Probiotic Lactose Pills For Long Term Relief – Enjoy Dairy Again – Lactose Intolerance Supplement – Produce Lactase Enzymes in The Gut – Naturally Break Down Lactose (Take for 7…
As pessoas que sofrem de intolerância à lactose agora podem desfrutar novamente dos benefícios dos laticínios com as Pílulas Probióticas de Lactose para Alívio a Longo Prazo. Clinicamente testado e aprovado por médicos e farmacêuticos, este suplemento é a solução de longo prazo para a deficiência de lactase. Com uma taxa de satisfação de 89,5% dos clientes, oferecemos uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro e garantimos que nossas pílulas são livres de organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM).
O segredo das Pílulas Probióticas de Lactose está em sua fórmula exclusiva. Ao contrário de outros produtos no mercado, o Bactose não contém lactase, ele a produz! Com a poderosa cepa super L. Acidophilus, essas pílulas funcionam como pequenas fábricas que produzem enzimas lactase em excesso diretamente no intestino. Além disso, o Bactose adere melhor à parede intestinal, onde realiza seu trabalho de forma eficaz. Essa combinação única faz do Bactose um suplemento incomparável para a intolerância à lactose.
Além de proporcionar alívio para a intolerância à lactose, o Bactose também permite que você aproveite os benefícios nutricionais dos laticínios. Como alimento mais denso em nutrientes conhecido pelos seres humanos, os laticínios são essenciais para uma dieta equilibrada. Com mais de 5 bilhões de pessoas em todo o mundo sofrendo de intolerância à lactose, o Bactose é a solução para absorver os nutrientes dos laticínios novamente.
Nossos ingredientes são naturalmente obtidos e nossos probióticos BL21A povoam sua flora intestinal, começando a produzir as enzimas lactase necessárias para a quebra da lactose. Com o uso regular do Bactose, você notará uma melhora significativa na digestão da lactose e uma redução dos efeitos da intolerância à lactose.
A melhor maneira de obter resultados com o Bactose é tomar uma cápsula duas vezes ao dia durante 7 dias, repetindo mensalmente. Com este regime, você poderá desfrutar dos laticínios sem preocupações e sem desconforto.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Solução clinicamente testada e aprovada por médicos e farmacêuticos
- Produz enzimas lactase diretamente no intestino
- Reduz os efeitos da intolerância à lactose
- Única solução de longo prazo para deficiência de lactase
- Permite absorver os nutrientes dos laticínios novamente
– Tome uma cápsula de Bactose duas vezes ao dia durante 7 dias, repetindo mensalmente. Consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento alimentar.
KJ –
I’ve taken it for about 4 months now. On the days I am taking the pills and for about 2 weeks after, I can eat some dairy without issue. The strength begins to wane after that but it still works better than taking Lactase.
Andrea –
I really wanted to love this product, I followed the instructions correctly and consumed dairy the day after I was done taking the probiotic for a week. I had 2 slices of pizza that day with no pain or discomfort. The next day I enjoyed goat cheese on toast, the next I enjoyed a bagel with cream cheese, etc, etc. On the 5th day (today) I had dairy with breakfast, not thinking anything of it because the probiotic is supposed to work for 30 days. After I got home from work, I was in and out of the bathroom with the usual dairy pain & discomfort. I was really hoping this would work for at least a few weeks. Rated 3 stars because I at least got a few days of guilt-free dairy.
Northern New Englander –
I really needed this to work. . . It’s a very long summer worrying that any moment with friends and family might be cut short… especially after this past year. I took it exactly as prescribed (which at the time was three capsules a day), and didn’t partake in anything which may alter the affects. But after the last day, i got very ill…my stomach and all that follows kept me in the bathroom, on and off, most of the next few days. Had to resort to Imodium and the like to abate the symptoms. Could it have been something else? Well… anythings possible… but this was the only thing different in my diet. If anything at all changes i will post an update. But dont expect that i’ll be paying fifty dollars to try it again to do an update.
