Descrição do Produto: pH-D Feminine Health – Supositórios de Ácido Bórico 600 mg
Os Supositórios de Ácido Bórico pH-D são uma verdadeira revolução no cuidado feminino, especialmente formulados para combater o odor vaginal de forma segura e eficaz. Com 600 mg de ácido bórico em cada supositório, esta solução holística é a escolha número um recomendada por médicos, sendo amplamente utilizada por milhões de mulheres que buscam um alívio confiável e duradouro. A pH-D se destaca por sua qualidade e compromisso com a segurança, operando sua própria instalação de fabricação nos Estados Unidos, garantindo que cada ingrediente atenda aos mais altos padrões de qualidade.
Desenvolvido por uma mulher com vasta experiência na indústria farmacêutica, pH-D é uma marca que entende as necessidades das mulheres. Os supositórios são uma alternativa natural e eficaz, proporcionando resultados comprovados que conquistaram a confiança de muitas. É importante ressaltar que as declarações sobre o produto não foram avaliadas pela FDA e não se destinam a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
– Solução Eficaz: Combate o odor vaginal de forma rápida e segura, proporcionando alívio imediato.
– Recomendado por Médicos: A confiança de milhões de mulheres e a recomendação de profissionais de saúde garantem a eficácia do produto.
– Produzido com Qualidade: Fabricado nos EUA em instalações próprias, assegurando os mais altos padrões de segurança e qualidade.
– Desenvolvido por Mulheres: Uma marca que entende as necessidades femininas, criada por uma mulher para mulheres.
– Fácil de Usar: A aplicação é simples e prática, permitindo que as usuárias integrem o produto facilmente em sua rotina.
Para utilizar os Supositórios de Ácido Bórico pH-D, recomenda-se inserir um supositório na vagina uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente à noite, antes de dormir. É aconselhável usar um protetor diário, pois pode ocorrer uma leve secreção após a aplicação. Continue o uso por no mínimo 7 dias ou conforme orientação médica. Lave bem as mãos antes e depois da aplicação para garantir a higiene. Em caso de desconforto ou reações adversas, suspenda o uso e consulte um profissional de saúde.
Essence Simmons –
استخدمه من عدة سنوات ولكن سعره غالي جدا
elizabeth england –
Very helpful and convenient so grateful to have discovered this
Trinity Webster –
This product is a game changer for comfort and confidence. pH-D Boric acid, and truly has exceeded my expectations. As someone who prioritize comfort, reliability and intimate friendly ingredients, this product delivers on all fronts.
Desert Gypsea –
Like many women submitting reviews here, I was diagnosed with BV and prescribed antibiotics, but let me give some history so as to give a clearer picture of my ongoing journey. I will try to make it somewhat brief but cover what I have found in my own research. I am not a medical doctor so let me be clear that this is simply me sharing my experience.
I am 50 years old and peri-menopausal with an active sex life with my husband and am very healthy. I exercise regularly, eat extremely healthfully, get regular check ups and am a non-smoker. I have had 2 children and had a copper IUD for 7 years before having to remove it due to unexplained bleeding that stopped immediately upon removal of the IUD. I have always been a person with a decent amount of vaginal discharge, but never with odor or anything out of the ordinary. In the past couple of years, I have noticed that there was a distinct odor to my discharge on and off. I once forgot to remove my menstrual cup for a day and a half and figured it may have been the culprit, as the odor often went away for long periods of time, always to come back again. More recently, I had noted that the odor had returned and was stronger (not exactly fishy as many women report but definitely not pleasant) I went to my gyn for a routine swab and they found evidence of BV. I had never been diagnosed with this before so I was truly put off and not thrilled about taking oral antibiotics, but I did as I was instructed, taking care to up my daily intake of probiotics to twice daily, two different types to be certain I didn’t get a yeast infection as well. About a week after finishing my 7 day course, I started my menstrual cycle and after the first day, the smell was back stronger than ever and lasted even after my period ended. I went back to the gyn and they tested my for the same things again, plus urea plasma. I came back positive on both and was given 2 antibiotics, one for BV and the other for ureaplasma! My feelings on antibiotics is that we have totally abused them and are the main cause of their increasing ineffectiveness, so I decided to do some research. I spent hours reading medical studies and women’s accounts of their BV/ureaplasma cases. I read hundreds of doctor’s reports and lab results and kept seeing the same antibiotics regimen and recurrence of the BV, even with increased probiotic supplementation, not washing with soap, abstaining from sex, not douching etc, etc, etc that doctors advised, mine included. I also read hundreds of accounts of women getting relief and less recurrence by using boric acid suppositories. I then came across a study in California by a bio-tech company that is in it’s second phase of a study based on the natural flora (probiotics) present in women’s vaginas and a strain that they have found to be extremely promising in helping the battle against BV, which creates a “biofilm” on the inside of our vaginas. This biofilm is more permeable than our usual mucosal coating and allows other pathogens to pass though. Our vaginas need to be at a Ph of between 3.5-4.5 and if they are not, we become open to infection and overgrowth of certain flora within the microbiome, and this can lead to BV and other problems. If you know anything about antibiotics, they kill ALL the organisms, the good and the bad so we are left depleted and again, open to the overgrowth of certain strains, plus any bacteria that might be introduced. Here is where the boric acid comes in. Although the study in California didn’t mention boric acid in their process, I combined the fact that there are an overwhelmingly large number of women who have had amazing results using boric acid to help balance their vaginal Ph, with the universal antibiotic recommendation (virtually all the tests state that metronizadole has the best results) and concluded that if I were to finish the course of antibiotics along with the boric acid suppositories to help bring my vaginal Ph back into balance, then complete the treatment with the strain of flora that is currently being researched for treatment in the medical world, maybe I could use myself as a guinea pig and see what the results would be. Unfortunately, I have not found the strain they use (L. crispatus) available on the market in the amount they are using in the tests, however I have found it in smaller amounts. The other strains that are mentioned over and over as being specific to the vaginal microbiome are are L. rhamnosus and L. reuteri, There are others, to be sure, but these ones are mentioned most frequently associated with studies specific to BV.
