Phytoform | Fruits: Potencialize sua saúde com a fórmula natural rica em nutrientes | 100g
Phytoform | Fruits é um produto revolucionário que oferece uma combinação única de extratos de frutas naturais, projetado para promover a saúde e o bem-estar de forma eficaz. Composto por 100% de frutas, vegetais, fibras, minerais e antioxidantes micronizados, este suplemento é uma fonte concentrada de nutrientes essenciais que o corpo necessita para funcionar de maneira ideal. Sua fórmula rica em antioxidantes e vitaminas é especialmente formulada para fortalecer o sistema imunológico, melhorar a saúde cardiovascular e aumentar os níveis de energia, tornando-se uma opção ideal para quem busca uma maneira prática de incorporar os benefícios das frutas em sua rotina diária.
Além de não conter corantes, adoçantes artificiais ou substâncias químicas prejudiciais, a Phytoform | Fruits é uma escolha saudável e segura para aqueles que desejam melhorar sua saúde. Este produto é conhecido por sua capacidade de melhorar a função imunológica, ajudando a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo contra doenças e infecções. A detoxificação é outro benefício importante, pois a fórmula rica em antioxidantes ajuda a eliminar toxinas e resíduos prejudiciais, promovendo uma limpeza interna e melhorando a saúde geral.
A Phytoform | Fruits também apoia a saúde digestiva e o metabolismo de carboidratos. Com sua combinação de frutas, vegetais e fibras, este suplemento ajuda a melhorar a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, além de regular os níveis de açúcar no sangue, contribuindo para um estilo de vida mais equilibrado e saudável.
1. Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico: Aumenta as defesas naturais do corpo, protegendo contra doenças.
2. Desintoxicação eficaz: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas e resíduos prejudiciais, promovendo uma limpeza interna.
3. Melhora da digestão: Facilita a absorção de nutrientes e regula os níveis de açúcar no sangue.
4. Fórmula 100% natural: Sem aditivos químicos, garantindo uma opção saudável e segura.
5. Facilidade de uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em bebidas, como água, sucos ou smoothies.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se adicionar uma colher de Phytoform | Fruits a 200 ml de água, suco ou smoothie. Misture bem até que o produto esteja completamente dissolvido e consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada para garantir a eficácia e segurança do suplemento.
Anyika –
The customer service alone has me a customer for life! Everytime I order I know I’m in good hands. Had a small mishap this last order and customer service didn’t miss a beat to find out what happened, offera few solutions and then take care of issue immediately. Now, onto the….product….it’s my third month and I feel great! I definitely see a difference in my mood, my energy, my skin and even a little weight dropping. Its important to have daily intake of fruits and veggies and this makes it so easy to do especially on the days I just can’t stomach solid foods. Definitely worth the investment!
Okii –
Too sweet. Literally can’t get through it unless its mixed with 5 cups of water. Not a very pleasant sweetener taste either.
bad –
it was okay, they flavor was good, but it didn’t do much for my wife. Not buying it again.
Muzikman5486 –
I mix a scoop with my protein shake every time I have one. I have an extreme case of acid reflex and this seems to help my digestive system tremendously. So much in face that with taking this and ginger pills I don’t even need anti acid pills anymore. I know that’s not the intention of this product but it works for me. I do notice a feeling of energy and overall wellness after taking this. It also taste pretty good when u mix it with my strawberry protein shake.
CynKB –
This is the first time I’ve tried a Prime Nutrition product. This one has great taste and less sugar. I’m using this just as a supplement for the days I’m being lazy with veggies…which isn’t too often since I eat clean and vegetarian 🙂
1. Taste is almost like a sweet juice
2. mixes well and easily with water
3. good amount to last a while
4. price is decent
1. Wish it gave a little more detail on ingredients
Alex Eddlemon –
My favorite product. Actually tried tried something new because the store I went to doesn’t carry this and it makes me so sad I didn’t just wait and get prime nutrition. It’s mixing ability is amazing and the taste is awesome!! It’s not gritty whatsoever, you can tell it’s a powder at the end but it’s nothing compared to any other powder veggie I’ve ever had
Odd –
Best fruits and greens powder! I’ve tried a few different ones because I didn’t want to pay this price but I regretted each time. That seems to be a habit of mine, trying to be cheap and getting what I pay for. I should have learned by now. I’m officially stuck on this one. I dilute it with more water than is directed because it’s too sweet for my taste but taste wise is 100% better than any of the chalky fishbowl smelling powders I’ve purchased
Dan Thomas –
As a person who has always had tummy problems, (constipation) I don’t know what I would do if this product was discontinued.
I try to eat a very balanced diet with lots of whole grains, fibers, lots of water but I know I do not get all the fruits and veggies I need.
Adding Phytoform to my daily routine has made a huge difference with the extra benefit of helping my insides do the job they were made to do, but never can do on their own. I have tried everything under the sun in my life long battle to try to get my intestines to function normally, from prescriptions to all naturals. If I listed everything this would be really really long. The side effects are miserable and eventually nothing worked.
Phytoform works and continues to work. It is not a chemical, has no side effects, gives me the nutrition I am lacking in my diet and does not taste bad. I am considering stock piling.