Descrição do Produto: Colloidal Silver Liquid 20 PPM – 4 Fl OZ
O Colloidal Silver Liquid 20 PPM da Double Wood Supplements é um suplemento de alta qualidade, formulado com 99,9% de prata coloidal pura e água destilada. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma solução natural e eficaz para complementar sua saúde e bem-estar. Cada frasco contém 4 fl oz (118 ml) de uma solução que combina a pureza da prata coloidal com a conveniência de um conta-gotas, permitindo um uso fácil e preciso.
- 99,9% PURE COLLOIDAL SILVER AND DISTILLED WATER: A Double Wood utiliza apenas prata coloidal pura e água destilada, sem adição de outros ingredientes, garantindo a qualidade e eficácia do produto.
- DROPPER FOR CONVENIENT USE: Cada frasco vem com um conta-gotas de 1 ml, facilitando a dosagem e o uso diário.
- SAFE DOSE AND GLASS BOTTLE: A EPA estabeleceu uma dose oral diária segura de 350 mcg para a prata coloidal, muito acima da nossa dose recomendada de 20 mcg, assegurando a segurança do consumidor.
- FOUR MONTH SUPPLY: Cada frasco contém 120 doses de gotas de prata coloidal a 20 PPM, proporcionando um suprimento de quatro meses para o usuário.
- WE BOTTLE WELLNESS: Na Double Wood, oferecemos suplementos puros e potentes que proporcionam um valor excepcional, todos respaldados por um rigoroso processo de seleção e testes de terceiros.
1. Pureza Garantida: Com 99,9% de pureza, o Colloidal Silver Liquid é uma escolha confiável para quem busca um suplemento de alta qualidade.
2. Fácil Dosagem: O conta-gotas incluído permite uma administração precisa, tornando o uso diário simples e conveniente.
3. Suprimento Prolongado: Com 120 doses por frasco, você terá um suprimento que dura até quatro meses, oferecendo excelente custo-benefício.
4. Segurança Comprovada: A dosagem recomendada é bem abaixo do limite seguro estabelecido pela EPA, garantindo que você possa usar o produto com confiança.
5. Testes Rigorosos: Todos os produtos da Double Wood passam por testes de terceiros, assegurando que você receba um suplemento de qualidade superior.
Para utilizar o Colloidal Silver Liquid 20 PPM, recomenda-se agitar bem o frasco antes de cada uso. Utilize o conta-gotas para medir a dose desejada, que deve ser de 20 mcg por dia. Aplique a solução diretamente na boca ou misture com água ou suco para facilitar a ingestão. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
Mom –
I use this on my white dog’s eye stain…after only 4 days, we already see a difference. Apply with a Q-tip on the stained area.
Mom –
I admin a private group related to integrative and complementary health options and am always wanting to learn about the most efficacious products. A well informed neighbor told me about your company when we’d once talked about “no excess filler supplements.”
Recently I asked her if she had any colloidal silver on hand as I’d run out (Sovereign Silver) but needed something immediately.
We live on acreage … one of our (neutered) cats had been in a fray with the ‘new cat on the block” and we needed to quickly address the scratches before the situation turned into a vet visit for the last resort, a Covena shot.
I admit having been a little hesitant about the solution’s light golden color due to what I’ve read elsewhere but was willing to give it a try under the circumstances.
I cleaned and treated the spots and gave oral drops for 3 days with periodic treatments since then … Daily improvement! After the first oral dose, he didn’t fight me at all when receiving the drops – a huge win!
I believe your product will be the first “GO TO” treatment method for all our pets, as well as for all the other numerous, well-documented human uses.
I also appreciate your very reasonable price point!
Norma cantu –
Good product for immune health and skin care
Norma cantu –
I started using this product to treat sores on my scalp. I have had tried different oils and nothing worked. After 2 weeks of using DOUBLE WOOD SUPPLEMENTS COLLOIDAL SILVER, my sores are healing. I apply it to my scalp 2 to 3 times a day. No smell at all. Package arrived on time and neatly packed. Colloidal silver I will buy it again if needed. I highly recommended.
M77355 –
The percentage of the colidal was very low
ClayBlay –
I just want to share my experience with you. I have been using a certain brand of Colloidal silver for several years. Each time I try another brand I am disappointed and go back to my usual brand. I decided to take a chance on this 4oz bottle from Double Wood Supplements because I had recently purchased their quercetin.
I am blown away by the quality of their products. I love the fact that they are made in America and tested for purity.
The amber bottle with dropper lid is a perfect way to store and administer the silver.
I found this silver to be just as powerful and effective, if not more effective, than my usual brand but the price was much more affordable.
Not only is this brand less expensive, but it seems that I need less of it to achieve the desired result.
My family of 5 recently had Covid and we all took this silver along with oregano oil, quercetin, turmeric, C, Zinc, and D3. We all improved quickly and fully recovered without incident.
I have also used this on our rescue cats and it works wonderfully for those pesky eye infections that always seem to plague cats rescued from outdoors. One drop in the affected eye does it every time!
Thank you Double Wood for providing a high-quality product that people can afford.
I am looking forward to trying more of your products. Keep up the good work!
Seattle Bible Girl –
Isso realiza o que se propõe a realizar.
Dawn –
Double woods please don’t go up on the price for this product.
I have bought several double woods products and am always impressed with their quality. This colloidal silver is no exception. I would like it better if it were 30 or 40 ppm because I have found that to be most effective against certain pathogens, but for what it is, it is a very good product. Knocked out my five year olds sinus infection in less than two days nebulizing it for ten minutes 3xs a day, breathing through his nose. He was feeling better after the very first treatment. By the second morning the drainage had gone from green back to clear and by the second night the cough and drainage were nearly GONE. I knew it was a good product but this was solid confirmation for me. Just hope they don’t go up on the price because that will change things. As of now, at $10 for 4oz I feel comfortable with the value I’m getting and don’t mind paying that for it. Most of the products on the market are ionic silver, not true colloidal silver. This product is true colloidal silver.
