somebody leaving it on over night.. so yea, I would definitely not recommend doing that, especially on your whole face. Also, people need to be aware, that the clay is highly alkaline, which is why some people mix it with a little apple cider vinegar, as this makes the ph more neutral, so may be less harsh on your skin. Other than distilled water, or a little apple cider vinegar, or other acidic liquid like lemon juice or even Greek yogurt, to even out the ph levels, I also sometimes add a couple drops of tea tree oil or even coconut oil, to make it spread more smooth, but only a tiny bit, as I like to keep my clay pretty basic. if you are using it on an infected boil or painful ingrown hair, I read somewhere, you can mix it with high grade liquid colloidal silver, which supposedly works really well. Other than all the FYI’s I have learned while using this product, I think this stuff is great. It shrinks pimples, and makes my skin soft, and I have found that it can work on a plethera of skin issues, like helping healing wounds faster, or for removing ingrown hairs, especially if used as a clay poultice. When I run out, which will probably take a while, as a little goes a long way, I will definitely get more, as this stuff is pretty useful for all types of skin issues.
Jennifer –
good product.