O Perelel – Suporte ao Equilíbrio Hormonal Myo 60g é um suplemento inovador desenvolvido para atender às necessidades hormonais das mulheres. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto combina ingredientes naturais, como a vitamina B6 e o extrato de inhame, que são conhecidos por suas propriedades reguladoras dos hormônios femininos. A presença do Myo-inositol e do D-Chiro Inositol é fundamental, pois esses compostos são amplamente utilizados em suplementos voltados para a síndrome dos ovários policísticos (PCOS), ajudando a promover um metabolismo saudável e a regular os ciclos menstruais.
Além disso, o Perelel oferece suporte ao humor e à função ovariana, sendo uma opção ideal para mulheres que enfrentam ciclos irregulares. O suplemento também inclui DIM (Diindolilmetano), que auxilia no metabolismo saudável do estrogênio, proporcionando proteção contra os efeitos indesejados do hiperandrogenismo. O ácido alfa-lipóico, um poderoso antioxidante, complementa a fórmula, ajudando a manter a ciclicidade menstrual normal e a controlar a hiperinsulinemia, especialmente em mulheres com PCOS.
Desenvolvido por uma equipe de médicos obstetras e ginecologistas, o Perelel é livre de soja, laticínios e glúten, garantindo uma opção segura e eficaz para o suporte à saúde feminina. Cada cápsula é testada por terceiros e formulada com ingredientes de alta qualidade, proporcionando confiança e eficácia.
- 1. Suporte diário para equilíbrio hormonal, promovendo bem-estar geral.
- 2. Ajuda a regular o ciclo menstrual e a ovulação, facilitando a fertilidade.
- 3. Promove um metabolismo saudável, essencial para o controle de peso.
- 4. Protege o metabolismo do estrogênio, contribuindo para a saúde hormonal.
- 5. Formulado por médicos especialistas em saúde feminina, garantindo qualidade e segurança.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente acompanhadas das refeições. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, para garantir que o uso do produto seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
Warlord Commander Mike –
Interesting to note that this product is claimed to be “Hormone Balance Support” and yet on the label the % of the Daily Value of ingredients is stated as: Not Established.
KH –
I have found inositol to be vital in helping me sleep through the night without waking up hungry. I can tell such a difference when I take it. This particular formula is even better than the usual inositol that I take, though, and I can tell that the Berberine complex is helping even more than the inositol alone.
I love the easy to take capsules and the quality behind this formula. I would highly recommend it!
strawberrykitten –
I have issues with hormonal balance due to a very irregular lady time, so I look for supplements to help balance my hormones. I love the list of ingredients in this supplement, like the inositols and berberine, as I know a lot of these are in women’s hormonal balance supplements. The biggest downside is the recommended dose is to take 2 pills twice daily.. that’s quite a lot, considering I have a lot of other supplements I take. I do really like that these are vegetarian friendly, but I’m not sure I can manage taking so many daily.. for the price tag, I’d expect them to be a lot more concentrated or something.
Mikey –
I’ve just started taking them. So far so good. I would’ve preferred one pill 2x daily vs 4 but it’s all good
Olivia Santos –
Regulated me first month taking them
AVanLeeuwen –
I was influenced by a tiktok saying all these ingredients are really good for women to take regularly, and I stumbled on this product. So far, I am glad I added it to my daily supplement regimen. I didn’t think taking it for a month would do anything or if it’s the placebo effect, but it seems to mellow me out emotionally? All around, I feel better and more rested. My period has always been relatively regular, but we are also trying to conceive and my doctor said inositol might help stabilize my ovulation schedule. So I’ll take whatever help I can get!!
BeenThereTriedThat –
A wonderful boost for my wife. She found it very invigorating.
KH –
The effect of supplements is obviously very individual specific and only potential but I’ve personally had a great experience with this product so far. The pills are standard sized and go down easily. I haven’t had any issues with digestion.
My sleep has been much more stable which may be resulting in a more balanced mood. It’s kind of a chicken and egg situation if that makes sense? I’m not sure if the mood is due to my sleep improving or because of the supplement but either way I’m happy. I definitely recommend following the dosage instructions that they’ve listed on the bottle to avoid headaches which can be caused by the intake of berberine. I’ve had this happen with taking berberine in the past but by following the directions with this particular product I’ve been fine. I’m comforted in knowing they’ve put the time and effort into making a pure and comprehensive product – very important to me when it comes to my hormones! Overall I’m very very happy with this item. It’s rather pricey but worth it to me to have something higher quality.