Peace. Love. Hormones. Suplemento Digestivo de Ervas Amargas para Mulheres | Bitters Orgânicos Certificados para Digestão, Desintoxicação do Fígado com Raiz de Genciana, Raiz de Bardana, Extratos de Folha de Dente-de-leão -…
Nosso suplemento digestivo de ervas amargas Peace. Love. Hormones. é formulado para oferecer suporte ao fígado e ao sistema digestivo, promovendo um microbioma intestinal saudável, regulando o apetite, reduzindo o inchaço, desintoxicando o fígado e auxiliando na absorção adequada de nutrientes para a saúde digestiva geral.
Uma das principais características do nosso produto é a presença do extrato de raiz de bardana, um vegetal de raiz que tem sido usado há séculos como remédio natural para uma variedade de condições. A raiz de bardana contém inulina, uma fibra prebiótica que nutre as bactérias benéficas do intestino. Além disso, nossa fórmula também inclui extratos de folha e raiz de dente-de-leão, raiz de genciana, folha de alcachofra, raiz de gengibre e casca de laranja.
Nos orgulhamos de utilizar ingredientes de alta qualidade provenientes de fornecedores éticos ao redor do mundo. Nosso suplemento digestivo de ervas amargas para mulheres é certificado como orgânico pelo USDA, livre de glúten e adequado para veganos. Além disso, passamos por testes de laboratório de terceiros para garantir a qualidade e segurança do produto.
Para consumir nosso suplemento, agite bem o frasco antes de abrir. Misture uma gota cheia em um copo de água 10 minutos antes das refeições. Se estiver grávida ou amamentando, consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar.
Infundido com sabedoria milenar da Medicina Tradicional Chinesa e aprimorado pela ciência moderna, nosso objetivo é guiar as mulheres de volta às suas raízes, capacitando-as a curar e florescer naturalmente por meio do poder da medicina herbal.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Suporte ao fígado e ao sistema digestivo
- 2. Regulação do apetite e redução do inchaço
- 3. Desintoxicação do fígado
- 4. Melhora da absorção de nutrientes
- 5. Combinação de sabedoria tradicional e ciência moderna
O suplemento Peace. Love. Hormones. oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar a rotina diária das mulheres. Primeiramente, ele proporciona um suporte eficaz ao fígado, essencial para a desintoxicação e o funcionamento saudável do organismo. Em segundo lugar, a regulação do apetite e a redução do inchaço são fundamentais para quem busca um equilíbrio digestivo. Além disso, a melhora na absorção de nutrientes garante que o corpo receba o que há de melhor dos alimentos consumidos. A combinação de ingredientes naturais e orgânicos não só promove a saúde digestiva, mas também se alinha com um estilo de vida saudável e consciente. Por fim, a união da sabedoria tradicional com a ciência moderna oferece uma abordagem holística para o bem-estar feminino.
Agite bem o frasco antes de abrir. Misture uma gota cheia em um copo de água 10 minutos antes das refeições para maximizar a eficácia do suplemento. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e, caso esteja grávida ou amamentando, consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso do produto. A regularidade na ingestão pode potencializar os benefícios e contribuir para uma saúde digestiva otimizada.
iDoc –
This doesn’t taste good at all. Sometimes supplements take a while to feel the effects, but when they taste awful, it’s difficult to keep taking when you see no results yet. I gave it 2 stars because the blend seems decent, but a supplement needs to be tolerable enough to ingest.
At $48 for 59 servings, this is an expensive supplement to try.
CJay CA –
Especially if you dilute with water. Not strong once diluted. Of course, up to each of us as to how much water or how little. But, they seem to work fine.
Honest Reviewer –
I’ve only been using it for two days, so I can’t give a complete verdict yet, but here’s what I’ve noticed so far. The taste? Wow, it’s definitely bitter. But that’s expected with bitters. They say the bitterness is actually a key part of its effectiveness. It’s not unbearable, though—there’s a hint of sweetness from glycerin, which helps balance it out a bit. Still, it’s best to mix it with water to make it more manageable.
I appreciate that it’s made with organic ingredients, and it feels good to know I’m trying something natural. I plan to keep using it for a while longer to see how it affects my digestion and overall well-being. If you’re looking for a natural option to support digestion and detox, I think it’s worth giving it a shot, but just be prepared for that strong flavor.
Smart Shopper –
peace. love. hormones. Herbal Digestive Bitters Supplement for Women | USDA Organic Bitters for Digestion, Liver Detox with Gentian Root, Burdock Root, Dandelion Leaf Extracts – 2 fl oz, 59 Servings
Price at time of review: $47.99
The peace. love. hormones. Herbal Digestive Bitters Supplement presents itself as a natural aid for digestive health, liver detoxification, and hormonal balance, specifically tailored for women. I have only used it for two days and after further research have some concerns, so I’m not sure whether or not I’ll continue use. So, at this point I can’t base this review on an in-depth personal experience.
Thus far, I can attest to the taste. Yep, it’s bitter – but the bitterness is supposed to be a key to its effectiveness. This product seems to balance the bitter taste with a formulation that makes it more palatable, such as adding glycerin for a hint of sweetness. It’s still very bitter, though.
The peace. love. hormones. Herbal Digestive Bitters Supplement for Women stands out because it’s marketed to women looking for an organic, natural approach to improve digestion and support liver function. Its blend of traditional herbs aligns with historical and some modern uses of bitters for health. I suggest speaking with your doctor or a health professional before use, and if safe for you, I think it’s worth trying if you’re struggling with digestive issues or seeking natural detox aids.
Tiffany M –
Obviously you know they won’t taste great… this is a bit better than some bitters I have tried, but still really hard to get down. The ingredients are high quality and it is more palatable if mixed in water. My main complaint is the “30 drop”… why not just put a measurements on the dropper? That would be so much easier and accurate.
ardyjormkiv –
I really wanted this to work for me. I have got some digestion things and I’m at the point where I’ll pretty much try anything.
I gave these bitters a little taste before I was going to do the entire dropper. But wow. Just that little taste was the WORST thing I’ve ever put in my mouth. And I understand that it’s supposed to be bitter but I honestly don’t understand how anyone could stand this stuff. It almost immediately gave me reflux and the taste stuck around for a while after.
It seems like quality stuff, but I’m going have to find something flavorless.
Naomi –
I’ve been buying a lot of hormone balancing things, but I don’t feel any different. I’m not sure how long it tastes to notice a change. I will say, the ingredients in here seem great. I like that it’s vegan friendly. I don’t like that the directions say 1mL or 30 drops. Why not just use a dropper with a 1mL marking on it? Counting out 30 drops its annoying. I personally wouldn’t recommend squeezing the dropper directly into your mouth. This stuff is strong! Definitely dilute it in some water. The taste is not necessarily for me, but it is similar to a kombucha product I recently ordered, so people must like this flavor combination. It’s okay. I’m going to keep taking it in case it does eventually make me feel better.
Kevin Taylor –
My wife listens to a lot of masterclasses about health and nutrition, and one that she heard recently mentioned benefits of bitter compounds even beyond the digestive effects. She also loves a lot of bitter foods and drinks. For both of these reasons, she was excited to try this digestive bitters supplement, and she’s very happy with it so far.
Of course the flavor is bitter. It’s supposed to be! You can adjust the amount of water you use to make it more palatable. It is a little tedious to count out the 30 drops, so it would be ideal if the dropper were marked, but this is a minor issue for my wife compared to the decrease in bloating she’s noticed.
She loves that the ingredients are organic, vegan, and 3rd party lab-tested!