Planetary Herbals Triphala Internal Cleanser 1000mg para o Bem-Estar do Trato GI – 180 Comprimidos
O Planetary Herbals Triphala Internal Cleanser 1000mg é um poderoso limpador intestinal que trabalha estimulando suavemente o trato intestinal sem irritar os intestinos. Conhecido como um dos melhores limpadores intestinais disponíveis, o Triphala é composto por três frutas orgânicas: Fruta Chebulic Myrobalan, Fruta Amla e Fruta Belleric Myrobalan. Este suplemento é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, mais especificamente em Scotts Valley, CA, seguindo as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) estabelecidas pela Administração de Alimentos e Medicamentos dos Estados Unidos (FDA).
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Limpador Intestinal Poderoso
O Planetary Herbals Triphala Internal Cleanser 1000mg é amplamente conhecido como um poderoso limpador intestinal. Sua fórmula exclusiva estimula suavemente o trato intestinal, promovendo uma limpeza eficaz sem causar irritação nos intestinos.
2. Fácil de Usar
Este suplemento é fácil de usar. Basta tomar 2 comprimidos duas vezes ao dia para obter os benefícios de limpeza intestinal do Triphala.
3. Ingredientes Orgânicos
O Planetary Herbals Triphala Internal Cleanser 1000mg é feito com ingredientes orgânicos de alta qualidade. As frutas Chebulic Myrobalan, Amla e Belleric Myrobalan são cultivadas organicamente para garantir a pureza e eficácia do produto.
4. Fabricado nos EUA
Este suplemento é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, seguindo rigorosos padrões de qualidade. A fabricação ocorre em Scotts Valley, CA, sob as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) estabelecidas pela Administração de Alimentos e Medicamentos dos Estados Unidos (FDA).
5. Promove o Bem-Estar do Trato Gastrointestinal
O Planetary Herbals Triphala Internal Cleanser 1000mg é formulado para promover o bem-estar do trato gastrointestinal. Sua ação suave e eficaz ajuda a manter o equilíbrio e a saúde do sistema digestivo.
- Melhora a Digestão: Ajuda a otimizar o processo digestivo, reduzindo desconfortos e promovendo uma melhor absorção de nutrientes.
- Promove a Regularidade Intestinal: Contribui para a regularidade do trânsito intestinal, prevenindo constipação e outros problemas digestivos.
- Desintoxicação Natural: Auxilia na eliminação de toxinas acumuladas no organismo, promovendo uma sensação de leveza e bem-estar.
- Ingredientes Naturais: Composto por frutas ayurvédicas, oferece uma alternativa natural e segura para a saúde intestinal.
- Praticidade: Com 180 comprimidos por embalagem, é uma solução conveniente para o dia a dia, facilitando a manutenção da saúde gastrointestinal.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 comprimidos do Planetary Herbals Triphala Internal Cleanser 1000mg duas vezes ao dia. Para melhores resultados, tome com o estômago vazio ou conforme indicado por um profissional de saúde. É importante seguir as orientações de uso para garantir a eficácia do produto e maximizar os benefícios para a saúde do trato gastrointestinal.
Kimberly –
I came across the supplement Triphala for the first time 2 days ago scrolling online and bought this brand within the same day based off of numerous reviews I’ve read and from many brands all calming the same great results.
I’d been researching a supplement that would possibly potentially have the same effects as Ozempic recently to cost/effectively save thousands of dollars. A supplement that is Appetite suppressing and helps with blood sugar levels. I mean I’m still researching but I came across this supplement.
My EXPERIENCE: package received, expiration date was great, fully intact. I read that you should take this on an empty stomach so where…. An empty stomach from what I’ve read is 2 hours after eating… and fyi I have a crazy schedule because I am a flight attendant, so proceed with caution there if you’re in the same field of work I am in.
So! I took half the recommended dosage only 2 pills per day at around 11pm at night, laying there I didn’t feel anything no discomfort at all. When I awaken around 10-11AM I didn’t feel anything neither. What I did notice is that I was not hungry as I usually am when I first awake. A couple hours go by and I’m still not hungry?! Hmm…. Is it the Triphala working already? But I’d been waiting for a movement to occur way before. So I forced myself to fix me something to eat. I made 4 breakfast links 1 egg and steamed me down some arugula with the Trader Joe’s brand Crunchy Chili pepper oil mix…. (Mind you) I’d been eating with “INTENTION” the past week or so which along has been doing great for me.
Prior to this all I ate around 7/8PM the night of and waited to take my supplements around 11:30pm. I took them easy peasy. When I awoke, nothing no discomfort but I wasn’t hungry at ALL! I wake up and no appetite unusual for me.
Around 6pm my time I finally started to feel some discomfort in my stomach area which i proceeded to the bathroom, and thank goodness I’m off at the moment because my first move was mild but then I had 4 other movements after maybe more that LITERALLY PULLED THE OILS ID BEEN EATING and OTHER STUFF, WASTE ill call it from my body.
I am not mad or ashamed what this has done within my body. Surprised mainly at what ive witnessed personally but i can say it does help ELIMINATE WASTE!
I am so brand new to this product to say more but there is already some truth to how it works. Others say its a “mild cleansing” but this supplement literally cleared me out after many hours of taking it…
I would definitely take this supplement when home so you know how your body reacts to this supp!
B D McIntosh –
I can’t really rate, because
these tablets are too large for me to take, so I ordered another brand in capsules which should be easier to swallow and digest as well. Their policy is no returns. But I feel I should get a refund.
M. –
They are very hard to swallow.
MarinaBlue –
I thought I knew all the GI supplements out there but recently discovered Triphala and I am impressed! I am a gastritis, SIBO and IBS -C, open ileocecal valve person who has figured out what works for me for the most part but occasionally still get backed up when traveling or under stress. If I am constipated, everything flares for me especially the SIBO so regularity is everything for me. I take magnesium every night at bedtime but it isn’t always enough. Well, I discovered Traphala and have been taking at bedtime for 2 weeks and I am thrilled to say I am more regular than I have been in a long time and not only that, it is healthy and normal (not rushing to the bathroom with diarhhea b/c I overdid it on supplements) after I wake up. I believe this is because of the anti-inflammatory nature of this supplement. It actually decreasesd the swelling and inflammation in my intestines. So, highly recommend for constipation sufferers!
Nancita10 –
As a chronically “backed up” girlie this is a must have supplement. I have been ordering this brand for years and take it daily. It makes a huge difference on regularity without being stimulating. Trust me, on the rare occasion I have ran out, I definitely saw a difference. I take 2 a day before bed which works for me, but I think you can do 2 twice a day if you need to be a little more aggressive. I have no problem swallowing pills so they are fine for me, but fair warning, they are horse pills so if you have an issue with swallowing pills it may be an issue. There is no taste though, so that’s a plus. I definitely recommend!
Kimberly –
Adoro esta marca, ótimo produto
Della Glas –
This ayruvedic supplement is magic for keeping systems running smoothly .
Heather Brooke –
I’ve been taking one morning and evening because I am experienced with Triphala usage and know not to use full strength for myself – these are excellent cleanser for the organs, liver, kidneys etc. My blood work has come back better than ever and I’ve lost 8 lbs just in the past 6 weeks. I won’t stop taking these now, will probably increase the amount. Excellent product!