Conheça a Pílula Natural para Eczema, um tratamento inovador desenvolvido por dermatologistas para proporcionar alívio eficaz a crianças e adultos que enfrentam os desafios do eczema. Esta pílula contém uma combinação única de 7 minerais naturais, formulada para ser tomada uma vez ao dia, repondo os nutrientes essenciais que ajudam a reequilibrar o sistema e a saúde da pele. Com um foco em aliviar múltiplos sintomas, como erupções, escamação, coceira, inflamação e pele seca, a Pílula Natural para Eczema oferece uma solução natural sem a presença de produtos químicos agressivos.
Originalmente criada por um dermatologista para atender às necessidades de seus pacientes que buscavam alternativas naturais, a Pílula Natural para Eczema é livre de esteroides, vegana e composta por minerais totalmente naturais. Fabricada com orgulho nos Estados Unidos, é segura para uso em crianças e adultos, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar de sua fórmula eficaz.
O tratamento inicial com a Pílula Natural para Eczema é recomendado por um período de 2 a 4 semanas, podendo ser continuado conforme necessário para manter a pele saudável e livre de irritações. A dosagem é ajustada de acordo com o peso corporal, assegurando resultados ideais. Com um sabor agradável de frutas vermelhas, a pílula é isenta de lactose e glúten, tornando-a uma opção viável para uma ampla gama de usuários, a partir de 25 libras.
Este tratamento não provoca sonolência e oferece alívio para a coceira sem recorrer a antihistamínicos. Com seus 7 minerais naturais, a pílula promove a saúde da pele, aliviando erupções, escamação, coceira e inflamação. Contudo, é importante ressaltar que não deve ser utilizada por pessoas com sensibilidade conhecida ao níquel ou bijuterias, pois isso pode resultar em erupções cutâneas.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alívio natural para múltiplos sintomas de eczema
- Desenvolvido por dermatologistas renomados
- Adequado para crianças e adultos
- Livre de esteroides e produtos químicos agressivos
- Feito com minerais naturais e orgulhosamente fabricado nos EUA
A Pílula Natural para Eczema oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar a vida de quem sofre com eczema. Entre os principais, destacam-se: alívio rápido e eficaz da coceira e inflamação, prevenção de surtos futuros, formulação segura e natural, adequada para toda a família, e a conveniência de uma dosagem diária simples. Esses benefícios não apenas melhoram a saúde da pele, mas também proporcionam maior conforto e qualidade de vida aos usuários, permitindo que desfrutem de suas atividades diárias sem as limitações impostas pelo eczema.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma pílula por dia, ajustando a dosagem conforme o peso corporal. A pílula deve ser ingerida com um copo de água, preferencialmente em um horário fixo para garantir a regularidade do tratamento. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e não exceder a dosagem recomendada. Caso ocorra qualquer reação adversa, suspenda o uso e consulte um profissional de saúde. A Pílula Natural para Eczema é uma solução prática e eficaz para quem busca um tratamento natural e seguro para eczema.
S A. –
Unfortunately, this didn’t work for me. After this, I even tried Ashwagandha powder. That didn’t work for me as well.
Maybe it works for others. 🤷🏽♀️
Sheila Prost –
I had to write a review for this, because it changed my life/mood/condition drastically. I had started to suffer from eczema around my neck. I changed detergents, my diet (cut carbs out completely), and all the other recommended changes. I still saw no effect. My doctor prescribed the strongest steroid cream available on the market, but I had already been using a strong one for months with no effect. It would calm it overnight, but the leatheryness would stick around and it would go through its infurating wet/dry cycles. When it started to spread around the base of my neck and chest, I knew I had to do something. By some miracle I found this product. Within a week of using it, my skin is back to normal. No redness, no itchyness, even the flakyness is gone. My skin that had been damaged for months is finally healed. A small patch on the inside of my elbow even healed as well. I never thought I’d believe in a homeopathic treatment, but my mind is forever changed. If you have eczema and are desperate, give this a try.
