PEScience Prolific Pre Workout, Raspberry Lemonade, 40 Scoop, Energy Supplement with Nitric Oxide
Este é o PEScience Prolific Pre Workout, um suplemento energético em pó com sabor de framboesa limonada. Cada recipiente contém 40 porções, o que proporciona de 20 a 40 treinos, quase o dobro do tamanho padrão da indústria. Com um valor incrível, você terá energia de sobra para enfrentar os treinos mais intensos.
O Prolific é formulado com duas formas de cafeína e vários otimizadores de energia para proporcionar um aumento de energia suave, sem tremores e sem queda brusca. Ele irá guiá-lo através dos treinos mais intensos, mantendo você focado e energizado.
Além disso, o Prolific contém ingredientes nootrópicos, como citicolina, que impulsionam a função cognitiva. Isso permite uma conexão mente-músculo definitiva, ajudando você a alcançar o máximo desempenho durante os treinos.
Uma das principais características deste produto é o seu efeito de aumento de óxido nítrico. Cada dose de duas colheres de Prolific contém 6000mg de L-Citrulina PURA (NÃO MALATO!). A L-Citrulina é conhecida por sua capacidade de aumentar o óxido nítrico, e estudos clínicos comprovam que ela melhora a resistência, a massa corporal magra e o treinamento de força.
Além de todos esses benefícios, o Prolific também possui um sabor incrível e é facilmente misturado. Está disponível em várias opções de sabores deliciosos para agradar a todos os gostos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Valor incrível: Cada recipiente contém 40 porções, quase o dobro do tamanho padrão da indústria.
- 2. Energia intensa: Com duas formas de cafeína e otimizadores de energia, você terá energia suave e duradoura para os treinos mais intensos.
- 3. Foco mental: Os ingredientes nootrópicos, como a citicolina, melhoram a função cognitiva e promovem uma conexão mente-músculo definitiva.
- 4. Aumento de óxido nítrico: Com 6000mg de L-Citrulina PURA em cada dose, o Prolific aumenta o óxido nítrico, melhorando a resistência e o desempenho físico.
- 5. Sabor incrível e fácil de misturar: Disponível em várias opções de sabores deliciosos, o Prolific é facilmente misturado para uma experiência agradável.
Misture duas colheres de PEScience Prolific Pre Workout com água ou sua bebida preferida. Consuma cerca de 20-30 minutos antes do treino para obter os melhores resultados. Não exceda a dose recomendada.
Nabeel Mahmood –
Brilliant pick me up for workouts with noticeable difference. Unlike other ones which give pins and needles, this just gives the energy boost and that’s it. The cherry lemonade flavour is just yuck. The only good thing is it contributes to waking you up.
Albert G –
This is the best tasting and daily pre-workout I’ve ever used… it’s great if you have a sensitive stomach… I can’t really handle any creatine so this is perfect…
There is no real induced pump from the pre-workout itself but the focus is so intense and the stamina is amazing that just by sheer volume of sets that you can do the pump comes naturally…
There is no “crash” after coming down… and if there is when I take multiple scoops it’s very mellow and doesn’t feel like a “dirty caffeine crash”
Sarah B. –
this pre….. yikes. possibly myb for getting this flavor but likeee it didn’t seem like it’d be that bad. it smells so delish like a bluerazz gogurt but the taste?!?! it’s not the worst thing i’ve ever tasted but at times i feel like i can’t even take it. the aftertaste is so chemically strong and the color doesn’t help make it seem appetizing at all. i’ve had this for a lil bit to try to give it a fair shot but it seems like whenever i want to workout, i’m dreading having to take this pre. dry scooping this is much better imo but you still feel all the powders and everything afterward. it mixes in pretty well but considering the taste, it don’t even matter fr. the focus and energy this gives me is also mid. it’s not anything crazy, you don’t get the tingles or feel PUMPED but it’s rlly jus a lil boost fr. maybe if the taste was better i’d be down to try it but bc of how bad this was? i don’t wanna take any chances 🙅🏻♀️
Birdie –
I’m really sensitive to most “energy inducing” supplements but this one really picks me up and gives me the motivation I need to push through. Non jittery, good value for your money, tastes good, no weird itchy feelings.
Anna K. –
I have tried a handful of pre workouts in the last 5+ years, being relatively picky about ingredients and reliability of the brand. Love the PEScience formula and don’t have any desire to steer away – incredible focus during strength sessions and neural muscle connection, mixes easily and completely, no jitters, crashes, itching etc. I find it’s NOT good for cardio sessions, can’t explain exactly why, but I don’t like it, so I keep another brand for those days.
Now, if you struggle with it clumping, as I did at first and had to throw away two jars before finishing all the way – I finally figured out a solution (and I live near the ocean so humidity is definitely a factor). I don’t keep the plastic scoop inside the jar, I use it then put it aside on the counter, resting on a little plate or paper towel. I am almost completely finished with my current jar and have NO CLUMPS whatsoever, which has never happened before. Hope this helps :)!
Amber Engle –
I’ve bought this a few times, it’s not bad. The flavor is good and it works well. I would give it 5 stars, but after a few months, I need to get used to it so it becomes less effective. After a few months off, it works well again. But this is to be expected with most preworkouts.
Jo –
This brand has been a staple for the past 5 years. Taste and quality is unmatched. Gives a solid boost of energy for a great workout without any tingling.
Bought this but it’s super cakey, and it doesn’t look great. Overhyped and most def returned. –
Love it, gives me a great workout everytime. Mind to muscle always goes crazy. And I never had a crazy crash from it
Zack –
Taste: I personally enjoyed the taste; quite sour but good peach. It really did taste like sour peach candy. There is a strong pucker after you drink, so if you don’t like that, you may want a different flavor.
Consistency: fairly easy to dissolve, I mix it with a spoon and have no sediment when I drink right after
Energy: I find this to be a very clean feeling. I used to do C4, jack3d, etc back in the day and those were overpowering. I find this to give me focus, energy, but no desire to push past my limits like I used to have with jack3d
Value: I think this is extremely fairly priced. They list a serving as 2 scoops, but I only need 1, so I get approximately 8 weeks out of a container.