[FACIAL MASK] para cuidar do seu rosto com um tratamento de spa em casa que hidrata a sua pele e te deixa com a aparência impecável.
[FORMULADO COM ANTIOXIDANTES] O Resveratrol (da uva!) e o Extrato de Morango ajudam a proteger contra os agentes estressores do ambiente, que podem causar sinais precoces de envelhecimento.
[ÁCIDO HIALURÔNICO] proporciona a hidratação poderosa que sua pele merece, ao mesmo tempo em que você desfruta de um momento relaxante só para você.
[AROMA DE MORANGO] aproveite o aroma intoxicante e levemente perfumado de morango enquanto relaxa no momento perfeito para si mesmo.
[AMACIE] sua pele enquanto protege o seu rosto. Em apenas 10 minutos, esta Máscara Facial da Patchology lhe proporcionará uma hidratação intensa.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Hidratação intensa para a pele do rosto
- Proteção contra agentes estressores ambientais
- Aroma delicioso de morango
- Facilidade e praticidade de uso
- Resultados visíveis em apenas 10 minutos
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, siga as instruções abaixo:
- Lave o rosto com água morna e seque suavemente.
- Retire a máscara da embalagem e desdobre cuidadosamente.
- Coloque a máscara no rosto, ajustando-a para que fique bem aderida à pele.
- Relaxe e deixe a máscara agir por 10-15 minutos.
- Remova a máscara e massageie suavemente o rosto para absorver o excesso de produto.
- Para melhores resultados, utilize a máscara 1-2 vezes por semana.
Para obter os melhores resultados, siga as instruções abaixo:
- Lave o rosto com água morna e seque suavemente.
- Retire a máscara da embalagem e desdobre cuidadosamente.
- Coloque a máscara no rosto, ajustando-a para que fique bem aderida à pele.
- Relaxe e deixe a máscara agir por 10-15 minutos.
- Remova a máscara e massageie suavemente o rosto para absorver o excesso de produto.
- Para melhores resultados, utilize a máscara 1-2 vezes por semana.
Oleander Whisper –
Pricer than some, but a high quality sheet mask that left my skin feeling soft and hydrated. Thin fabric that unwraps easily and sticks closely to the face, aiding both absorption of the mask’s ingredients, and allowing you to more easily use outside the bath or bathroom. Suggested to chill before use, for extra enhancement; while I didn’t try it that way today, will in the summer.
The fun, champagne glass-Rose packaging and them would make these great for a bridal shower or bridesmaid’s gift bag. They also have eye patches in the same brand and packaging.
Natalie Fowler –
This moisturized my face and made it GLOW. Stuck it in the fridge for about 15 minutes for a chilled effect. SO refreshing! Great after a weekend of traveling or a night out
Mikah C. –
Great experience should have more for cost but lovely mask
Oleander Whisper –
I did enjoy using this Korean sheet mask! It does have a light scent of sweet rosé, and it is tinged a rosy pink hue. I suspect that the resveratrol and strawberry extract ingredients might contribute to that blush-infused coloration. The package contains a copious amount of serum, so I found it necessary to squeeze a great deal of it out of the mask before placement to prevent a drippy experience. I patted the extra liquid on my arms, neck, and chest but it did feel noticeably sticky once dry. The mask exhibited good adhesion, and after removing it, I rubbed the remaining serum onto my face (but I will say that it also felt somewhat sticky there too). The directions mention a suggestion of placing this mask in the refrigerator before use, but even at room temperature, it still provided a noticeable, cooling sensation. The hyaluronic acid component does seem to provide lasting hydration after use. I love the mini bubbles printed on the packaging, they look like reflective sequins when the light catches them! At a list price of $8, I’d honestly hesitate to buy only one of these packaged masks; I think a bulk discount option would offer a better deal overall. My skin did seem soft and replenished the next day, so I think this antioxidant-packed product did its job!
Sahar –
For the price, not Worth it.
Only comes with 1 sheet mask.
For me, I have normal skin and this didn’t do anything but make it look more shiny and “meh”. No wow factor.
The marketing…. so it says your face will be pink or turn pink, they want you to believe the mask is causing blood flow in your face and doing all sorts of good things. Reality doesn’t work like that. Don’t fall for cheap unscientific gimmicks. I have a science degree so I am more wary than the average consumer but…..sheet masks don’t work overnight, no such thing as a miracle cosmetic. And over time? Very few products work depending on use and age and environmental factors.
The marketing has fooled people though to believe that. They know Americans love wine and alcohol too so they threw in some rose to lure unsuspecting women in. It doesn’t do anything else other than temporarily feel good and cool your skin.
This sheet mask is sold for 8 dollars and doesn’t do much other than a pamper session. If that’s something you want, you can get better sheet masks for the price. Look in my reviews for a good sheet mask I have tested and trust. YMMV.
Buyer –
My mom and I tried these and we loved how moisturized, fresh and plump it would leave your face!
Miss Pink Lemonade –
This arrives in a fully sealed package. To open it, just pull across the top. Now, pull the mask out and carefully unfold. There are no plastic or mesh backers: I like that because there is less waste. So nice!
This moves into place with ease and never slips or drips. It’s pretty perfect. Now, I pour the remaining serum into my hand and then work it into my neck and décolletage area. It’s a great way to treat that area as well!
Leave this on for ten minutes or longer. While you wait, you will notice a light but pretty fragrance. It’s a genuine treat!
Once time is up, remove the mask but do not wash. This will dry-down nicely.
What remains is very clear, very hydrated “glass skin.” It’s really quite nice!
I highly recommend this and the matching eye patches … phenomenal!
spanakopita NJ –
Mixed feelings on this mask. The mask itself was fine. There was no “cover sheet” but it unfolded and applied pretty well. It’s a gel material that I like, better than wood pulp. Adherence and cutouts were both good. There was a mild “winey” (Rosé?) grape scent, or maybe it was power of suggestion from the packaging (which is quite cute.) The scent was not unpleasant. There is only one mask and $8 is really too high – I’ve used better masks for $4 and under. I guess my main disappointment was the color? I recently used a “blueberry” mask that was a deep vibrant purple and that was really fun. If you’re going to do colored masks, then GO for it! This mask was a pretty pale pink, but on my face, I couldn’t see the color – I guess it was close enough to my skin tone that it just blended, or perhaps it was transparent. It had plenty of nice serum and moisturized well. But you can do better for the price.