Descrição do Produto:
As cápsulas de colágeno da Sanar Naturals, enriquecidas com Vitaminas C e E, são a solução ideal para quem busca melhorar a saúde da pele, cabelo, unhas e articulações. Este suplemento foi especialmente formulado para combater os sinais do envelhecimento, promovendo uma pele mais firme e reduzindo a aparência de rugas, olheiras e linhas de expressão ao longo do tempo. Com uma combinação de peptídeos de colágeno hidrolisado do tipo I e III, este produto não só estimula a renovação dos tecidos, mas também melhora a elasticidade da pele e a hidratação, resultando em um tom de pele radiante.
O colágeno hidrolisado presente nas cápsulas atua de forma eficaz na flexibilidade das articulações, na força dos ossos e na promoção de cabelos e unhas mais saudáveis. Ideal para mulheres que desejam aprimorar seu bem-estar e vitalidade, as cápsulas são uma alternativa prática e eficaz aos pós e gomas de colágeno. A adição de Vitaminas C e E, juntamente com o óleo de rosa mosqueta, potencializa a produção de colágeno, protege a pele contra radicais livres e proporciona propriedades hidratantes, contribuindo para uma pele mais jovem e luminosa.
As cápsulas são fáceis de ingerir, bastando tomar uma por dia para impulsionar sua beleza de dentro para fora, apoiando a saúde da pele, cabelo, unhas e articulações. Com alta absorção, são uma alternativa conveniente e sem açúcar, perfeita para quem está sempre em movimento. Além disso, as cápsulas são livres de OGM, cores artificiais, glúten, soja, ovos, laticínios, gorduras trans, açúcar, adoçantes, nozes e amendoins, garantindo um produto de qualidade superior.
– Redução de Rugas: A fórmula de colágeno ajuda a suavizar e reduzir a aparência de rugas e linhas de expressão.
– Saúde da Pele: Melhora a elasticidade e a hidratação da pele, promovendo um tom mais uniforme e radiante.
– Fortalecimento de Cabelos e Unhas: Contribui para o crescimento saudável dos cabelos e unhas mais fortes, reduzindo a quebra.
– Suporte às Articulações: Melhora a flexibilidade das articulações e a saúde dos ossos, ideal para quem pratica atividades físicas.
– Fórmula Prática: As cápsulas são fáceis de ingerir e podem ser levadas para qualquer lugar, facilitando a rotina de cuidados.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de colágeno Sanar Naturals diariamente. É aconselhável tomar a cápsula com um copo de água, preferencialmente durante uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga sempre as orientações do rótulo para garantir a eficácia do suplemento.
J.G. Emrys, Compounding Herbalist –
I was very surprised by the fast delivery service !
Amazon Customer –
You would be less served by all fo the expensive unguents on the market & the chemistry tests in bottles available for skin renewal.
What your body really craves is collegen. But with the scares of high cholesterol & other fats, people are unwilling to keep the basic REQUIRED 30% fats needed in the body’s diet per day in order to keep the skin supple & beautiful. Not only does taking this collegen work to fill out the skin between the derma & the outer layer, but it also helps with wound healing & the condition of the communicators & receptors in the brain for memory. Collegen plays such a strong role in the body. The body relies on your help to put the right foods & supplements INTO it on a regular basis.
You were BORN with all the right stuff & a machine of a body to work its magic, but over time, because of the toxins introduced by pharmaceuticals & other “helper” products for cleaning, household & outside environments & the quality of your drinking waters & foods; your body needs HELP in maintaining itself after 50.