Currently, I am finishing my 3rd antibiotic (second time on metronyzadole) and on my 5th day of nightly boric acid suppository use. I have had no discomfort whatsoever using them and from the first morning after use, there has been absolutely no odor. I plan to use the boric acid for 2 more nights, finishing up with the last day of my antibiotics and then begin a regimen of probiotic suppositories, containing as many of the above mentioned flora as I can find. Additionally, I continue to take my daily oral probiotics as well, hoping that some of these will take up residence in my own microbiome and help keep my Ph balanced naturally and keep off the antibiotics for good.
Since this self-imposed project is still ongoing, I will do my best to post a follow up account of what happened as I go along. It is my hope that my story can help others ask questions and do their own diligence as many, many other women who have written/spoken about their experiences have helped me.
Daysia Mason –
This product works wonders for clearing up odors from “downstairs”. Within one use I notice a difference! I only use at night because it causes A LOT of leakage. But overall really good product and the price is worth it.
dejanee12 –
Although it was a little tricky to put in I found that it wasn’t uncomfortable and didn’t leave a weird smell or residue. It provided almost instant relief.
Daysia Mason –
This is so good to use my partner loves when I use it and do wonders on the vagina like no odor at all I had put my cousins my sisters and my coworkers on it. I’ve been using it for four years now I love this so much I should be a sponsor for this because I put everybody on it hit me up I can do a app for y’all I put a good 20 people on it lol and I’m still going 😂 I love it so much thank you PH-D 💚
JDub –
So I developed BV for the first time in my life (self diagnosed– for reference I’m 45). My vaginal pH was too high, there was a fishy odor, and intermittent burning itching. I got a full 10 panel STD test plus Trich to rule out STDs as a first step. Everything negative. My symptoms were classic S&S for BV, so I self diagnosed.
I avoid antibiotics at all costs, and did a ton of research on Boric Acid as a substitute. Unfortunately there are not many studies on Boric Acid, which is unfortunate as antibiotics are so detrimental to our good gut/vaginal flora which are so critical for good health. But I was able to find some small studies, one in particular published on a .gov website. It was raw data and just one study but looked well designed and the results of boric acid versus antibiotic+antifungal treatment were impressive in strong favor of boric acid. I also found other articles and research (primary) that talked about importance of re-populating good vaginal flora in conjunction with standard antibiotic treatment (or in my case boric acid).
Based on my research, Re-populating healthy vaginal flora can be done in one of several ways, and is best tackled in a two pronged approach.
1) re-introduce healthy vaginal bacteria either through oral probiotics, probiotic vaginal suppositories, or inserting plain yogurt with live lactobacilus cultures into the vagina (or all of the above which is what I did).
2) use a lactic acid vaginal suppository to lower vaginal pH and “feed” the good lactobacillus bacteria allowing it to repopulate quickly
Based on my research, here is the protocol I created for myself which has worked wonders…. it’s been several weeks since completing treatment and still no sign of BV:
1) Boric acid vaginal suppository once daily at bedtime for seven days
2) During the boric acid treatment phase I also inserted 3-5mL of an organic plain probiotic yogurt (with live lactobacillus strains) using an oral medication syringe at bedtime and also rubbed some yogurt onto my vuvla. This had a very cooling and soothing effect for my burning/itching
3) Once I completed the boric acid treatment I started taking vaginal probiotics orally (the kind that have to be refrigerated; I used RAW Garden of Life brand). On the first night of oral probiotic treatment I also opened one of the capsules of RAW brand probiotic and mixed the contents with 3-5 mL Yogurt and inserted it into my vagina. Then I continued with the oral probitics daily, which I plan to continue taking indefinitely
4) Once I finished the boric acid treatment I then started using the lactic acid vaginal suppositories for 7 days to feed my healthy vaginal flora
5) I also purchased vaginal test strips to monitor my vaginal pH. By the end of the first week my pH had come down but was still not in healthy range. By the end of the 2nd week my pH had lowered more and was within normal/healthy range.
Results: After the first night of using boric acid all of my fishy odor was gone! In fact, there was no odor at all!!! The yogurt had a very cooling anti-inflammatory effect. The boric acid itself did burn slightly as a side effect but it was tolerable and soothed by the yogurt. I did have some mild watery discharge, but it was no big deal for me. After I completed the first week of treatment with boric acid my pH had come down but still remained a little high. As I continued with the 2nd week of treatment using the lactic acid vaginal suppositories in conjunction with the probiotics, my vaganil pH continued to come down and was within the health range by the end of the 2nd week.
It’s been a couple weeks since I completed my two weeks of treatment, and still no return of fishy odor, and pH remains in the lower healthy limits. All without antibiotics!!!!!
dejanee12 –
These really work ! I only recommend these suppositories and they are very healthy for you and keeps ma real clean 😍 Run girl !
Essence Simmons –
I can’t say enough about this product more than I should have used it before trying any other brand! It’s amazing! It cleared up any BV issue and gives a confident, clean feeling. This is definitely worth the cost! Thanks to the seller!