Descrição do Produto: Patches Transdermais para Sono para Adultos
Os Patches Transdermais para Sono são a solução ideal para quem busca uma noite de descanso reparador. Desenvolvidos com uma fórmula avançada, esses patches são feitos nos EUA e utilizam glicerol vegano, melatonina, GABA, L-teanina e magnésio, todos ingredientes naturais que promovem um sono de qualidade. A tecnologia de liberação prolongada garante que os ingredientes ativos sejam absorvidos de forma eficaz pelo organismo, proporcionando um efeito duradouro que se estende por toda a noite.
Com um conteúdo de água de 25% em seu hidrogel, os patches não apenas garantem uma absorção eficiente, mas também melhoram os ciclos de sono, permitindo que você acorde renovado e pronto para enfrentar o dia. O tecido ultra-flexível e respirável, conhecido como Relevanex, oferece um conforto supremo, tornando os patches quase imperceptíveis durante o uso. Eles podem ser aplicados de forma discreta no peito, braço, perna ou pescoço, permitindo que você desfrute de uma boa noite de sono sem incômodos.
Além disso, os patches são universais e adequados para todos, minimizando reações alérgicas e promovendo uma melhor qualidade de sono. Com isso, você ganha mais controle sobre seu bem-estar e qualidade de vida.
– Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes 100% naturais, os patches são seguros e eficazes para promover um sono reparador.
– Tecnologia Avançada: A liberação prolongada dos ingredientes ativos garante um efeito duradouro, ideal para quem tem dificuldades em manter o sono.
– Conforto Superior: O tecido respirável e flexível proporciona um uso confortável, permitindo que você se mova livremente durante a noite.
– Uso Discreto: A possibilidade de aplicar os patches em diferentes partes do corpo torna o uso discreto e prático.
– Apropriado para Todos: Os patches são veganos e hipoalergênicos, tornando-os adequados para uma ampla gama de usuários, independentemente de sensibilidades.
Para utilizar os Patches Transdermais para Sono, siga estas etapas simples:
1. Escolha uma área limpa e seca da pele, como o braço, peito, perna ou pescoço.
2. Remova o patch da embalagem e retire a película protetora.
3. Aplique o patch firmemente na pele, garantindo que esteja bem aderido.
4. Deixe o patch agir durante a noite, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos sejam absorvidos gradualmente.
5. Ao acordar, remova o patch e descarte-o adequadamente. Para melhores resultados, utilize o patch regularmente antes de dormir.
Amanda Slovak –
I liked that these came in a patch, I put it on my upper arm at first but checked the directions and it advised to put the patch on my thigh or chest. It was only on my arm for a few seconds, it peeled off easily enough and stuck to my thigh just fine all night, but I never got any benefits from it. It advised to put it on an hour before going to bed, I did an hour and a half and I never felt tired, at least not in that time frame. Eventually I got tired but I believe it was because I was exhausted and not because of these patches as it was 3-4 hours later that I finally began to get tired. I will try putting one on my chest to see if that will make any difference but my first use did not impress me at all.
HealingMaven –
Good ingredient list but the effect is pretty mild. The patch is comfortable and doesn’t come off until I take it off, and doesn’t bother my skin. But, if it’s helping? It’s a mild enough effect that it could be coincidence.
James Corden –
These patches seem to be quite well made, I have used one patch two times so far (they are reusable) and it stuck to my skin very well the whole night. It didn’t slide around my body while I tossed and turned, and was easy to store back on the plastic and reapply the next day. I frequently take the pill and/or gummy form of melatonin and magnesium and rarely know if it is making an impact, and must say the same about the patch. However, for the patch itself, I would say it works quite well in the way of sticking to the body.
SpaceGirl –
I love that there is a sleep aid in the patch form. With me, pills take forever to work, but I fall asleep faster with this patch. I take it on the nights when I don’t take a pill, thinking I’ll fall asleep quick but I don’t. Pop on the patch, and I’m asleep within a half hour! The only thing I don’t like about this is it gives me about six hours of solid sleep, and then I wake up feeling energized. I need eight hours of sleep to function! But this is just a me-thing, and this happens with all sleep aids, not just this one. So far, this is my favorite, given the choice between a pill and patch.
Amazon Customer –
I only take melatonin or other sleep supplements on rare occasions, as I usually stay up too late and don’t have a problem falling asleep once I finally get to bed. I applied this patch about an hour before I planned to go to bed, and within about 30 minutes I did feel more tired, but I powered through to finish what I was working on. It’s possible I would have fallen asleep more quickly if I had gone to bed closer to when I applied the patch, but once I was in bed I was no longer tired. When I woke up, however, I felt extremely tired and probably could have slept for several more hours if I didn’t have to get up for work (usually once I’m awake, I can’t fall back to sleep). So I’ll plan to only use these when I can sleep in the following morning. As others commented, the price seems a little high for the number of patches. To keep track of which ones I have already used once, I’ll write an X in red on the patch (otherwise, it’s impossible to keep track, since they are all stored on single sheet).
Saif –
I tried this patch to solve my occasional insomnia one night, and shortly after applying it on my thigh, I felt a bit drowsy; however, it was not effective in terms of making me fall asleep and I struggled to sleep that whole night, and only slept for like 2.5 hrs., so I wouldn’t recommend this. Also, it only comes with 4, which can be used twice each.
K E –
These patches are advertised as having 10mg melatonin per patch, but you don’t get nearly that much. This could be good or bad depending on your needs. First, dermal absorption doesn’t seem nearly as efficient as oral. Second, maybe due to the gel formula these patches use, they recommend reusing them multiple times. So in a single night you are getting some fraction of the active ingredients. All of this means these patches are more of a low dose for sleep quality and not a cure for insomnia.
The patches themselves are very high quality material. They are adhesive gel with a soft flexible fabric backing. Very comfortable and they have a brief cooling effect when first applied.
I have sensitive skin and these don’t irritate at all. They peel off without discomfort.
Ultimately I think these aren’t for me. I tend to need help on nights when I can’t fall asleep. I don’t want or need a nightly low dose.
Holiday Pink Prepper –
These are easy to use but not really sure, plus they didn’t stay on all night, even though I don’t toss in bed. Just didn’t work for me, but they are priced really good.
5-excels in expectations, does more than I thought it would, comes with more than expected, will make life easier or fun or organized, will last, tastes great, could be something I wouldn’t live without anymore, would buy again, would highly recommend.
4-does what it says or pretty much, exactly as described or close to it, no real problems, one or two things could make it better, taste is ok or good, comparable to other similar products, worked ok for me, would probably buy again, recommended.
3-not exactly what I expected, may miss something or doesn’t do everything, maybe difficult to put together or use, may not completely work, could be overpriced, probably other products better and less cost, may not work for me, probably wouldn’t recommend.
2-worked for a while, or didn’t see a difference at all, awful tasting or smelling, came missing parts, difficult to use, too overpriced, wouldn’t recommend at all.
1-completely different from what I ordered, broken or cheap for the price, possibly returned, pass.