Descrição do Produto: PlantFusion Complete Lean Plant Based Protein Powder – Prebiotic Fiber, Superfoods
O PlantFusion Complete Lean Plant Based Protein Powder é uma proteína em pó de origem vegetal que combina a potência de superalimentos com fibras prebióticas, oferecendo uma solução nutritiva e equilibrada para quem busca uma alimentação saudável. Com uma fórmula livre de glúten, lactose e aditivos artificiais, este produto é ideal para veganos, vegetarianos e qualquer pessoa que deseje aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma natural. Cada porção fornece uma mistura completa de aminoácidos essenciais, proveniente de fontes como ervilha, arroz integral e semente de chia, garantindo suporte muscular e recuperação após atividades físicas. Além disso, a adição de fibras prebióticas promove a saúde digestiva, contribuindo para um intestino saudável e melhor absorção de nutrientes. Com um sabor delicioso e fácil de misturar, o PlantFusion é perfeito para shakes, smoothies, ou até mesmo em receitas de panificação.
1. Proteína Completa: Fornece todos os aminoácidos essenciais, ideal para a recuperação muscular e manutenção da massa magra.
2. Fibras Prebióticas: Melhora a saúde intestinal, favorecendo a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes.
3. Superalimentos: Enriquecido com ingredientes naturais que oferecem antioxidantes e nutrientes adicionais.
4. Sem Aditivos Artificiais: Produto livre de glúten, lactose e conservantes, adequado para diversas dietas.
5. Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado em shakes, smoothies, ou como ingrediente em receitas, facilitando a inclusão na rotina alimentar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma medida (aproximadamente 30g) do PlantFusion Complete Lean Plant Based Protein Powder em 250ml de água, leite vegetal ou sua bebida preferida. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. Para um aumento adicional de nutrientes, adicione frutas, vegetais ou sementes. Recomenda-se consumir uma porção após o treino ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. Ajuste a quantidade de líquido conforme a consistência desejada.
Leah –
I’ve already gone through a whole tub & repurchased another than I’m half way through. First: this is hands down the best tasting protein powder I’ve ever had. Not just the best vegan powder but best all around tasting. Second: the powder is so fine, it doesn’t get all clumped up when I mix it. It just blends right in! I know it’s not meant to be a meal replacement, but it’s great when I wanna snack but don’t want to accidentally binge eat too much. It gives me a great amount of nutrition & suppresses my appetite so I don’t wanna snack anymore. I feel like I’ve had a lot of things that claimed to do that, but this is the only thing I’ve truly noticed does it. I’ve used this as shakes, in smoothies & in baking too. It’s my new favorite & I won’t be using anything else!
I know a lot of people complain the tub comes half full, but even that being said, you are getting the amount advertised & let’s be serious, what protien powder DOES come completely full? Definitely worth a buy!
Elizabeth Sweet –
I use this protein powder for a quick snack or for a breakfast replacement. It’s super quick and easy to make according to the directions, but I like it to have more of a smoothie texture so I add a frozen banana and/or berries to it to thicken it up and sometimes I add a scoop of carob powder or peanut butter to change up the flavor. I only use it like 3 days a week so idk what the longterm effects are but it suits my purpose, something easy and quick for hectic days.
Jenn –
I tried 12-15 different vegan protein powders and this one was by far the best of them. Not as gelatinous as others. With the chocolate brownie flavor I add a banana and ice and put it in the blender, with this vanilla flavor I add frozen fruit and make it a fruit smoothie. Will keep buying.
Lizzie –
Update: I’ve now been using PlantFusion Lean since 7 June (5 weeks) and have lost 10 pounds (136 to 126). I have 9 pounds to get to my goal weight of 115. Once I get there, I plan to go to ~110 and maintain 110-115 lbs.
Okay, I still really like this product. I drink it twice per day, for breakfast and dinner, and eat a small lunch. For breakfast, I sometimes also eat a banana or some type of fruit. I am never hungry or “shaky” from not eating more food because I feel I’m getting plenty of what my body needs with the ingredients from Lean. I also take a good multivitamin with my breakfast drink.
I have to say, this is really working for me. The sweetness I get from the vanilla bean, mixed with sugar free vanilla almond milk, really quenches any sweet cravings I could be getting. It may not work for everyone but I am extremely happy with it. No side effects (gas, etc.) and I feel very energetic. One thing to consider: I am not working out heavily other than riding my bike to work 2-3 times per week (12 miles round trip). But if I was in the gym, running, etc., I’m not sure I’d be getting sufficient calories. Side note: I feel that putting half an avacado in my daily lunch really curbs my appetite. They have good fat which your body needs to feel full. Rice on the other hand makes me feel hungrier!
Good luck! 🙂
First input:
I’ve been using PlantFusion Lean for about two weeks now. Although just started, I’m impressed. Want to lose 15 lbs. and tone up so I was looking for a product that was healthy (GMO, soy and gluten free). This seemed like a possibility and had great reviews. I use the vanilla bean and mix it with unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze. It tastes really good with no icky aftertaste. I drink 2/day; one for breakfast and one for dinner and eat a healthy lunch. Obviously, I’ve been dropping a little weight (~1/2 pd./day), but more than that I do NOT feel hungry. Not just after I drink it, but it sustains me for hours. Most noticeably, my stomach has shrunk so when I eat lunch I fill up quicker than before. I also seem to have more energy and am in a better mood at work, but the mood might be because I feel lighter! I also take a good multivitamin and garcinia cambogia. So, yes, I recommend this product! There are no fast miracles out there, but Lean is assisting me nicely in my goal! 😀
Mur3 –
This product is pricey. Each time that I order it, I cringe at the price. I purchased the vanilla flavor. I continue to order it because: I found the taste acceptable; it delivers sufficient protein at one meal to keep me satisfied for about four hours; and it dissolved in water easily. I place a scoop in about about 2/3 cup of water then I add more water and shake it for about 30 seconds and voila. If you dilute it too much it may taste like peas but at the normal dilution indicated in the directions, the vanilla tastes better than many similar products that I have tried. The other good news is that according to one of the web sites that I checked, this particular preparation “Complete Lean Plant Based Weight Loss Protein Powder” does not have a lot of heavy metals.
mdiggy –
Tasty but not the same formula as when you buy off their website .. definitely more gritty than if you buy off their site.
Buddy –
Is this made of ground-up mail? ‘Cause it tastes like envelope glue and white office paper. I have no idea if it might be nutritious, because, after 1 scoop, the whole batch into the trash.
Christina –
I will be honest, the vanilla flavor tastes like wallpaper paste. I would never drink this on its own with water. But the ingredients have everything I need and it’s a clean plant based protein. I use it every morning but mix with another protein powder to alleviate the wallpaper paste taste. Mixed with frozen berries and almond milk. Doesn’t cause any bloating or stomach discomfort.