Descrição do Produto: Pó de Ácido Ferúlico Puro | Estabiliza a Vitamina C | Para Uso em Cremes e Séruns DIY
O Pó de Ácido Ferúlico Puro é um poderoso antioxidante que atua como um estabilizador eficaz da Vitamina C, potencializando seus efeitos benéficos na pele. Este pó fino e solúvel é ideal para formulações de cuidados com a pele, como cremes e séruns, proporcionando uma proteção adicional contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres e a poluição. O ácido ferúlico não só melhora a estabilidade da Vitamina C, mas também potencializa sua eficácia, resultando em uma pele mais luminosa, uniforme e saudável. Com sua capacidade de neutralizar os radicais livres, o Pó de Ácido Ferúlico é uma adição indispensável para quem busca uma rotina de cuidados com a pele mais eficaz e personalizada.
1. Estabilização da Vitamina C: Aumenta a eficácia da Vitamina C, prolongando sua ação antioxidante.
2. Proteção Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, prevenindo o envelhecimento precoce da pele.
3. Melhora da Textura da Pele: Promove uma pele mais suave e uniforme, reduzindo a aparência de linhas finas e rugas.
4. Fácil de Incorporar: Pode ser facilmente adicionado a receitas de cremes e séruns DIY, permitindo personalização.
5. Resultados Visíveis: Proporciona uma pele mais radiante e saudável, melhorando a luminosidade e a vitalidade.
Para utilizar o Pó de Ácido Ferúlico Puro, recomenda-se dissolver a quantidade desejada (geralmente entre 0,5% a 1% da fórmula total) em um líquido compatível, como água destilada ou um tônico facial, antes de incorporá-lo à sua base de creme ou sérum. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido e homogêneo. Em seguida, adicione outros ingredientes ativos conforme desejado. Armazene a mistura em um recipiente hermético e utilize dentro de 2 a 3 semanas para garantir a máxima eficácia. Evite a exposição direta à luz e ao calor para preservar as propriedades do produto.
Maurya Troiano –
Need the vodka to dilute fully
Donna –
I used this product with Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) to make my own serum.
Ferulic Acid is supposed to stabilize Vitamin C and be good for the skin.
My skin is glowing! Blemishes are clearing up. I’m hoping that it fades my acne scars, but
I’ve only been using it for under a week – probably too soon to tell.
Overall, I’m very pleased with my purchase – great quality!!
david colmenares –
Have used it for approx one month: as an additive to my DIY serum. As expected, the intended use is to stabilize vitamin C so the serum becomes shelf stable. The product comes in a handy little plastic jar, and it seems to be authentic. How I can judge this, is that a skin/care beauty influencer that I follow mentioned in passing that her ferulic acid smelled like bacon. Yes, when I added the tiniest amount of this powder to my serum, it also made the serum smell as if I were smearing bacon grease on my skin. I can overlook that feature if I notice improvements to my skin with regular use. I will have to return to this review and update it after a few months to note any positive or negative observations.
Caroline watton –
Arrived quickly and safely, Item as described. To soon to tell the results, using in vitamin C serum, mixed well when directions are followed
david colmenares –
Excelente vendedor llegó muy bien embalado apenas lo pruebe puedo dejar una reseña de la calidad del producto
Lizrd –
This powder is so finely milled that it dissolves very easily in alcohol would definitely recommend and buy again
Cami Meegan –
I can’t really say this Ferulic Acid is any better or any worse than any other because this is the first one I’ve tried but I CAN say it works!! It’s kept my CEF Serum nice and fresh for weeks so far, and still going! And while I can’t be sure it’s this ingredient (that increases effectiveness and skin absorption of Vitamin C) or the hyaluronic acid (that makes it thick enough to not evaporate from skin before it gets absorbed), I’ve NEVER had results like this before from Vitamin C serum! I WISH I had taken a “before” picture but honestly, I didn’t expect it to work so fast! By the 3rd or 4th day when I did take a pic, my rosacea was already gone! I didn’t even know CEF serum was good for that but it worked on mine! My pores are smaller, my skin looks cleaner, my inner glow is back (it’s been gone for YEARS), and I think it might even be helping my acne scars, even though I bought these ingredients to use after derma-rolling and haven’t yet. I’ve been using this serum (the CEF serum I made with this product, L-Ascorbic Acid [Vitamin C powder], Hyaluronic Acid, and Vitamin E oil) for about three weeks now and it’s happened more than once that I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and was AMAZED, like talking to myself AMAZED, at how much younger I look! I DEFINITELY recommend getting this stuff and making yourself some CEF serum if you have any years to lose off your face!
One mistake I made, and I’m still not sure where it went wrong, was when I added baking soda to my serum while this was not in yet and it fizzed. When I made my first batch for myself I already had the Ferulic Acid (already mixed with alcohol) in the bowl but when I made it for friends and family, I mixed it separately and added the baking soda before I added the Ferulic Acid mixture. I still don’t know if this made a difference (as I still haven’t gotten the bottles back from them to test it) but if I had bought the pH strips when I bought this, I would have known before I gave it to them. Mine didn’t fizz when I made it and it works wonders, I just wanted to give a heads-up to either make sure you have this in your serum BEFORE you add baking soda, or make sure you get pH tester strips to ensure that your serum is still viable if it fizzes. I got these and love them (Litmus pH Test Strips, Universal Application (pH 1-14), 2 Packs of 100 Strips).
ABQMomma –
This ferulic acid powder is beige, which is how it is supposed to look. (It isn’t white and isn’t supposed to be white, in contrast to what another reviewer wrote.) I dissolve the powder in vodka. For my vitamin C serum, I put 1/8 teaspoon of the ferulic acid powder into a small bowl, add a few drops of vodka, and stir. I use a tiny funnel (which I purchased from Amazon) on top of the dropper bottle, and use the measuring spoon “scrape” the dissolved ferulic acid from the small bowl into the bottle.
This powder won’t dissolve in water. I haven’t tried wine or witch hazel. I only know that vodka works very well to dissolve it.
Glory Borgeson –
I just need a little at a time and this goes a long ways.