Descrição do Produto: Acnetame – Suplementos Vitamínicos para Tratamento de Acne
Acnetame é a solução inovadora que promete transformar a saúde da sua pele de dentro para fora. Com uma fórmula poderosa, este suplemento vitamínico é especialmente desenvolvido para combater a acne hormonal e cística, proporcionando uma pele limpa e radiante. Entre os ingredientes eficazes, destacam-se as Vitaminas A, Ácido Pantotênico (B5), enxofre, selênio e outras vitaminas essenciais que ajudam a controlar os níveis excessivos de sebo. A combinação desses nutrientes atua diretamente nas glândulas sebáceas, reduzindo a oleosidade da pele e prevenindo o surgimento de novas imperfeições.
Ao iniciar o uso de Acnetame, é normal que ocorra uma purificação das impurezas na pele, geralmente percebida após três semanas de uso. Os resultados máximos podem levar um pouco mais de tempo, mas muitos usuários relatam benefícios visíveis em um curto período. Fabricado em uma instalação nos EUA que atende às certificações GMP, Acnetame garante a qualidade e eficácia dos seus comprimidos, proporcionando uma experiência segura e confiável.
Aumente sua confiança de forma natural! O efeito clareador da pele pode começar a se manifestar em poucos dias para alguns, enquanto outros podem notar mudanças significativas em semanas. Com 12 anos de experiência na venda de pílulas para acne na Amazon, a marca Acnetame se consolidou como uma referência no mercado, oferecendo um produto que realmente funciona.
Acnetame não é apenas um suplemento; é um aliado na busca por uma pele saudável e bonita, que reflete a imagem que todos desejamos transmitir ao mundo.
– Controle da Oleosidade: Reduz a produção excessiva de sebo, ajudando a manter a pele livre de brilho indesejado.
– Combate à Acne: Fórmula específica para tratar acne hormonal e cística, promovendo uma pele mais limpa.
– Melhora da Textura da Pele: Contribui para uma aparência mais suave e uniforme, reduzindo marcas e imperfeições.
– Aumento da Confiança: Resultados visíveis que ajudam a elevar a autoestima e a confiança pessoal.
– Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes naturais, Acnetame oferece uma alternativa segura e eficaz para o tratamento da acne.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas de Acnetame diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É aconselhável manter uma rotina consistente de uso por um período prolongado, pois a eficácia do produto aumenta com o tempo. Para potencializar os efeitos, Acnetame pode ser combinado com o suplemento Estrohalt, que complementa a ação dos ingredientes na regulação hormonal e na saúde da pele. Lembre-se de consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
yhw –
Amazon Customer –
I never write reviews, but after recommending this to someone for the millionth time, I decided i should at least write one for this. I’ve used this for 3 years now, and I am not being dramatic to say it’s changed my life. I’m a pretty unenthusiastic person, so it means something to get me this excited. I was the person that had “tried everything” for my skin, and this is truly the one thing that’s made my acne totally go away.
The year prior to starting these supplements, I used Murad’s supplements, and my skin improved drastically with them, so I was thrilled and thought they had a customer for life. I thought it was the best my skin could realistically ever be. One day, Murads was on back order, so I scoured reviews to find a back-up, and I landed on this one. The improvement from Murads was such that I’m hooked for life. I’ve suffered since 4th grade—yep, 4th grade, with acne. According to my dermatologist, I have 3 forms: Cystic, hormonal, and as a result of chronic oily skin. Intense regiments helped with acne from oily skin, but the other two factors, I was helpless. At age 20, I did a round of accutane. Apparently, I needed to do a second round, but my lab work got me disqualified—elevated triglycerides despite a very healthy lifestyle. My skin is by far my biggest flaw. As much as I’d like to pretend I’m super deep with all that “beauty is within,” stuff, which, yes, it certainly can be… my skin severely affected my confidence; therefore, it massively affected my happiness. My skin wasn’t as severely broken out at all times compared to some people, but on any given day I had 1-4 cystic spots and 1-10 “regular spots” on my face. It was enough to have me cancelling plans to avoid going out on some days when I was on the higher end.
I was at the mercy of expensive and time consuming regiments to keep it as tame as possible. I spent an hour on coverup daily (acne patches also changed my life bc at least I could help flatten the spots to cover better with make up!).
These supplements take a week or two to build in your system, but the results are incredible!!!
Bottom line—if I take care of my skin and myself (water and decent sleep) the ONLY breakouts I get are hygiene-related (sweating and not washing my face immediately, extra oily skin during certain times of year and not blotting often enough, falling asleep on the couch against my hand rubbing into my face, etc), which are all things I can combat or avoid. All hormonal and cystic acne is a thing of the past. It’s incredible. I mean it, completely gone. That’s the good news. Bad news, I ran out once, it was back ordered, so I scrambled back to Murad, boom. Break outs back. Not like before I started any supplements, but way worse than with Acnetame. Lesson learned, I bought 4 bottles to have as a back-up that I pretend aren’t even there and keep up with my monthly subscription.
I started with 2 pills AM and PM. After a year, I went down to 1 AM and 2 PM with no change, in a good way, in my skin—stayed just as clear. After the second year, I’ve gone down to just 2 at night with the same great results. I read that once you set a baseline, you may be able to wean down, not off, but down a little. This has worked for me. I amp up back to 2 AM and PM before my period and during times of stress or little sleep since once in a while Id get a break out during those times while doing only 2 pills at night. But for me to be able to say “get A breakout” is crazy to imagine. Just A breakout. Coming from many breakouts no mater what, that’s nothing.
