Muitas mulheres grávidas sofrem de enjoos matinais, que podem durar meses! Esses enjoos podem ocorrer ao longo do dia, especialmente no primeiro trimestre da gravidez. Para ajudar a aliviar esses enjoos ocasionais, enjoos de movimento e problemas digestivos relacionados à gravidez, experimente os doces Pink Stork Morning Sickness Sweets. Disponíveis nos sabores de manga ou framboesa, esses doces são essenciais para o primeiro trimestre da gravidez.
Não são apenas balas de gengibre! O gengibre orgânico é um superalimento que ajuda a combater os enjoos matinais em mulheres grávidas e alivia problemas digestivos relacionados à gravidez, como gases e constipação. Não se limite ao refrigerante de gengibre – eleve o nível com nossos doces.
Os doces Pink Stork Morning Sickness Sweets são essenciais para o primeiro trimestre da gravidez. Adicionamos vitamina B6 às nossas balas para apoiar a digestão, fornecer energia e ajudar na quebra dos alimentos.
A vitamina B6 e o gengibre formam uma dupla dinâmica para o seu kit de sobrevivência contra os enjoos matinais – consuma um doce Pink Stork Morning Sickness de 1 a 4 vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Embalados individualmente e discretamente para sua conveniência, eles são livres de transgênicos, glúten, soja e laticínios. Também oferecemos uma extensa linha de pré-natais, probióticos pré-natais e chá para enjoos matinais.
Empresa de propriedade e administração feminina! Nossa fundadora e CEO, Amy Suzanne, é mãe de seis filhos e sabe como é importante oferecer produtos confiáveis para as mulheres. Mais de 80% de nossos funcionários são mulheres e criamos produtos limpos, confiáveis e eficazes para cada etapa da sua jornada. Estamos em uma missão de fornecer esperança às mulheres e impactar positivamente todos que entram em contato com a Pink Stork.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alivia enjoos matinais ocasionais e enjoos de movimento.
- Ajuda a aliviar problemas digestivos relacionados à gravidez, como gases e constipação.
- Contém vitamina B6 para apoiar a digestão, fornecer energia e ajudar na quebra dos alimentos.
- Embalados individualmente e discretamente para sua conveniência.
- Livre de transgênicos, glúten, soja e laticínios.
– Consuma de 1 a 4 doces Pink Stork Morning Sickness Sweets por dia, conforme necessário. Os doces são embalados individualmente para facilitar o transporte e a discrição. Armazene em local fresco e seco.
Amazon Customer –
I really liked this product. The taste was nice and not too overwhelming. I liked that it didn’t have that artificial taste that other competitors have. I appreciated that it had b6 in it too to help with nausea. If you need something for nausea and taste during pregnancy go with this!
Iman J Peoples –
Doesn’t stop my morning sickness and they are so sweet
Self-Care Savvy Mama –
LOVE these. I was so sick in my first trimester that I would try anything. These worked like a charm and tasted really good too!
Cc –
This work well and taste good
What I like most is that they are discrete! They are individually wrapped in a plain white wrapper
Easy to pop in your purse and take as needed. The preg pops work well too but I hate that they advertise what they are on the label as in early first trimester I’m not ready to announce to the world
Grace –
I had intense nausea set in right at the start of my 6th week of pregnancy. It’d start as soon as I got out of bed and wouldn’t settle down for around five hours. Then, I’d feel waives between meals (I know—you should eat several small meals. Unfortunately I can’t do that with my work schedule). I googled around for remedies and saw people suggesting preggie pops and deeming them “miracles” because of their helpfulness. I did a quick search, added them to my cart, and then paused to double check that there were no ingredients that I am trying to avoid. I didn’t find any negative ingredients, but I did find that those are literally just candies. Like, I used to make hard candies with my mom growing up and it has the same ingredients.
What makes these different (and effective) is the ginger and b vitamins, which calm the stomach.
The flavor is pretty light, which is nice. It’s sweet, but not very sweet. After sucking on it for a little bit, you start to taste the ginger. It’s not overly strong though. They’re really mild, which is helpful in this stage when most strong things make you want to hurl.
I use these for between meals mostly, when I’m at my desk and unable to grab a bite to eat but start to feel queezy. They work wonderfully to tide me over and prevent the trash can next to my cubicle from becoming a vomit bucket. The price is reasonable. And the packaging, etc. is very official and professional, even though it seems to be a smaller company. I’m very glad I happened upon these!
Definitely recommend.
Marylou –
I needed some mommy pops for the morning sickness, but I don’t like the taste of ginger. It said Mango Ginger so I thought it wouldn’t be a strong flavor coming through, but nope. That ginger taste is present. If you like ginger this is very yummy.
At first the flavor was mango and it was really good, but then the ginger flavor came out and it gave me the opposite effect and almost made me throw up. But thats my opinion because I DO NOT like ginger. I just wanted to give it a try.
For me, its going in the trash because of the ginger. Sorry but if you LOVE ginger then this is for YOU.
Adrienne –
These candies help my motion sickness go away in less than five minutes in the car! The flavor definitely is not for everyone, but I enjoy the unique flavor. These work quicker for me than Dramamine so I always keep a stash of them in my purse. I haven’t used them for morning sickness so I cannot attest to that, but they are a lifesaver to me for my motion sickness!
Petra –
Had high hopes and wanted to love them for pregnancy nausea but these didn’t do anything for me. They were very sweet and not soothing. Everyone is different 🙁
Ali –
فاعلية جيده الى جيدجدا انصح به
Juliane –
Not sure how they work but they helped me a lot during the first trimester. Definitely would recommend to anyone suffering from nausea