O Peter Thomas Roth | Retinol Fusion PM Night Serum é um sérum facial hidratante que se destaca por sua fórmula inovadora com 1,5% de retinol microencapsulado. Este produto foi desenvolvido para atuar durante a noite, quando a pele está mais receptiva à regeneração. A microencapsulação do retinol permite uma liberação gradual do ativo, minimizando a irritação e maximizando os resultados. Com o uso contínuo, o sérum promove a renovação celular, melhorando a textura da pele e reduzindo a aparência de linhas finas e rugas. Além disso, ele ajuda a uniformizar o tom da pele, tornando-a mais radiante e saudável.
Este sérum é ideal para pessoas entre 30 e 75 anos e é compatível com todos os tipos de pele. Sua fórmula leve e de rápida absorção facilita a incorporação do produto na rotina de cuidados diários, proporcionando uma experiência de uso agradável e eficaz.
- 1. Ação potente do retinol microencapsulado, que garante resultados visíveis sem irritação.
- 2. Estímulo à regeneração celular, melhorando a textura da pele e reduzindo linhas finas e rugas.
- 3. Uniformização do tom da pele, ajudando a minimizar manchas e imperfeições.
- 4. Adequado para diferentes faixas etárias, oferecendo benefícios em todas as etapas do envelhecimento.
- 5. Facilidade de uso, com rápida absorção que se adapta à rotina noturna de cuidados com a pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o sérum todas as noites após a limpeza e tonificação da pele. Coloque uma pequena quantidade do produto nas palmas das mãos e massageie suavemente no rosto e pescoço, evitando a área dos olhos. Em seguida, utilize seu hidratante noturno habitual para potencializar a hidratação. É importante lembrar de usar protetor solar durante o dia, pois o retinol pode aumentar a sensibilidade da pele ao sol.
Sierra Gentleheart –
UPDATE: After only 2 1/2 weeks of use, I can see the improvements this PTR Retinol Fusion PM is making to my face. My deep wrinkles are softening and becoming much less deep. My fine wrinkles are already disappearing. I have not yet seen any change in a 1/3″ age spot on my temple. But as far as effectiveness on wrinkles, this product ROCKS! I would give it MORE than 5 stars if I could!
ORIGINAL REVIEW: I have been using retinol products for years. Used Retin-A and tretinoin, both prescription products and was very satisfied with them. Ran out of those and decided to try over-the-counter retinols. Was using a couple of Paula’s Choice retinol serums and found them just okay, pleasant to use but performance less than outstanding. Tried Neutrogena’s Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream Night and found it also pleasant but not impressive. So I looked for a retinol product that has a fairly high concentration and doesn’t cost in the hundreds of dollars. I had heard good things about PTR’s other products on Dr. Oz’s program. The women at makeupalley often give great advice so I checked to see what they thought of this PTR. Mostly, they like it, so I tried it. And from the first use, incredible as that sounds, I have noticed a difference in my skin. Some wrinkles on my upper cheek that were looking frighteningly leathery showed immediate improvement. I have incredibly dry skin so the thin formulation of this PTR Retinol Fusion PM works very well for me. I don’t want the bottle to tip over and spill, so I never set it down when it’s open. I use the eyedropper to place the retinol liquid directly on my cheeks and neck and then rub in with clean fingers. So far, so good. I am 5-star-satisfied at this point.
Lina –
This product is super amazing! My skin looks way better since I started using it just a couple of weeks! Highly recommend it. Delivery was also very quick in Germany!
Angela –
Actually my skin is combination and i am searching for serum with retinol. I feel great after applying this. My skin looks healthier than before. Love it .
lolita –
Brilliant really make a difference to the texture of my skin and the appearance of my fine line ! in my 40s, have a combination skin , and olive skin and no bad reaction whatsoever !
BFlo –
I have been using this for years, great price point and works well. Not too oily, absorbs well.
María Romero (dV) –
Había visto un par de reseñas de este producto y me convencieron para probarlo, el precio es un poco elevado pero estoy muy agusto con el. Es un retinoide que da la apariencia de ser suave pero no hay que dejarse engañar. Quise utilizarlo diario por la noche ya que según yo mi piel estaba acostumbrada al uso de retinoides, sin embargo al 4to día note cierta ligera cicatrización en la piel, lo suspendí y un par de días después comencé a descamarme significativamente. Ahora lo uso solo dos noches a la semana salteados con un buen humectante y durante el día bloqueador solar de alta protección. Es muy fácil de aplicar y con solo 5 gotitas me alcanza para toda la cara, en el cuello me provocó demasiada resequedad, no es un producto apto para pieles sensibles y tampoco me parece el mejor para iniciar con los retinoides, pero si ya estas familiarizada te va a encantar.
RL –
Nice product much to expensive for what you get.Go to cvs and buy
Amazon Customer –
First off, do not buy this from Payless Beauty. I found this being sold by Payless Beauty for a good price, so I gave it a go. Upon arrival, the box was opened and the bottle was unsealed. After placing a few drops in my hand, I noticed it had a different feel and look than usual, so I promptly returned this item.
Normally I buy this from Sephora but if you can find it for cheaper and sealed, I would recommend buying it that way as Sephora’s prices are steep.
I have used this product for over a year and not only has it smoothed out my skin, it has made my complexion visibly brighter and cleared away my acne and blackheads. This really does everything you could want. It absorbs very quickly and does not leave any residue, oiliness, or heavy feeling. I have oily skin so I am careful not to use products that are oily or greasy. Just apply this after washing your face at night, and it absorbs completely.
This does not necessarily get rid of acne you already have, but with regular use, you won’t have acne reappearing. Retinol stimulates cell production of your skin, so skin layers are pushed more quickly to the top, helping to prevent acne. It also helps with blackheads. Put some right on your blackheads, and it will actually clear up your blackheads with a little bit of time. It’s not easy finding a good, effective retinol. Too many retinol products have added creams or oils which clog pores and cause breakouts. I have nothing but great things to say about this. Of all the different skin creams, oils, and washes on the market, this is one of the very few I would vouch for.
Lee –
My main skin concerns are:
-dark spots/freckles
-fine lines- crows feet area
-lines in my “11” area between the brows
-one deep forehead line across my forehead
My secondary skin concerns are:
-smoothing around mouth (not as prominent as other lines on my face)
-dull skin
Although the bottle is kinda small only 1fl oz for $65 this serum works really well as an anti aging serum. I’m very impressed. I have seen improvement on ALL the items I’ve listed above. The biggest difference I’ve seen using this serum is in the “11” area between my brows, deep line on my forehead, overall skin brightening. This serum has been worth it for me! The serum is very liquidy and clear. It’s thinner in consistency than most serums I’ve used. If you use too much it can be a little oily, but if you use a small amount and let it sink in it’s perfectly fine. I’ll probably just go to the derm and get a script for retinol cream next time, but when I didn’t have time to go to the derm and fuss with that, this works great! Out of all the money I’ve spent on high end and drugstore anti aging products this has been one of the most effective! The serum isn’t super hydrating in my opinion so I always use a cream on top! Typically I use a Murad cream and eye cream on top. The only con I have is I was hoping it would lighten dark spots a little more than it has, but I’ve still seen a difference!
Amazon Customer –
I have been using this serum for a while, and I couldn’t be more pleased. It is the first thing I put on after washing my face at night. A little goes a long way, and it soaks into my skin quickly, leaving it soft but not greasy. I apply my nighttime moisturizer over the top.
It helps to minimize fine lines and eradicates dryness; and I frequently get compliments on my skin (and at 65, I’ll take that! 🙂 ). This one is a must-have for me!