In case you’re wondering, as I did, if maybe my skin has just gotten better over the years, I went on a long weekend trip a few months ago and forgot them, and my skin was back to my high school days a few days after I got home. My 32-year-old self would love to have a lot of things I had back in high school, but my complexion isn’t one of them! After a week or so resuming the supplements, I had no new breakouts, and the old ones were clearing more quickly. Another week, and I was back to clear skin. Point is—it’s definitely This product that’s keeping my skin clear. I wish I found these back in 4th grade, but better late than never! Give it time to work, and you’ll be so glad you did!
ممتاز –
وايد فاد بشرتي وراحت الحبوب 🥹
John K –
While everyone’s acne condition is different and no one knows better about your skin than yourself, think its nice that online shoppers are looking into this product to possibly include in their skin care routine to better help improve their overall skin outcome.
Having had very oily skin for 20 years, and the layered scars to show for it, it was nice to see the oil production finally coming under control a week after I started taking the pills. Originally, I had tried the recommended 2 pills, but found that (for me personally), the 4 pill a day regimen work to its most effective (perhaps this also speaks to the extent of my condition).
Other benefits I had noticed was how the red blemishes have started to subside and calm down, such that there was a slight whitening effect on my face, as mentioned by a few reviewers here.
Think this is an angle that the product has going for it, as Acetame’s vitamins largely targets individuals with oil problems. For instance, there are the presence and/or high dosages of:
Vitamin A – helps to reduce oiliness (Accutane is a derivative of vitamin A). Even at 4 tablets, the vitamin A levels are at safe levels.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) – treats hormonal pimples by decreasing the amount of sebum/skin oil.
Chromium – helps to regulate blood sugar to keep hormones from fluctuating, thereby preventing hormonal blemishes.
Vitamin B3 – helps to absorb proteins to fight/prevent breakouts.
While improvements were visible within a week, Acnetame is not a acne-proof product; to be fair, no product in the market is. As mentioned by some reviewers, in the 2 week span of taking the product, I did get 1-2 small pimples (not the end of the world), but still a huge improvement compared to the pre-Acnetame period.
I would attribute the appearance of the small pimples to lifestyle factors that needed adjustments on my part (healthier eating – meaning no fast food, greasy meat, sugary sodas; better sleeping/exercising – all easier said than done as some may honestly appraise). I think I needed to work with the product synergistically to better realize ideal results.
Despite this reality check, I would still incorporate Acnetame into my skin regimen (i.e. taking 4 pills a day) as I consider it a major tool in slowing down/preventing the onset of acne. Not having to deal with an oily face sheen at the end of the day, is reason to have Acnetame take precious real estate on my night stand, and to be conveniently 1-click away from reordering on Amazon.
Since the goal would be to focus on the oil production (or acne cause for me), I thought I would also slowly incorporate a few more vitamins/minerals into the regimen to help bolster the results even more (I’m not a doctor, so please do your own research), while benefiting from the vitamins/proprietary blends of Acnetame at the same time. Vitamins/minerals I would include are:
Vitamin A (20,000 IU/day) – reduces oiliness. Taking 4 pills of Acnetame, I would already have 10,000 IU of vitamin A. I would have to supplement an additional 10,000 IU separately with Vitamin A alone (can lower to 2 pills + supplement). 20,000 – 25,000 IU would be the maximum dosage I would personally and safely entertain.
Vitamin C (2000 mg/day, Rose Hips,etc) – increases glutathione, a major antioxidant for acne; also promotes collagen healing and reduces stress (a cause for acne).
Vitamin D (5,000 IU/day) – helps with reducing oiliness and supports other major functions in the body.
Vitamin E (250 IU/day, natural) – prevents sebum oil from oxidizing which prevents acne.
Magnesium (at least 100% DV – take at night) – for better sleep and required for skin health.
Probiotics – gut bacteria which helps with permeability of food and oiliness.
Zinc (50 mg/day) – some feel it helped, others felt it didn’t. Some felt this is what cured their acne.
You know your skin type and condition, and you best know how certain products responds/not respond to your skin; you never know until you give it a try. Originally, I had tried a competitor’s product, only to be dismayed that as the weeks went by, how the oily facial sheen continued to stare right back at me on the mirror every night. Give Acnetame a fair trial for a full month and you may be pleasantly surprised with the result that the product has to offer.
(If you found this review helpful, feel free to press the ‘helpful’ button so that others too can benefit from the timely review and information).
mel davies –
I bought these for my son who has bad skin. He took them religiously everyday and doubled the dose towards the end. It lasted a month and I thought maybe he just needs more time so purchased more but no, had nothing to do with time, they just didn’t work for him. We took before photos so we could compare.
Udit Nadkarni –
Finished a full bottle of 60 tabs. Took twice a day just to face disappointment. No results in suppressing my acne. And if you might wonder, I neither drink nor smoke and eat healthy. Dont waste your money. I would rather suggest to buy Lomalux Chewable Acne Pill.
Nicole –
My experience with the product has been exceptional and I have seen great change and improvement in the complexion of my skin. I have been using it for the past three weeks and I can’t wait to see how my skin will continue to improve over the course of the next few months.