Descrição do Produto: B12 Energy Plus Topical Patch by PatchAid – Suprimento para 30 Dias
O B12 Energy Plus Topical Patch da PatchAid é uma solução inovadora e prática para quem busca aumentar seus níveis de energia e bem-estar de forma eficiente. Este adesivo transdérmico foi desenvolvido com uma fórmula avançada que proporciona a liberação gradual de vitamina B12, essencial para o metabolismo energético e a saúde do sistema nervoso. Com um suprimento para 30 dias, cada patch é projetado para oferecer uma experiência de uso confortável e discreta, permitindo que você mantenha sua rotina sem interrupções.
Os patches da PatchAid são livres de látex, lactose, glúten e açúcar, garantindo que mesmo aqueles com restrições alimentares possam utilizá-los sem preocupações. Além disso, são isentos de ingredientes prejudiciais, o que os torna uma escolha segura e saudável. A versatilidade dos patches permite que múltiplos adesivos sejam usados simultaneamente, potencializando os benefícios de diferentes nutrientes conforme a necessidade individual. Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se usar os patches por um período de 8 horas, o que facilita a integração na rotina diária.
Os patches da PatchAid são funcionais e fáceis de usar, bastando aplicar o adesivo em uma área limpa e seca da pele. Com sua tecnologia de liberação controlada, você pode desfrutar dos benefícios da vitamina B12 ao longo do dia, sem a necessidade de lembrar de tomar suplementos orais ou injeções.
– Aumento de Energia: A vitamina B12 é fundamental para a produção de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga e o cansaço.
– Fácil Aplicação: Os patches são simples de usar e podem ser aplicados em qualquer lugar, tornando a suplementação prática e discreta.
– Sem Aditivos Prejudiciais: A fórmula livre de látex, lactose, glúten e açúcar é ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
– Uso Prolongado: Com um suprimento para 30 dias, você garante uma suplementação contínua e eficaz.
– Versatilidade: A possibilidade de usar múltiplos patches ao mesmo tempo permite personalizar a suplementação de acordo com suas necessidades.
Para utilizar o B12 Energy Plus Topical Patch da PatchAid, escolha uma área limpa e seca da pele, como o braço ou a parte superior das costas. Remova o adesivo da embalagem e aplique-o suavemente na pele, pressionando por alguns segundos para garantir a aderência. É recomendado usar o patch por um período de 8 horas para maximizar a absorção da vitamina B12. Após o uso, retire o patch e descarte-o adequadamente. Para melhores resultados, mantenha uma rotina regular de aplicação, garantindo que você esteja sempre recebendo os níveis adequados de energia e vitalidade.
Laru –
The product claims to deliver more than 550mg of vitamins from a 100 mg patch 🙂 I took the patch to my lab and measured the weight of the patch on an analytical balance. The patch would look yellow if it contained 100mg riboflavin and should turn urine bright yellow, which didn’t happen. You can do the math and beware of such products.
Coretta Avery –
I have allageries so my skin is very sensitive. I broke out in hive. However, if you don’t have skin sensitivity issues it may work.
Kara Hayden –
I love the patches by this company!
Amazon Customer –
This patch is easy to use and really works. The pack is small and easily fits in my purse The patch stays on relatively well unless you get really sweaty. If I plan on working outdoors I cover it with a band aid to help it stay in place. . I have so much more energy now. I am no longer wanting to nod off at my desk in the afternoon. I highly recommend it.
PJ –
I keep ordering this product whenever it’s available
I feel more energy whenever I wear this
Curious Kate –
I stuck these on every day for 6-7 weeks and just had my blood tested.
Zero increase in my labs for B12.
I love the idea of patches…but if they don’t increase my blood levels, then what’s the point of spending the money?
Maybe using for a longer period might show some results…maybe… I’m not willing to spend the money for that. I’ll do a monthly shot instead.
Angela Benjilali –
I bought a plethora of these Patch Aid patches after my surgeon told me about them. He said they absorb well and gives lots of vitamin nutrients. I have these on auto-ship now. I use 5 patches daily, all different types of vitamins. The only downfall is that I don’t have many places to put these patches besides my upper arms, under my short/long sleeve shirt. When I put them on my stomach, I had some sensitively after in the sticky areas. When I put them on my legs, they roll off easy. So, I wear them with or without a short sleeve shirt, but I don’t like the look without being covered. I will, however, continue to buy these patches!!
Elle –
Pro: the b vitamins absorb well. You can tell because b vitamins make the color of your urine more vibrant. Also glad the B12 and folate are methylated for those of us with MTHFR mutations.
Con: I didn’t realize that there was also a proprietary blend of herbs in her including ginseng which is somewhat of a stimulant. This is potentially dangerous because some medications interact with it including blood pressure meds, calcium channel blockers, and aspirin. I personally like it because ginseng is good for neuropathy, but it is also an upper, which explains my mysterious insomnia the last few days.
It also contains Rhodiola rosea which is an adaptogen. All adaptogens are not recommended for pregnancy. It also loweres blood pressure, which explains why I fainted while wearing this. Good thing I didn’t hit my head, or I’d be hitting this company up with a lawsuit. If you take SSRI’s, you could get serotonin syndrome from combining the two.
In short, read the label fully. I read the table section of the panel that listed b vitamins, but I ignored the fine print describing the proprietary blend of herbs at the bottom, and it came back to bite me.
S –
So I am B deficient. Especially in B1 (thiamine) because alcohol just depletes all your B vitamins.
I see a lot of complaints about them “doing nothing” or “not sticking”.
Either A. You’re not deficient in B vitamins to begin with.
Or B. You are sticking it on bad spots. It says to place it on hairless spots, and hold down FIRMLY.
At first. I give it a firm hold, then rub it fast to heat it…it softens the adhesive like you would an envelope when you seal it.
I also put it on spots like the sides of my breasts or under them..there’s no hair, and my bra sort of holds them down.
I use another on my hip (also hairless), around where my underwear is, so again, it can be held down well.
Try that if it’s not working. But I know it’s not a placebo. And yeah, one doesn’t seem enough in my case. My family gets annoyed at my sudden energy lol, I end up getting everything done in a good mood and they think I’m manic or on something haha. Good luck, I’m buying more in the future.
Wish there was a positive mood/relax/anti-anxiety type of patch too. I’d like that.