Descrição do Produto: Perfect Supplements – Perfect ResGrape Resveratrol – 60 Veggie Capsules – Trans-Resveratrol
O Perfect ResGrape Resveratrol é um suplemento de alta qualidade que oferece uma poderosa dose de 200mg de Trans-Resveratrol puro em cada porção. Este composto, encontrado naturalmente nas uvas, é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias, promovendo uma série de benefícios à saúde. O Resveratrol é amplamente reconhecido por suas capacidades de promover o envelhecimento saudável, apoiar a função cardiovascular e fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Ao consumir este suplemento, você não apenas obtém os benefícios do Resveratrol, mas também de outros compostos benéficos presentes nas uvas, como fibras, ácido elágico e muito mais.
O Perfect ResGrape é feito com ingredientes 100% naturais e orgânicos, colhidos de maneira ética e sustentável, sem o uso de enchimentos, aditivos ou agentes de fluxo. Isso garante que você esteja consumindo um produto limpo e natural, que é orgânico, livre de glúten, vegano, sem açúcares adicionados e não transgênico. A qualidade dos ingredientes é uma prioridade, proporcionando um suplemento que não só é eficaz, mas também seguro para o consumo diário.
– Antienvelhecimento: O Resveratrol ajuda a combater os sinais do envelhecimento, promovendo a saúde celular.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a manutenção de um coração saudável, melhorando a circulação sanguínea.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Benefícios das Uvas Inteiras: Oferece os nutrientes essenciais encontrados nas uvas, incluindo fibras e antioxidantes.
– Sustentabilidade: Produzido de forma ética e sustentável, respeitando o meio ambiente e a saúde do consumidor.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Perfect ResGrape Resveratrol diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do suplemento. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para que os efeitos positivos sejam percebidos ao longo do tempo. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
omeed –
Great product, great quality, OK price (this is a month’s supply here)
99% pure- this IS important!
There really are a lot of trans-resveratrol products on the market but there are a couple ground rules when buying the stuff. First resveratrol is selling like hotcakes…anything that sells like hotcakes usually results in corner cutting.
Second, most all of the resveratrol on the market is extracted from “Japanese” knotweed that grows in China not Japan. Case in point China may have less stringent agricultural regulations and health guidelines so you want to go with a reliable source. Specifically on this company’s website they have placed information pertaining to the purity of their product, something most other makers do not provide!
Third, there are many other brands that appear to offer the same or greater amount of trans-resveratrol for less money. This is for a couple reasons: most resveratrol is standardized to 50% of Polygonum cuspidatum- so unless it specifically tells you what standard, or how much is trans-resveratrol on the bottle, chances are it is 50% so a 500mg capsule of some other brands would actually yield 250mgs of trans-resveratrol. It is more expensive to fully extract resveratrol but it is worth the money, many other brands have emodin residue: a laxative that may cause stomach cramping. So for this brand you can without a doubt: ascertain the quality, purity, and amount of trans-resveratrol.
Fourth, in addition to trans-resveratrol each capsule comes with “whole food” muscadine grape. This is a little bit of a gimmick, but it still could be helpful…realistically speaking you would want to actually eat the grapes fresh for the proper benefit-food is food and an extract is an extract. That being said muscadine grapes are also very good for us-they are a native America, unlike european varieties they are much higher in antioxidants including trans-resveratrol. I imagine it will be the next supplement fad after trans-resveratrol =) To be brief there are other antioxidants in grapes that are important together. So for the full benefit you will want to try some muscadine grape seed extract in addition to trans-resveratrol.
Fifth, Trans-resveratrol is very safe with a dosage of 500mg daily or less, excessive intake may put a strain on the kidneys.
Alicia Pelayo –
Larry B –
Seems like a good quality supplement to ad resveratrol to your diet. I’ve been using this and some other immune boosters since this last big flu season and never got sick. It’s a great immune system booster!
Pamela Rowland –
My husband and I both use this brand. We have used other store brands but like the quality of this one the most. We buy 3 at a time so that the price works out to be close to the other brands that aren’t as good.
Old Farmer –
I don’t expect magic bullets from many things. Therefore I cannot give a true review on the overall capacity of this reservathral as yet. I have been experimenting because another product that contained this compound seem to significantly reduce back pain. This does not seem to be as effective, so it may be a combination of a couple of items in that other formulation. However I have noticed that my mind is seems to be a bit sharper, and may continue this for a month or two additional in order to see how well it works.
Lady Luminaria –
Eh! Not for me.
Bflower –
I thought I looked carefully at this product before buying it – obviously not close enough. What is thought I bought was 99% trans-resveratrol from Grapes!
NOT AT ALL what it is! The trans-resveratrol is from Knotweed. A whole different story & much cheaper to produce.
Deeela –
We’ve been using this for a few years and it is an excellent product. It has really helped my back. Great price when you buy 3.