O Perfect Keto 7g MCT Oil Powder é um suplemento de triglicerídeos de cadeia média (MCT) que oferece uma série de benefícios para a dieta cetogênica. Os MCTs são um tipo único de ácido graxo encontrado no óleo de coco, que é metabolizado mais rapidamente do que as gorduras típicas presentes em nossa alimentação. Isso promove níveis elevados de corpos cetônicos, que são uma fonte de energia alternativa para o corpo, resultando em maior energia, foco e clareza mental, sem causar quedas de energia.
Uma das vantagens desse produto é que ele é feito com ingredientes naturais, como os MCTs encontrados no coco real. Além de promover a cetose, o pó de MCT pode ajudar a diminuir naturalmente os níveis de fome, mantendo você saciado durante o jejum intermitente ou sempre que sentir fome.
O MCT Oil Powder é uma opção prática e saborosa para adicionar gorduras saudáveis à sua dieta. Ele se dissolve facilmente em pó, bastando misturar uma colher com a sua bebida favorita para obter um tratamento doce e fácil. Você pode tornar seu café cremoso ou adicionar um toque de doçura limpa e deliciosa ao seu smoothie matinal.
Este suplemento pode ser consumido a qualquer momento em que você precisar. Tome-o de manhã como um delicioso creme sem laticínios, à tarde para ajudar a controlar a fome, como sobremesa para satisfazer seu desejo por doces, como lanche para ajudar a contar macros ou antes do trabalho ou de uma reunião importante para ajudar a manter o foco.
Cada embalagem contém 30 porções de 7g de MCT Oil Powder por porção, o que significa um mês inteiro de energia proveniente de 70% de C8 e 30% de C10, em uma mistura amigável para a dieta cetogênica, livre de laticínios e glúten.
1. Aumento de energia: O MCT Oil Powder promove níveis elevados de corpos cetônicos, que são uma fonte de energia alternativa para o corpo, resultando em maior energia e disposição ao longo do dia.
2. Foco e clareza mental: Os MCTs presentes neste suplemento podem ajudar a melhorar a função cognitiva, proporcionando maior foco e clareza mental.
3. Saciedade: O pó de MCT pode ajudar a diminuir naturalmente os níveis de fome, mantendo você saciado por mais tempo, o que é especialmente útil durante o jejum intermitente.
4. Versatilidade: Este suplemento pode ser adicionado a diversas bebidas, como café, smoothies e shakes de proteína, proporcionando um sabor delicioso e uma textura cremosa.
5. Qualidade e segurança: O MCT Oil Powder da Perfect Keto é feito com ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, sendo livre de laticínios, glúten e outros aditivos indesejados.
Para obter os benefícios do MCT Oil Powder, misture uma colher (7g) do pó com sua bebida favorita, como café ou smoothie. Agite ou misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Consuma conforme necessário ao longo do dia, de acordo com suas necessidades e objetivos individuais. É recomendável iniciar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância. Lembre-se de consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Aproveite os benefícios deste suplemento de MCT e desfrute de uma vida mais saudável e energética!
Cheyenne M Lambert –
I have been doing keto off and on as it seems like the only way I am able to shed excess weight, and had someone recommend mct oil/powder to me. After some research, I landed on this. I already have coconut oil, ghee, and other fat sources to add into my coffee but wanted to find something to help vary the flavor. It blends well (I use a handheld milk frother to blend everything in my coffee) and the taste is good. My only complaint is that I wish I could find products like this without any sweeteners. Stevia is still a sweetener. I want no added sugars or sweeteners of any kind in products I buy and it seems impossible, especially if I do want some ‘flavor’ like the peanut butter. I’m sure I could find a flavorless mct powder that isn’t sweetened, but I wish I could add some of the flavor without the sweetness. I can tolerate stevia, and I will say one scoop of this is perfect for my standard cup of coffee- about 12-14oz before I add stuff in. I made it one time in a standard 8oz and couldn’t stand a sip of it without adding more black coffee, it was way too sweet. Again, still 5 stars, because I knew I was buying stevia. I bought the strawberry one as well, and have used it in my unsweetened coconut and almond milks for a nice strawberry treat, or mixed in with my plain greek yogurt since actual fruit is mostly a no-no on keto. It blends just fine with a spoon in my yogurt, no clumps or anything, and still blends fine with the milk but I again use a frother. All in all excited to at some point try other flavors.
Holy vanilla goodness! Perfect Keto’s MCT Oil Powder is like a hug for your coffee! ☕️💖 Just a scoop, and my morning brew goes from “blah” to “YASSS!” faster than you can say “ketogenic.”
It’s non-dairy, so my lactose-intolerant buddies can sip without fear of a bathroom emergency. And with 7g of MCTs, I’m pretty sure my brain is now running on rocket fuel! 🚀💡
No tummy troubles here—just smooth sailing and deliciousness! If you want to turn your coffee into a creamy dream, this is your go-to. Five stars, and I’m ready to take on the day (or at least my couch)! 🌟😄
deric costa –
Price on this MCT powder is on the high side which is the only reason I rate it at a 4. But when it comes to flavor, texture,and quality, I give it a 5 star rating. The goal behind supplements is to be able to rely on them to enhance our daily nutrient intake. But as a former fitness trainer, I noticed that many of my clients would pass on quality supplements because the costs were just too high for their budgets. I could preach all day to them that their body is worth the cost, but in the end, the wallets win. I would like to see the price of quality MCT powders come down just so more people can justify implementing them into their daily meal plans without having to consider their bank accounts too much. But this price issue isn’t really pointed at this manufacturer directly. Overall, Perfect Keto MCT powder is a quality product that adds a creamy texture, and a nice chocolate taste to my bi-daily shakes. It’s good to know that your shake has the MCT’s that you need and the flavor that won’t turn you off after a week of drinking them. This product is a real treat and a health enhancer. Double whammy!
Chan –
Kenneth Hart –
Am I allowed to compare it to other oils I’ve used? Before I used the MCT Oil and added Fiber to my coffee. I still do add the flavorless liquid to get my macros correct on meals. A friend of mine tried this when he tried Keto and it didn’t work for him so it gave me his leftover Vanilla Flavor. I was happy to take it off his hands. Then I tried it and I was blown away by how much the flavor of my coffee was enhanced. Always short for time the powder and instant coffee makes a quick mix I can take with me anywhere.
The flavor is outstanding, the mixing is wonderful, and the fiber included makes it easy to stomach. I have a stomach that seems prone to flip out at the smallest provocation and this stuff doesn’t bother it at all. So I ran out of the half jar of vanilla and had to reorder. I was shocked at the price compared to the flavorless stuff, but it worked, it worked well, it tasted amazing and it keeps my macros in check. If you miss sweeter things this is the one to use.
I mix 2 scoops with 2 heaping tablespoons of instant coffee every morning and it keeps me going. I haven’t tried them all, I found one that works and despite being expensive I’m going to stick with it. It allows me to avoid eating during the day on a single cup of coffee with this mixed in and the energy is wonderful.
Been doing Keto cycling 3 months at a time, but this is the stuff that finally made it possible for me to avoid eating until I get home. 4 scoops total, 300 calories, keeps me happy till a single meal and a snack at night. Buy it now. The flavor tastes like a salted caramel bar. The flavors are ACCURATE that’s the best part. Buy now.