Descrição do Produto:
Descubra a transformação que você sempre desejou com as pílulas de aumento de seios da BUST BUNNY, uma solução vegana e natural que promete um visual mais cheio e firme. Com um fornecimento para três meses, este produto é a escolha número um para quem busca um método eficaz e seguro para realçar a beleza natural dos seios. As pílulas são formuladas com ervas de aumento de seios que foram cientificamente pesquisadas, garantindo resultados visíveis e satisfatórios.
- Ervas de Aumento de Seios Cientificamente Pesquisadas: Cada ingrediente é selecionado com base em estudos que comprovam sua eficácia, proporcionando um aumento natural e seguro.
- Pílulas de Aumento de Seios Mais Bem Avaliadas: A maioria das usuárias relata seios mais cheios, arredondados e firmes em apenas duas semanas de uso.
- Envios 100% Discretos: Todos os envios são realizados de forma discreta, garantindo sua privacidade e segurança.
- Pílulas Naturais para os Seios: Com base em plantas, livres de crueldade, e enriquecidas com sua dose diária de vitamina C, promovendo não apenas beleza, mas também saúde.
- Fabricado nos EUA: Produto livre de glúten, não transgênico e produzido em uma instalação registrada pela FDA, assegurando qualidade e segurança.
1. Resultados Rápidos: A maioria das usuárias observa mudanças significativas em apenas duas semanas, proporcionando uma solução rápida para quem busca um aumento de seios.
2. Fórmula Natural e Vegana: Ideal para quem busca produtos que respeitam o meio ambiente e não utilizam ingredientes de origem animal.
3. Privacidade Garantida: O envio discreto assegura que você possa adquirir o produto sem preocupações com a exposição.
4. Saúde e Beleza em Um Só Produto: Além do aumento dos seios, as pílulas oferecem benefícios adicionais à saúde, como a inclusão de vitamina C.
5. Produzido com Padrões de Qualidade: Fabricado em instalações registradas pela FDA, o que garante a segurança e a eficácia do produto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas pílulas diariamente, preferencialmente uma pela manhã e outra à noite, com um copo de água. É importante seguir a dosagem recomendada e manter uma rotina consistente para maximizar os efeitos do produto. Para resultados ainda mais eficazes, combine o uso das pílulas com uma dieta equilibrada e exercícios físicos regulares. Lembre-se de consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Jasmine –
absolutely amazing!
J choroszcz –
UPDATE Reviw after three month:
In the middle of the third bottle, I finally noticed a change in the size of my breast. It looks fuller and more firmer, even my husband noticed it too. It works very slow to feel a difference. If you stop the product, your breast will go back to its old shape. I ordered it again to give it more time for a bigger size ( I hope)
I chose thos product after I read the reviews, but it didn’t work with me. I finished one bottle and almost half of the second bottle, I dont feel any difference at all in the size or shape of my breasts. disappointed.
Casey Howard –
I was very skeptical but hopeful when I first ordered these last year. I have always been small chested, fluctuating between a full A, and a meager B. As I had children, (5- one right after another- in the space of 7 years) my breasts would grow with each pregnancy to an overflowing C, and then deflate greatly once my milk dried up. (For a variety of irrelevant reasons, I was never able to breast feed any of the kids for more than 3 months, so the changing back and forth was quick, and destructive to my chest) I was left with a now smaller than ever sagging chest, comparative to a bit of water in two small hanging balloons. My ‘balloons’ were now somehow set farther apart and more oddly shaped. The size and shape made even miracle push up bras worthless for me. I tried all sorts of tips and tricks before researching a more permanent solution to my problem, to no avail.