That’s where Collagen comes in & that’s where this product can do you the most good, without boosting Trigliceride & cholesterol levels when you try to eat the connective tissues on animals like pig & beef to name a few. I have noticed a massive difference in the lack of wrinkles on my arms & hands in particular, as well as a lessening of the lines developing near my te,ples & around my eyes. Yes, I DO use a fishing line pot scrubber as my exfoliator, but I use ONLY triple milled Savon De-Luxe vegetable soaps against my skin, and/or Greek Olive Oil Soaps, so that no extra chemicals are used. One MUST be aware that the biggest organ in your body is YOUR Skin. Feed it. FEED IT…to borrow a line…
I heartily suggest this product to be taken once in the evening an hour before bedtime with your other NON DAY supplements & a small snack to start the digestifve process along with a decent amount of water, low sugar veggy/fruit juice and/or tea. Daytime supplements would be all energy products, diet products & Vitamin D the sunshine vitamin which has a habit of keeping people UP if they take it at night, so DON’T.
30 year studying
& serving Herbalist
23 year Naval Air Veteran
& disabled American
April J –
so far no difference but time will tell
Muhlee sian –
I’ve been using Sanar Naturals Collagen Pills with Vitamin C, E for a few weeks now and I have to say it’s been a mixed experience.
The first thing I noticed about the product was the pleasant bottle design. It was very cute and I liked the colors. It was also nice that the pills were easy to swallow.
The biggest pro of using these pills was that I didn’t have to taste the flavor of collagen. I was really happy about that because collagen can have a nasty taste. It was also great that the company gave us a free additional product with the purchase.
Unfortunately, I found the collagen formula itself to be a bit lackluster. Although I noticed some improvement in my skin, it wasn’t as much as I had hoped for.
Overall, I think Sanar Naturals Collagen Pills with Vitamin C, E is a decent product. It’s not the best collagen supplement that I’ve used, but it works well enough if you’re just looking for basic benefits. The bottle design and the fact that there’s no taste to the pills are great pluses.
Barbie Bowman –
Had COVID pneumonia and in ICU for 2 months in a coma, on a vent, feeding tube, ECMO twice, and dialysis. I was near death. Had a torn rotator cuff prior to COVID. Laying in bed motionless caused frozen shoulders. Lost 80% of my thick hair as well. Could not tell now I went thru all that just 6 months later. Researched taking this product. On my 4th month now-hair and nails growing fast. Pain lessened and mobility increased significantly in my shoulders. Orthopedic surgeon very surprised about so much improvement and I do not have to see him again. No surgery needed to repair rotator cuff tear. Can get dressed easier and put on necklaces. Body builder shared how collagen helps with joints. Others say my face has a glow and looks amazing. Great product! Only 1 pill a day. Will continue. Well worth it.
anthony –
A few months ago, I was put on the weight loss shot, I started noticing my skin getting saggy, I drink a lot of water so I was confused as what was going on so I started my research and it says that I needed collagen as well as water and my continued exercise regimen. I stated taking these pills about 3 weeks ago and I’m amazed at the transformation. It even works for cellulite. I’m starting to see my 30 year old body again. I wish I would have known about these pills years ago.
Amazon Customer –
I’ve tried a lot of beauty vitamins but this one is by far the best. My skin is looks clear and has a lil glow to it! (I think so anyway haha) I feel confident without makeup now and I rarely ever use foundation! And a bonus, i noticed my hair & nails grew a lot. My nails are strong and my hair hasn’t been this long since I was in 6th grade (I am 31 now) I have been trying to grow it out forever now. Anyway, It took months to really start to work, so be patient if you dont notice anything for a month or so. I promise, it is worth it
Kathleen Purcell –
I love these Collagen capsules! Super easy to take~ just 1 cap a day! Easy to swallow. No messy powers/mixing. I’m so happy I tried them! I plan on using them long term as the positive effects on my skin, hair, & even my nails~ are wonderful!! If you are on the fence, don’t be! Just buy them! They are great! Wait til you see how beautiful your skin looks! & these are great at any age. I wish I had my momma around to tell me about this stuff (because I would have brought them into my skin care/self care routine sooner) but I’m so thankful I stumbled upon them on my own. Maybe she’s up there guiding me still! 😇 Thank you for a great product that is reasonably priced too! If this review helps you, can you please check the box marked helpful~ thank you & have a great day!