The pills are small and white. You are supposed to chew them and let them dissolve in your mouth for about 1-2 minutes before swallowing. They don’t taste bad, its just a different sensation. I take one when I wake up, one at 2pm, then one around 7-8 pm. I will probably finish the bottle and buy another one. If it acts up again, I’ll keep going, which is what they recommend. Good luck to anyone out there suffering, I know what you’re going through. <3
Kiersten Grillo –
My daughter said these taste awful and it became such a battle to get her to take one. And no difference in her eczema
Kurtis –
At first this product did not seem to work at all. I stuck with it for 5 days and then a breakthrough happened. I noticed all the little blisters that itches on my feet and hands were disappearing. Then by day 10 the itch had completely stopped. I was desperate to find something that worked as I have had Dyshidrotic Eczema for 30 years. Steroids no longer work and all creams and ointments are messy and don’t really work either. This product has completely eliminated my eczema after 20 days of use. I highly recommend trying for the $20 it cost. Pills don’t taste like Berry in my opinion and rather they taste like butterscotch.
Blueflower –
This pill works miraculously!! I bought it for my 11 year old daughter’s ezcema and was not sure if it was working because her serious eczema flare up was resolved with moisturizers, this pill, a steroid cream, Benadryl pill at night and Claritin during the day. Then she had beautiful skin maintained only with moisturizer and this pill, so I wasn’t sure if the pills were really working or doing anything. I thought maybe the moisturizers were maintaining the good skin. We went on vacation with only moisturizer and in 5 days she had a full blown eczema flare up on legs and arms, with terrible itch, not controlled by the moisturizer, Claritin and steroid cream. She went back on this pill and in 2 days, her itch subsided and her skin was able to start healing. This pill really works, it helps kill the itching so the skin can get a chance to heal and it prevents flare ups.
Stephanie Amorosana –
My husband has suffered from dry hands for the past few years both on the palm and backsides. Itchy patches, small white bubble-blisters, and deep cracks would develop randomly and at varying intensities. These would also be very itchy and some nights he would wake himself up scratching his hands. These symptoms would generally occur in the winter, but for the past two years his hands have been developing these things all year round. He is a frequent hand washer and generally works outdoors. His doctor had prescribed a topical cream that worked, but since it left a greasy feel it was annoying to use and it was generally only used at night. This required sleeping with a pair of cotton gloves, also very annoying.
After only 5 days of use, all of the cracks have healed and the last signs of dryness near the knuckles are almost completely gone. No other creams have been used during this time. The only draw back is that the daily dosage is by weight so a 200 pound individual will require 4 pills a day. Fortunately they taste good.
Charli’s Favorite things –
I bought 2 boxes. Took the max dose. I didn’t even finish the first box. It did not help me, infact made mine worse. Some how I didn’t see the warning on the post about if you have a sensitivity to nickel jewelry you shouldn’t use this. So for those who have nickel allergy maybe try eczema support in the green and white bottle. It cost twice as much but seems to be helping. I really wish I could use this. can help others.
Mateo –
Just to be honest, these didn’t actually help anything. I gave up after two boxes and ended up going back to Cerave Creme and Cetaphil gentle liquid soap.
I appreciate companies hoping to help folks naturally, but sometimes it’s just a false hope. This stuff was. Changing my review to one star.
Below is my original review.
This review is after ten days of use. I will add a thirty day update as well.
Was excited about this due to other reviews saying this worked for dyshidrotic eczema and dermatitis. I bought two boxes, and I’m ten days in at four pills per day (the dose for folks that weigh 150-200 lbs.) and it has not done anything for me yet.
Dyshidrotic eczema blisters are still cycling in between my fingers and other places, and dermatitis is still on my arms and legs. I do all the other protocols like Cetaphil soap only, Aquaphor barrier with cotton gloves, prescription topical steroid ointments when it gets to gooey to touch anything, sunshine on nice days, and have tried combinations of using and not using the things I just listed. I was going this product would be the missing piece, but so far that’s a big negative ghost rider.
The pills are tasty! Good flavor is always nice, but this is pretty expensive candy when it doesn’t do what it is intended for.
I am going to continue taking it everyday until both boxes are gone, and I’ll update this review at that time, but the lack of any results after ten days is pretty disheartening.
I don’t receive the item. Wrong item was delivered. –
It works for eczema.