I had been unhappy with how puberty had skipped me over all those years ago, even before pregnancy. So the deflation from the milk for my last child drying up made me even more self conscious about my body. I wanted to be able to wear shirts that didn’t fit me weird because I had nothing to fill them out, or hold them up. I wanted my breasts to match the body my children had given me. I had been doing did research for years before finally comparing all companies and products that I could find and taking the plunge. I chose bust bunny because it all around seemed liked the healthiest, best breast enhancement product with the most consistant results. I ordered a 3 month supply to start. I took one in the morning and one at night with a 16 oz bottle of water each time every day. (This was usually honestly the only water I would drink) I never missed a dose, but I broke up the doses like that because logic told me that keeping the supplement going through my body constantly was the most affective way to go about it. (I now realize I was wrong in my thinking.) I measured myself and took pictures before starting so I could see if there was a difference. Nothing happened, but I persisted. After about 4 weeks, I felt hardish lump sort of things in my breasts and freaked out. In the time it took for my doctor to be able to see me, I did some research and found that during puberty, some girls get these ‘buds’ under their nipples when they are about to grow, and it will happen several times as they keep growing. (I am not talking about the ‘buds’ that then become breasts, they are hard lumps inside of those ‘buds’) By the time my appointment came around, those lumps were gone, and I had grown about 1/2 an inch around. I could feel my breasts were a tad bit fuller and firmer, and could see a slight difference in the pictures. My dr was concerned about the lumps so she did scans and tests, but there was nothing to be found. That growth was the only growth I experienced, but I continued taking them as directed and even ordered another 3 month supply. The pills worked that one time, so I kept at it. I also did feel just better all around, more energy, happier, and my leg hair was coming in less harsh and lighter, so I figured even if my chest wasn’t growing, they were helping me in other areas anyway.
I went ahead and ordered a 6 month supply, but half way through my last bottle of the second 3 month supply, I just gave up and stopped taking them. I noticed within that first week that I was more tired and just felt sluggish, my period cramps were horrible and I realized that those pills had actually been helping with that too! After a few months I decided to try again, but this time I researched other things to do to help the progress along. I found some small things that were easy to do in addition to the pills. I started drinking muscle milk protein shakes once a day and drinking way more water. ( I drink 2 1.5 liters and 1 32 oz bottles every day) I spend two minutes per night on each breast, messaging by using the same technique my OBGYN nurse had taught me to use for let down while breast feeding. I also started taking the pills only at night right before bed. I take two on even days and three on odd days. It has been almost two months this time around, and I have already grown into a C cup that is almost to where it was when I was full of milk. I have grown 4 inches around and they are perkier, firmer and fuller, they do still sag a bit, but not as low, I can feel the weight in them when I hold them and even better when I let go. They bounce when I walk down the stairs, or go over bumps in the car. I know that is normal for most people already but I have never experienced that. I have cleavage for the first time, and although he would never admit that he likes my boobs (I finally have boobs!) better now than they have been the whole time I’ve known him, my husband loves it, he is actually able to have something there to play with and he touches them all the time now. I can feel the difference, i can see the difference, the pictures show a difference, and I feel better about myself, as shallow as that sounds.
If the product isn’t working for you, before you give up completely and just throw them away, try adding protein and more water to your diet, I also read that drinking milk helps, but i haven’t tried that. While I was writing this I was thinking about other benefits and I just realized that I have 3 hairs in my chin that grow very dark, thick, and very harsh. I have had to pluck them every 4 to 5 days for the last 6 or so years, and I haven’t seen or felt even a slight inkling of them existing since I started taking these with the new regiment. So there is another plus! I am so much happier, and just feel good about myself. I hope my review helps those that are on the fence to at least try it out, and then I hope that you see the results that I have.
J choroszcz –
I took these pills for 2 weeks. First of all I had major problems with side effects. I immediately started to get gas, bloating , and really weird symptoms. YES THEY WILL MAKE YOUR BOOBS BIGGER WITH THE REST OF YOUR BODY ! MAJOR WEIGHT GAIN I started at 130lbs and now I am 140lbs!!!!!!!!!! One of my boobs is bigger than the other now! Honestly the worst part for me is the weight gain if only I knew this prior I wouldn’t have taken them. Every day I would weigh myself before bed and gained almost 1lb per day!! I eat the same as I always did! Healthy paleo diet and work out 5x a week . I worked really hard to get fit again after having a baby last year. This was very disappointing and misleading I would totally have sued this company if the changes are permanent . Praying my body goes back to normal !
Vel –
Does not work
Charlotte L. –
Drinking a lot water with bust bunny , cant wait to see the result!
Ruby –
I am my fourth month in and can definitely see results really worth it
Cher –
No effect at all after 2 bottles. Should have repurchased the other one which can see effect on the 1st bottle. Waste of money.
