Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder da recuperação muscular com o Muscle Feast Vegan Essential Amino Acid Powder, sabor Blue Ice Pop. Este suplemento inovador foi desenvolvido para atender às necessidades dos atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam maximizar seu desempenho e acelerar a recuperação pós-treino. Com uma fórmula eficaz de aminoácidos essenciais (EAA), este pó promove o “pooling” de aminoácidos, aumentando a concentração de todos os aminoácidos essenciais no corpo por períodos prolongados, oferecendo até 44 porções em cada embalagem de 300g.
A mistura é fácil e rápida, garantindo que você não enfrente nenhum gosto arenoso ou resíduo, o que facilita a absorção e a utilização dos nutrientes pelo organismo. Além disso, a fórmula é livre de glúten e açúcar, contribuindo para a diminuição da dor muscular pós-exercício e melhorando o tempo de recuperação, permitindo que você retorne aos treinos com mais energia e disposição.
É importante ressaltar que a data que você vê na embalagem foi alterada de “Data de Validade” para “Data de Fabricação (DOM)” para estar em conformidade com as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP) e as regulamentações da FDA. As etiquetas do produto podem variar, pois recentemente os suplementos de recuperação foram certificados pela American Vegetarian Association como veganos. Você pode receber uma etiqueta sem o selo, mas os ingredientes foram aprovados pela associação.
– Acelera a Recuperação Muscular: A fórmula de aminoácidos essenciais ajuda a reduzir o tempo de recuperação, permitindo que você treine com mais frequência e intensidade.
– Diminui a Dor Muscular: A ingestão de aminoácidos essenciais após o exercício ajuda a minimizar a dor muscular, tornando seus treinos mais agradáveis.
– Fácil de Misturar: A textura suave do pó garante que ele se misture facilmente em água ou em suas bebidas favoritas, sem deixar resíduos.
– Apropriado para Dietas Específicas: Sendo vegano e livre de glúten e açúcar, é ideal para quem segue dietas restritivas.
– Aumento da Performance: O “pooling” de aminoácidos essenciais no corpo melhora a síntese proteica, contribuindo para um desempenho atlético superior.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher medida (aproximadamente 7g) do Muscle Feast Vegan Essential Amino Acid Powder em 250ml de água ou sua bebida preferida. Consuma imediatamente após o treino para maximizar a recuperação muscular ou durante o treino para manter os níveis de aminoácidos no sangue. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para uma experiência ainda mais refrescante, experimente adicionar gelo ou misturar com frutas. Utilize diariamente para otimizar seus resultados e potencializar seu desempenho atlético.
Jose –
Great product, gotta be mentally strong to drink it with just water. I found that mixing it with pomegranates flavor o beets helps.
Victory Fitness Team –
Blends well in a post shake and recovery seems to be better. Worth trying.
I pretty much only use my selfies products because their way is the absolute best on the market by or not and you can’t even come close when you look at the ingredients. This particular project with the technology that he uses for absorption as incredible as the best essential amino acids stack you can get must be because he has a doctor on his board.Another thing is if you think you found a similar product for instance to their way protein isolate think again make sure you took sodium levels as well as cholesterol that’s key. No one has low the cholesterol count as their way protein does. That being sent the owner of muscle feast is awesome his name is Sean takes a personal interest in his customers and his products and it’s very knowledgeable as his son is a bodybuilder. Seems to be a labor of love with these folks out of Ohio and I love their products in their service. Even Shaun’s wife has answered an email of mine on occasion way back in the day when I first start buying their products and I had a reaction that I didn’t like from one which has nothing to do with the product itself just my reaction Agmatine.
Shonda –
No joke–this is probably top 3 of the worst things you will ever taste in your life, definitely curb the appetite not sure if it’s because I lost my appetite, lol, but–sleep like a baby taking it before bed, probably due to the higher levels of tryptophan in it compared to other products. Another night i felt like i was awake, so not sur about that. Whatever you do, don’t mix it with any of your favorite protein drinks, it will ruin it. I take it separately in an 8ounce glass of water, and a teaspoon of maple syrup, and it makes it bearable 😜✅–still tastes pretty bad–drink it for purpose, not for pleasure.
Kindle customer, J –
I bought this because it has a really good rating on Labdoor. I bought the unflavored version. It’s a great product but if you get the unflavored be prepared to add something to mask the bitterness. The flavor without anything is so horrible. But I mix it with my flavored preworkout which does the trick.
Tone –
Delicious flavor. Tastes like a blue Icee. Esp good blended w ice like a snow cone – put 7 standard ice tray cubes in Vitamix – one scoop of this – finely blend w tamper to combine. Scoop as much as you can out into bowl. Use a little water to get the remainder liquified out of the bottom of the container and then drizzle that on top of what’s in the bowl like a snow cone. Eat with a small spoon. A treat.
Tosha –
Love the flavor and energy it gave me but unfortunately I can’t have it anymore because I suffer with GERD but as soon as it clears up I will be using it again.
L.B –
This is by far the “worst” tasting unflavored supplement on the market. And that’s the problem. It’s supposed to be unflavored so you can mix it with the beverage of your choice for the benefits. Do I dare you drink this powder straight up with just water. I’t’s undrinkable….plain and simple. Forget about chugging it. Just trying to keep from spitting it out after the first drink is what’s sure to happen. This powder is so pungent, no matter what you add it to, it will literally take front and center in everything. You could mix this with a bottle of syrup and all you’d taste is this powder. To give you an idea, it tastes like what one could imagine sewer water tastes like. Putrid!
And just a quick note, if you’re on a high protein diet (45-50g protein or more each meal), you don’t need essential amino acids. It’s a waste of money and does nothing for protein synthesis. Since I recently switched to a high protein diet, this sewage powder is going in the garbage.