Descrição do Produto: PCI Freedom Cleanse Restore por Dr. Omar Amin
O PCI Freedom Cleanse Restore, desenvolvido pelo renomado Dr. Omar Amin, é um suplemento herbal projetado para promover a saúde digestiva, aumentar a energia e fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto oferece um suporte abrangente para o bem-estar geral, sendo ideal para quem busca uma desintoxicação eficaz e um estilo de vida mais saudável. Cada frasco contém 180 cápsulas vegetarianas, suficientes para um suprimento de 30 dias.
- Desintoxicação Abrangente: O PCI Freedom Cleanse Restore ajuda a limpar o corpo de toxinas e impurezas prejudiciais, promovendo um estado de saúde ideal.
- Suporte Digestivo: Este suplemento promove um trato digestivo saudável e movimentos intestinais regulares, contribuindo para uma melhor absorção de nutrientes.
- Aumento da Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a combater infecções e a manter uma saúde ótima.
- Aumento de Energia: Aumenta os níveis de energia e reduz a fadiga, permitindo que você permaneça ativo e produtivo ao longo do dia.
- Função Hepática: Apoia a função hepática saudável, garantindo processos de desintoxicação eficazes e a eliminação de substâncias nocivas.
1. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Elimina toxinas acumuladas, promovendo um corpo mais limpo e saudável.
2. Melhora na Digestão: Ajuda a regular o trânsito intestinal, prevenindo desconfortos como inchaço e constipação.
3. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Aumenta a resistência do corpo contra doenças, ideal para épocas de maior incidência de gripes e resfriados.
4. Aumento de Energia: Combate a fadiga, permitindo que você aproveite melhor suas atividades diárias.
5. Suporte à Saúde do Fígado: Contribui para a desintoxicação natural do organismo, essencial para a saúde a longo prazo.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o PCI Freedom Cleanse Restore, recomenda-se a ingestão de 6 cápsulas vegetarianas por dia, preferencialmente divididas em duas doses de 3 cápsulas, acompanhadas de água. É aconselhável tomar as cápsulas antes das refeições para maximizar a absorção dos ingredientes ativos. Para um efeito ideal, utilize o produto por um período contínuo de 30 dias, integrando-o a uma dieta equilibrada e a um estilo de vida saudável. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
Earth Spirits –
I bought this for my teenage daughter for daily facial cleaning. The product seems pretty standard in that it does clean the daily oils and debris you may have on your face, but does leave somewhat of a residue when you’re done, which requires you to wash off with water to fell the overall cleanliness. They advertise a side that is more abrasive and then a smoothing side, but we don’t really notice a difference.
These remind me a lot of a much less expensive, more standard pad that I used when I was younger, which makes me think that these are not so much more special than any other product that is out there.
claire –
I got these recently as I’ve been have horrible stomach aches and was willing to try anything. They actually did help my health and made me feel better. They are super easy to swallow and don’t taste terrible. I love how they are natural and not full of chemicals. I highly recommend these for anyone.
A writer –
These capsules worked great for my husband, but not for me. I got too upset a stomach and had to discontinue.
Guest13 –
This system has a lot of ingredients included known to support digestive health. It has worked well for me as a gentle way to cleanse and I highly recommend.
Caroline –
I would recommend starting this on a Friday night and taking it thru the weekend if you have a weekday job. Your body will likely need to adjust to it and having a bathroom nearby is a good idea. Some of the herbs in the “freedom” capsules do make my GI system rumbly. I do like the 3 system approach and I also like the ingredients in each. I have taken other cleanses in the past and this one is one of the more comprehensive versions. It will be harder the first week or two, but gets normal and easier for the last 2 weeks. You should be feeling lighter, cleaner and better afterwards. Everyone is different however, so be mindful of that.
Flying Tiger –
Caroline –
I am about to start my second week. First week, I really didn’t notice much. I normally am not consistent with my bowel movements unless I am taking my probiotics. Since taking these I stopped taking my probiotics so I can see how well it functions alone. For the first 2/3 days I didn’t have a bowel movement at all. When I finally did go, it was a very smooth experience. My first week is up and I’m still not going consistently. I have noticed a bit more headaches and I have been sneezing alot with a runny nose. So that could be part of the cleansing as well.
The instructions say you may start to see a difference around the 3 week mark but it’s best to use this for a complete 2 -3 months. Which means you’d have to buy 2 more packs of these which can be quite expensive. It’s very gentle to the point that I hardly notice any “cleansing” effect. But I will continue until it’s done to see if I notice anything different. But I do appreciate that it doesn’t have senna leaf in it.
I wasn’t sure if these supplements would have any real effects on me, I had been looking for a cleansing supplement for a while that was natural, but also not a fortune.
This all-natural product started to work after a few days, and I noticed an improvement in 2 weeks.
For me it worked a little too well, but if you are looking for a cleansing this is it.