PMS: Alívio dos Sintomas Menstruais – Fórmula Natural – 30 cápsulas
O PMS é um suplemento inovador desenvolvido para proporcionar alívio eficaz dos sintomas da tensão pré-menstrual (TPM) e do período menstrual. Com uma fórmula natural que combina nove extratos de plantas e minerais clinicamente comprovados, este produto é a solução ideal para mulheres que buscam conforto e bem-estar durante esses momentos delicados do mês. A Semaine Health, responsável pela criação deste suplemento, se destaca pela qualidade e segurança de seus produtos, fabricados em instalações regulamentadas pela FDA nos EUA.
As cápsulas de PMS são projetadas para serem tomadas apenas quando necessário, oferecendo um alívio rápido e eficaz. Ao ingerir 2 cápsulas, você pode sentir uma redução significativa nas cólicas e oscilações de humor, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias com mais tranquilidade. Os ingredientes, como ashwagandha, boswellia e curcumina, são conhecidos por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, que ajudam a equilibrar os hormônios e a melhorar o bem-estar geral.
Os resultados clínicos são impressionantes: mais de 88% das usuárias relataram menos desconforto geral e 73% notaram uma diminuição nas oscilações de humor. Isso demonstra a eficácia do produto em proporcionar um suporte menstrual real e palpável. Além disso, a garantia de satisfação de 30 dias assegura que você pode experimentar o produto sem preocupações.
1. Alívio rápido e eficaz: Proporciona alívio imediato dos sintomas da TPM, permitindo que você continue suas atividades diárias sem interrupções.
2. Equilíbrio hormonal: Os ingredientes naturais ajudam a manter o equilíbrio hormonal, promovendo maior conforto durante o período menstrual.
3. Resultados comprovados: Estudos clínicos demonstram a eficácia do produto, com uma alta porcentagem de usuárias relatando menos desconforto e oscilações de humor.
4. Fórmula desenvolvida por médicos: A combinação de extratos de plantas e minerais é clinicamente comprovada, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
5. Garantia de qualidade: Fabricado em instalações regulamentadas pela FDA, com ingredientes de alta qualidade e testados em laboratório, oferecendo confiança ao consumidor.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas de PMS apenas quando necessário, ao sentir sintomas de TPM antes, durante ou após o seu período. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver alguma condição médica. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para garantir a integridade do produto.
Austen Harper –
I did not go in expecting much other than a waste of my money, but the day before and first day of my cycle are very intense and painful. I usually cannot stand upright or keep my eyes open and the cramping is debilitating. I have missed work quite a bit because of the symptoms. I’ve been using Semaine for three months now and the difference is like night and day. Each month, the days in my cycle that would take me out have been getting better. This month, though, I can REALLY feel the difference. My mood is more upbeat, the cramping is so that I only have to take a few ibuprofen (when before I was taking them like candy) and my energy levels are massively different. The brain fog is gone too. This month, I took four pills a couple days before I was due to start and six pills on the day I started. I do wish a pack was enough to get you through a cycle at the recommended dosage. It is still WELL WORTH IT! I no longer dread my period beginning like I have for years.
afi yessoufou –
I have try so many products in the past and to be honest none of them help I always in pain every time I have my period honestly sometimes the pain is unbearable so I decided to try other alternatives I came across this product I read the reviews and I decided to give it a try surprisingly it works I will say this product have been a God send to me
Ashlei –
My sister actually told me about these pills, so I said let me give them a try. When I first tried them I said hmm i don’t know really don’t feel different but at the same time I took them while I was on my period. Then the second time I took the pills about two days before my period and when I started my period I could feel a difference . And then I tried a month with out taking these pills and when I tell you the pain I was in. I said Lord how mercy I can not go with these another month. Because I actually did not have to take many pain relievers the month I took the pills two days before my period started, I think I took two pain relievers out of my whole period, which is wonderful considering I use to have to take 6 or 8 pain relievers pills a day for my whole period
H B –
Day 2 of period it’s light NO CRAMPS. Amazing it works!!
ShadowofHearts567 –
My mood is better and I feel like myself. I even bought more.
Lauren –
I needed some in a pinch. I notice the difference when I’ve taken this supplement the day before my period starts. However, I need to take this at recommended frequency throughout the day to feel the affects the next day which means this is gone in less than 2 days. I think buying the 30 capsule container is a better value.
Rebecca –
I see so many people love these but I’m here to say they are not for everyone. Not only did they not help my cramps, they made them worse! I normally have very bad, unbearable cramps for at least a day or two during my period. Taking these pills made them so much worse that I most went to the ER. I lost wayyy more blood than usual, tons of gigantic clots, vomiting, I felt like my entire uterus was trying to come out of my body. The pain literally took me out of my body and I was blacking out. It didn’t let up until 4-5 hours after taking and it says to take theee every 4 hours so it’s definitely the pills. Definitely use with caution. I took them yesterday and I still am
Recovering from that experience. My body is wiped.
Rebecca –
We order directly from the Semaine website for a bigger container of these. It’s cheaper. But this is a great booster pack when I need some quickly.
It’s best to start the pills as soon as you start getting those first PMS symptoms. It can get expensive, but to really help the symptoms, start off taking 3 times a day, or even 4. They really do help. My daughter is 13 and already has IBS, so starting her period has been a real challenge. These pills really do reduce cramps, improve mood, and get rid of the dreaded period diarrhea. We just have to make sure we stay on top of the pills for the first few days. I don’t like using a bunch of ibuprofen, and ibuprofen doesn’t really help mood, anyway. These pills have a lot of really great natural ingredients that help with all of that. Give them a try!