Pineapplegirl –
For the last year and a half I have been on a quest for boobs…the boobs I was supposed to have, but that I was just too active, stressed and/or both that prevented me in my adolescence from proper growth and development. An active girly tomboy, I had great legs and arms (and still get complement on them) that everyone wanted, but it was the boobs that I so desperately justified were traded in for the other great parts on me..I was the girl who thought that just merely wearing a training bra was going to grow them…anyone else been there? In any case, the last 18 months have been filled with doing research, watching Youtube videos, ordering NBE online book and faithfully following the techniques, massage with homemade fenugreek oil, taking fennel tea, saw palmetto tea, etc…I have sold the farm and am on a quest for boobs since most of the positive things that have been written on NBE make a lot of sense…I have been taking Bust Bunny for almost 4 months ( prior to purchasing I read all the reviews and today keep going back to read them for encouragement when I feel progress is too slow) exactly and have found that just being consistent with taking the pills and the hope of changes has in a way changed my life to being more consistent as a person- as funny as that may sound. Ensuring that I drink enough liquids throughout the day and supplementing with Vitamins C, A, E, and D has also benefitted me. My periods are no longer sounding warming alarms before they arrive by way of headaches and/or crampy pains that have only increased as time has marched on – those are gone thankfully!
…now to the main point of my having even purchased these pills….breast increase….in conjunction with breast massage and the above, I have found that I have increased in size a bit – how much is hard to say as I have not gone up in a bra size, however, the dress that I wore (non-stretchy) last week is tighter around the chest area which is great. One breast which started larger than the other has remained the same and hopefully with massage and continuing to take Bust Bunny this will event out. I have nursed 4 children about 1/2-2 years each (I know, right?) and I went from an average B to a C-D at the their glory when I was breastfeeding only to deflate to less than pre-pregnancy boob mass when I stopped nursing altogether. I really did not appreciate them when they were big and leaking all the time because frankly every breastfeeding Mom has no time to truly enjoy staring at milk tankers in the mirror that feel very tight and uncomfortable and that her chest is about to explode unless she latches a baby to her to deflate a bit…no…no one likes that feeling…now I wish I had taken the time to admire my curves at that point…ok, enough of that… Unlike many reviewers who found a whopping surprise of a size increase one week…two weeks…one month into taking Breast Bunny, I have been doing a slow increase. Although they won’t tell me to stop writing them, the customer service is phenomenal.
I have contacted customer service via email at least 4 times and they have been great, giving me tips etc…(although the tips often tell me the same things, I think what we all need is the encouragement so A+ for encouragement for sure and consistency!) Thus far with my experience using Bust Bunny, which I highly recommend, I really have to come to the conclusion that 4 months is not a long time in the scheme of things and just like losing weight for some people which may not show drastic results immediately, I have come to realize that the NBE program is really a lifestyle change that engrains consistency that being human just does not necessarily imply…..Close to the end of my initial 3 month supply order, I received an email about a promo from Bust Bunny, so because I saw the decrease in pre-menstrual pain which was a plus and I understood that it takes the body at least 3 months to adjust for changes, I decided that I would order another 6 month supply. The first month I took 2 tablets per day – 1 in the a.m. and 1 in the p.m. After a month I increased and have continued to take 2 pills in the a.m. and 2 in the p.m. Not sure if I’ll keep up 2 and 2, but the customer service agent told me to not exceed 4 pills, so I will have to experiment. 8-12 cups water/day – check; taking supplements suggested – check; no alcohol regularly – check; no pop – check; healthy balanced diet- check; limited sugar intake – check; daily breast massage – check – will increase to twice daily; positive affirmations – need to be more consistent; The last thing that I have not been consistent at is getting enough sleep, so actually, since it’s summer and I can sleep a little longer, I may try going to bed earlier and getting up a bit later as well, as this could be something my body needs to encourage breast growth as well. I mean I don’t ever remember “growing” it just happened as a function of time, so I am going in faith that this too will happen by being consistent in doing the work it takes! Even going under the knife would take work ie. lie still, don’t move. or stitches will rip, etc… I would rather wait and be patient than get cut up and still not get short-lived “results” in the grand scheme of things….There are great positive reviews out there and as others have mentioned, consistency is key to this and to success in life anyways…Thank you, Bust Bunny!
I know that communicating can be wordy, but I do hope that this has helped someone out there! All the best!