Update: This product didn’t work well in recommended dose. However, the company contacted me.. and we worked together to make the decision to try smaller daily doses. I had intended NOT to try this again, but great customer service, and advice, allowed me to try again. The second time i tried the product it worked much better in the “smaller” daily dose advised. We decided to try one capsule a day for the first week.. and then, switched to two capsules a day for the next five days… and then back down to one for the next few days until product ran out after that. This allowed the bactose product to build up.. but not enough to bother me.. Also advised that I could simply try one capsule per day until gone. This worked very well. It didn’t bother my neither regions. And lactose was tolerated much better. I now understand that the company recommends only two capsules a day, so this must be better for others as well. At the time i tried this, the recommended dose was three capsules per day. Will now consider buying again, especially with such great customer service.
Hector –
Took it waited to weeks before actually trying to eat any dairy and I still got the symptoms I normally get and had it reduced it to a negligible level of pain and discomfort I normal get I would have been fine with that but instead what I got was a negligible reduction in pain and discomfort from bactose. It says money back guarantee but not real clear instructions on how to do that otherwise I would have tried to do that to get my money back as I was real excited for this only to have experienced severe disappointment at the results.
DanzoMeteor –
Thanks to Bactose’s fantastic customer service, they reached out to me and asked me to test it again. I was given an extra box and a refund for my “bad experience.”
So I decided to take this for another full 7 days before touching any kind of dairy. In my previous test, (I had 2 small servings of dairy on on the 5th day).
So back to the test, on the 9th day (2 days after completing set 2) I had a slice of pepperoni pizza from Costco (they use extra cheese always) and half a soft serve cup. For roughly 60 minutes I felt a little bit bloated but that subsided. In the afternoon I had some flan and that had no effect.
The next day I had some of the Gouda and Monterey Jack. I was pretty much bloated from noon until midnight, but the next day I had the exact meal plan again and didn’t feel bloating. Monterey, Gouda, sour cream are the strongest lactose foods that are most bothersome to me, so its still better than being very bloated for days! Which would be the result without this.
During the whole journey, I had been in touch with Bactose creator’s, and I guessed that some people’s digestive systems very overrun with bad bacteria and those poor Bactose are getting bullied and outnumbered, as the second round way better but not totally perfect. I think if you’re like me you will need a few rounds to get going.
I am boosting the score to 4/5 for this definitely positive experience! I feel if I keep it up it will continually get better .
Thank you once again for the refund and extra box 🙂
During the 9 days I took it, this thing worked far superior than taking lactaid (which frankly only works for me 10% of the time)
I started taking this Tuesday the previous week. I abstained from lactose, to give myself at least 5 days. By Saturday I started doing just a few High lactose containing foods . I ate 75% of the soft serve Sundae from Costco and froze the last 25%, which I’ll get back to why. I also had 2 small slices of pizza that I made at home (2 is about the same size as Costco’s one) . Nothing had any negative effect, my stomach felt free, It was great. Of course that gas isn’t building up and ballooning the belly, so it has to go somewhere! Its going out the rear exhaust. Good for me, not fun for everyone else.
I also experienced some strange but very cool effects. By Saturday evening, I had some sort of hyper energy, laser focus and brain fog was wiped. I decided to pick up my guitar and noticed I was at least 3x as fast and playing things I couldn’t play due to stiffness in my hands. I was able to play the first solo passage in the original Doom E1M1. In my entire years of playing guitar, with my carpal tunnel and all tendinitis, I’ve never been able to get to more than 33% speed, so playing this 3x as fast to 100% was crazy for me. There was no claims for this, or anything I’ve researched so I can’t say this is “placebo.” I just wanted to eat normally, lol. So what I suspect is the gut bacteria or lack of, is detrimental to many of my health issues. Unfortunately, the hyper energy and reduced pain only lasted through Saturday night.
Oh yea, so I tried to eat the last 25% of ice cream , only 2 days after the 7 days required of taking the pills. Well I got bloated for the entire night and woke up still bloated! I’m talking about like 2 Tbps of ice cream. I mean come on! This only worked while taking it? Really?
If i was kinda making good money, I’d be taking this every day for those cool effects, but I can’t afford buying 4 of these a month. So, in conclusion I don’t hate it, but it needs some fine tuning. The bacteria isn’t surviving very long in the gut, that means its main claims isn’t real (at least for me).
Anyways, hope you can guys can tune it, or wished I could afford it for 30 days a month lol.