Perque Potent C Guard Powder, 16 Oz
Descrição do Produto
O Perque Potent C Guard Powder é um suplemento alimentar em pó de alta qualidade que fornece uma dose potente de vitamina C. Cada porção contém 1584 mg de vitamina C, totalmente reduzida e livre de milho, garantindo a máxima absorção pelo organismo. Além disso, o produto também contém potássio, cálcio, magnésio e zinco, que são nutrientes essenciais para a saúde geral. Com uma embalagem de 16 Oz, é uma opção conveniente e eficaz para aumentar a ingestão diária de vitamina C, promovendo a proteção antioxidante e o fortalecimento do sistema imunológico.
Informações do Suplemento
- Tamanho da Porção: 1 colher de chá arredondada
- Porções por Recipiente: 287
Informações Nutricionais
- Vitamina C (100%% l-ascorbato, totalmente reduzida, livre de milho): 1584 mg
- Potássio (como ascorbato): 99 mg
- Cálcio (como ascorbato): 40 mg
- Magnésio (como ascorbato): 16 mg
- Zinco (como ascorbato): 600 mcg
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Alta concentração de vitamina C
O Perque Potent C Guard Powder oferece uma dose potente de vitamina C, garantindo que você obtenha todos os benefícios desse importante nutriente.
2. Absorção máxima
A vitamina C presente neste produto é totalmente reduzida e livre de milho, o que garante uma absorção máxima pelo organismo.
3. Nutrientes essenciais adicionais
Além da vitamina C, o Perque Potent C Guard Powder também contém potássio, cálcio, magnésio e zinco, que são nutrientes essenciais para a saúde geral.
4. Fácil de usar
O Perque Potent C Guard Powder é um suplemento em pó, o que facilita a sua utilização. Basta adicionar a quantidade recomendada a líquidos ou alimentos e desfrutar dos benefícios.
5. Qualidade garantida
A Vitaminer Shop é uma loja renomada que se preocupa com a qualidade dos produtos que oferece. O Perque Potent C Guard Powder é fabricado com os mais altos padrões de qualidade, garantindo a eficácia e segurança do produto.
- Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: A alta concentração de vitamina C ajuda a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo, tornando-o mais resistente a infecções.
- Propriedades Antioxidantes: A vitamina C atua como um poderoso antioxidante, combatendo os radicais livres e protegendo as células do organismo.
- Saúde da Pele: A suplementação com vitamina C pode contribuir para a saúde da pele, promovendo a produção de colágeno e melhorando a aparência geral.
- Facilidade de Uso: O formato em pó permite que o produto seja facilmente incorporado a bebidas e alimentos, tornando a suplementação prática e versátil.
- Suporte à Saúde Óssea: Com a adição de cálcio e magnésio, o Perque Potent C Guard Powder também contribui para a saúde óssea, essencial para a manutenção da estrutura esquelética.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 colher de chá arredondada do Perque Potent C Guard Powder por dia. Misture bem em água, suco ou alimentos. Para garantir a eficácia do suplemento, é aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Kelly –
I have been looking for years to see what is the best for of Vit C to take. This product is easy to take in water alone. I will be able to update further after I have been using it for awhile.
🔹 Catrinka 🔹 –
Perque Potent C Guard was recommended by my doctor years ago. While he’s a traditional medicines doc, he also feels strongly about certain nutritional issues and one of those is the importance of high levels of vitamin C. His theory is to take as much as your body will tolerate (your body will give you that signal of too much by gastrointestinal upset).
I can’t argue with the man. My family and I have been very healthy throughout this time and no longer get the seasonal colds that we once did. And I’m not concerned about excess vitamin C since it’s water-soluble and any excess is easily flushed from our bodies.
While I think this particular brand of vitamin C powder is considered superior to many other brands and that is the reason I switched to it, I’d have to say that the taste is more of an issue for me than the others I tried. The natural effervescence of the Perque powder is the culprit, I think. Most powdered vitamin Cs that I’ve used have a bit of a tangy bite to them which I don’t mind. This Perque powder when mixed with water has that same tangy taste — but only as long as you swig it all down quickly. For some reason, the movement or reswishing of the glass midway through drinking gives it an awful taste. My entire family has noticed this, so I know it’s not just my imagination.
The recommended dose on packaging is 1/2 tsp powder to 2-4 ounces of water. However, you can take much higher amounts (I do) and the Perque website offers guidance on that. The packaging info is as follows:
Vitamin C (as 100% l-ascorbates, fully reduced and buffered) — 1,584mg
Potassium (as ascorbate) — 99mg
Calcium (as ascorbate) — 40mg
Magnesium (as ascorbate) — 16mg
Zinc (as ascorbate) — 600mcg
Aquitaine –
Safe source for quality product
Notadonna –
Very nice! I decided to order this to treat what appears to be a skin fungus and bacterial infection. First, I am no expert. After many years of trying to sort out my health, I am convinced we are our own best doctors. Medical doctors and insurance have been almost completely useless to me. So I, a lay person, get by with common sense applied to what I learn from a TCM doctor, a Naturopath, books and the Internet. I’m aware there is debate as to the safety of oral ascorbic acid, but I doubt (and hope someone will correct me if I’m wrong) that studies used a buffered formula similar to this (see ingredients). For an introduction to Dr. Jaffe’s research, check out You Tube. Beyond my desire to strengthen my immune system, I found other reasons to try this. One is that ascorbic acid raises urine pH, something I needed to do (based on pHydrion Vivid testing). A more alkaline pH in vitro is a less-favorable environment for fungi and cancer (based on some scientific papers I found). A surprising benefit to this has been the ability to make a paste for an infected wound with amazing effect. My advice to anyone who will listen is to only take someone’s advice (doctors included … or especially included) concerning your health after you’ve devoted yourself to learning how your body and health work. You’ll need to be open to correcting misinformation you’ve accepted or told yourself to avoid a lifestyle change. While you’re at it, learn about how widely pervasive glyphosate is and how likely it’s one of the toxins you’re living with. Then, and only after you’ve understood what a range of the best experts have to offer (beware the “pundits” who don’t give you a lot of good science to back up what they say), learn to listen to your body. For an introduction to body pH, I like “Acid Alkaline Balance” by Barbara O’Neill on You Tube.
Ruth L. Schwartz –
From what I’ve read, this is the highest-quality and most absorbable form of Vitamin C. It has made a huge difference in my health. It’s fascinating how much my dosage needs to change, depending on my stress level. On low-stress days I just take about a teaspoonful, divided into several doses, but on high-stress days I can really feel the way my body craves it every hour or two. It has kept me from getting sick many times. I recently learned I have adrenal fatigue, and vitamin C is very much needed by the adrenals, so perhaps that’s why I gravitated toward this product a few years ago. I wouldn’t take any other Vitamin C – except maybe liposomal, which I have read is even more absorbable, but I haven’t really looked into that yet.
CatMomma –
This is my go to vitamin C. Dissolves easily in a glass of water. Part of my morning routine. I work in a classroom with alot of germs and it seems to keep me well.
Curly –
I use this brand because it does not upset my tummy. I think its better quality than most of the other brands out there.
Phoenix –
Best Vitamin C on the market. I have tried using ascorbic acid vitamin C for a C-cleanse and I do not recommend it🥴. Much more absorbable than ascorbic acid! 3 Triple seal on the bottle. High quality. Keep in a cool and dry place or it will start to oxidize.
C –
My daughter loves this product, we initially began using this product help prevent sickness during the cold months. This product ended being what helped my daughter with her acne. For years she struggled with acne, and even seen a Dermatologist. I will continue ordering this product!