What’s the difference? True colloidal silver stays active through digestion and can be used for bladder infections, gut infections, h pylori, candida, etc. There’s no concern with colloidal silver turning skin gray because it’s not changed into another form before it’s absorbed into the bloodstream, and overall it’s just as or more effective than ionic or hydrosol siver (those are the same thing). Both are considered “nanosilver,” but hydrosol is silver ions, while colloidal silver has actual silver particles, which is what reflects light and gives a tint to the water. Ionic silver is rendered ineffective once it hits the stomach (or other body fluids, water that’s not distilled, etc) where the silver ions attach to the chloride ions (in stomach acid, saliva, salt, and even blood) to form silver chloride.
*This information copied from, an excellent resource for gaining an understanding of colloidal silver.
“Silver chloride is a compound that is formed when silver ions combine with chloride ions. It is an insoluble compound, which means once it is formed in the human body, it does not dissolve.
Silver ions and chloride ions have such a strong attraction for each other that it is virtually impossible to keep them apart. Once they find each other, they form the silver chloride compound. All ionic silver will turn into silver chloride once inside the body because of the readily available supply of chloride ions in many different forms.”
“Silver chloride is an insoluble salt that does not dissolve inside the body once it has formed. Silver chloride is eliminated by the kidneys and expelled through the urine. The authors believe that only the portion of silver content contained in the particles (found in true colloidal silver) will remain effective in the body.”
“Promotional claims made for ionic silver products describe it as having high bioavailability. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Merck Manual makes it clear that bioavailability is the amount of unchanged drug that reaches the systemic circulation.
To be bioavailable, the substance being ingested must attain systemic circulation unchanged in form. Because silver ions are highly reactive, they quickly form compounds in the body and therefore, cannot remain unchanged.
While it is the highly reactive nature of silver ions that provides its antimicrobial properties, it also causes the rapid formation of compounds. It prevents the continued existence of silver ions inside the human body. Because silver ions cannot exist inside the human body, the bioavailability is virtually nonexistent. Silver compounds such as silver chloride in the bloodstream provide no meaningful antimicrobial properties.
A silver Ion-Selective Electrode (ISE) is a scientific instrument that can detect the presence of silver ions in blood serum. An ISE can detect silver ions that have not combined to form compounds. Once a silver ion combines to form a compound such as silver chloride, the ISE will not be able to detect it.
Over the years, attempts have been made to generate silver ions in vivo by applying a small DC current to a silver catheter inserted directly into the bloodstream. The process is called electrolysis, and it can produce silver ions in water or in the bloodstream.
The researchers were using an ISE to measure the concentration of silver ions downstream from their point of generation. They soon discovered that the silver ions were very short-lived in the bloodstream and determined that the half-life was about 7.8 seconds. Because blood serum contains about 3900 ppm of chloride, the silver ions were forming silver chloride and could no longer be detected by the ISE instrument.
Since silver ions that are created in the bloodstream by electrolysis cannot survive, there is no reason to believe that silver ions that enter the body by any other means could survive. The proof of this fact lies in taking blood samples after ingesting ionic silver and testing for the presence of silver ions using an ISE.
The author has pointed out this fact to the producers of ionic silver products and challenged them to provide proof that silver ions can be measured using an ISE in blood samples taken after ingesting their products. Since this challenge was made in the mid-1990s, not one manufacturer of ionic silver has been able to prove the existence of silver ions in human blood serum after ingesting their products.
It seems reasonable to assume that at least one producer of ionic silver products would take the challenge and want to prove to the world that silver ions can be measured in the body after ingesting their product, but there has not been one!”
“True silver colloids consist of silver particles, not silver ions. Only silver nanoparticles (colloids) can survive inside the body. Metallic silver particles are unaffected by hydrochloric stomach acid and chloride ions and will circulate in the bloodstream where they are believed to kill pathogens.
The particles will slowly be eliminated from the body and do not build up. Since it is the particles of metallic silver that provide the particle surface area and thus the real benefit, it is important to know how much of any colloidal silver product is in the form of particles.
Colloidal Silver – Ions vs. Particles
A typical ionic silver product that is 10 ppm (parts per million) of total silver has 90% of the silver in ionic form and only 10% in particle form. That means only 1 ppm of silver particles is present in a product advertised as 10 ppm – and that’s assuming 10% particles.
The products that are only 1% of particles would yield only 0.1 ppm of particles. Since it is particles, not ions, that produce the particle surface area, consumers need to be educated to look for silver content in the form of particles, not ions. There’s no one silver solution.
Misleading Information About Ionic Silver
Some products that are ionic silver describe their properties in terms of “silver particles,” attempting to confuse the reader into believing in the existence of ionic silver particles. There is no such thing.
There are metallic silver particles (nanoparticles) and silver ions, but no ionic silver particles. This distinction is very important. Untold is the fact that the product is mostly ionic silver, not silver particles. The fact is, most such products only contain an average of 10% of their silver content in the form of silver particles with the majority 80% to 99% in the form of ionic silver.”
What this also means in short is if you’re using ionic silver and swallowing it daily for its “immune boost” effect, then all you are doing is throwing money away because that is pointless with hydrosol/ionic silver.
This information really helped me distinguish between the different silver products on the market and understand how they work, what’s best for my circumstances, etc. I hope it helps you like it has me!