Os Patches Tópicos de Cúrcuma Curcumina Live To Shine são a solução ideal para quem busca uma forma prática e eficaz de aproveitar os benefícios da cúrcuma. Produzidos nos EUA, esses adesivos oferecem um suprimento de 30 dias, permitindo que você incorpore a cúrcuma em sua rotina diária sem a necessidade de ingerir comprimidos ou cápsulas. Cada adesivo é formulado com ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, destacando as propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes da cúrcuma e da curcumina, que são amplamente reconhecidas por suas contribuições à saúde.
Esses adesivos são extremamente fáceis de usar: basta descascar e colar na pele limpa e seca. Eles são projetados para proporcionar alívio da dor e da inflamação, além de promover a saúde das articulações e uma pele saudável. Com a conveniência de um suprimento para 30 dias, você não precisará se preocupar em reabastecer frequentemente. Além disso, os Patches Tópicos de Cúrcuma Curcumina são livres de látex, glúten e açúcar, tornando-os uma opção segura e saudável para veganos e pessoas com restrições alimentares.
– Alívio da dor e inflamação: A cúrcuma e a curcumina são conhecidas por suas propriedades que ajudam a reduzir a dor e a inflamação.
– Saúde das articulações: O uso regular dos adesivos pode contribuir para a manutenção da saúde articular.
– Fácil aplicação: A simplicidade de uso permite que qualquer pessoa possa aplicar os adesivos sem complicações.
– Ingredientes naturais: A formulação com ingredientes de alta qualidade garante um produto seguro e eficaz.
– Adequado para veganos: A ausência de ingredientes de origem animal torna o produto acessível a todos.
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Para utilizar os Patches Tópicos de Cúrcuma Curcumina Live To Shine, comece por limpar e secar a área da pele onde o adesivo será aplicado. Descasque o adesivo da embalagem e cole-o firmemente na pele, preferencialmente em uma área sem pelos para garantir uma aderência adequada. É recomendado deixar o adesivo na pele por um período mínimo de 8 horas para maximizar os benefícios. Após o uso, remova o adesivo suavemente e descarte-o. Evite aplicar em áreas de pele irritada ou ferida para garantir a segurança e eficácia do produto.
I have added Tumeric to my diet for about ten years. I have studied nutrition and a lot of disease and illness is due to inflammation in the body. I was so excited to try these patches knowing that capsules taken orally have a lot of fillers. I have used these patches at night for a few weeks and I really see the difference in the way my body feels, no pain waking me up at night. A plus is the fact that these patches work for 24 hours. The latest vitamin patches only work for 8 hours making these turmeric patches very cost effective
Annamarie –
I was skeptical, but these patches have been amazing for me. I suffer from severe uterine cramping every single day. Nothing has helped…until now. I have doubled the dose and use one patch every 12 hours. Unfortunately, I have to use these every day, and a missed dose results in severe pain. But, the fact that it provides as much relief as it does makes this patch well worth the money. I know these are marketed for join pain and arthritis, but these are also a lifesaver in terms of muscular pain throughout the body.
One World –
I recently got very ill, we were traveling to tick country, and when we got home I got very sick. Turns out it was Rocky Mountain spotted fever , which caused my joints to inflame which causes a lot of pain. I am not a fan of IB and Tylenol , so I went on the hunt for a patch that I felt good about. I found these and figured I would try them out. Couldn’t hurt. At first I wasn’t sure they were working because that’s how much inflammation I had in several joints . When I really started to notice them working is when the pain levels decreased a little. Three weeks later and I still have achy joints , now when I wear a patch I can most definitely feel the relief come on. I wouldn’t say these noticeably work with sever pain, they sure work for minor to moderate discomfort of the joints , which a still a win for me! I will be keeping these patches handy for a long long time.
Yen –
It does not work at all. It’s easy to use, but when I peel it off my knee, it literally scratched my skin and caused a small wound. I don’t recommend this to anyone.
Cari –
Much to my surprise, these really do work. They may not completely get rid of the pain but they helped a lot. I used them on shingles (no rash) and knee arthritis. I found they stick well, unlike what some other reviewers have said. I felt it more the second day and they continued to work the 3rd day after which I took them off. They leave a slight residue around the edges which is easy to rub off. I would definitely buy again.
Hattie –
I used these patches for 3 days, sometimes on my shoulder and sometimes on my back. They seemed to provide some pain relief. However, during the 3rd day of usage, I began to have heart palpitations and a very elevated heart rate. This is sometimes a side effect from tumeric. After removing the patch, my heart rate returned to its normal rate within an hour. I would advise using this product cautiously and being aware of any changes in your heart rate.
V-Girl –
I appreciate the honest description of these patches, as I have hunted for a long time to find a miracle which literally ease my pain of Fibro & osteoarthritis. This does it. Low back pain, neck and knee pain joint areas suffering less. FIbro achiness has lessened also. Take care in removing the patch from paper, slowly remove 1 corner slowly with a fingernail-be sure to apply it on a recently washed/dried area where there is No hair – forearm, side-hip, upper back/shoulder… I am using another prod. here which in combination with this patch, has worked surprising wonders for me! Take care of yourself, consider finding an excellent Vitamin combo to complete your Nutritional needs. *This is also sold here, it Also Makes an Enormous Difference in my attention span: Wild Cocotropic Mushroom Drink Elixir with Cocoa, Reishi, Chaga Extract, Maca, Turmeric | Hot Nootropic Brain and Focus Mix, Add to Smoothies, Shakes, Coffee (4 Ounce).. When you live in pain, it’s 1 day at a time. This Patch gives me better days, every day.
Wild Clover –
Works much better than expected. However they are pricy, and the adhesive on the pads sucks.