As almofadas para rugas no peito da marca Chest Wrinkle Pads são a solução ideal para quem busca suavizar as rugas e linhas de expressão enquanto dorme. Esses adesivos reutilizáveis são projetados para serem aplicados na testa, colo e pescoço, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada ao acordar. Com um conjunto de 14 adesivos, você poderá cuidar das áreas mais delicadas do seu corpo, garantindo que a pele fique mais firme e com um brilho saudável. A tecnologia de silicone de grau médico utilizada na fabricação desses adesivos assegura que eles sejam seguros e confortáveis, sem causar irritações ou desconforto.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Suavize as rugas do colo e do pescoço: Com o uso regular, os adesivos ajudam a reduzir visivelmente as rugas e linhas finas, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e saudável.
2. Reutilizáveis e laváveis: Os adesivos podem ser facilmente lavados com sabão neutro e água, permitindo que você os utilize várias vezes, tornando-os uma opção econômica e sustentável.
3. Restaure o brilho da sua pele: A aplicação dos adesivos estimula a circulação sanguínea e a produção de colágeno, resultando em uma pele mais firme e elástica.
4. Qualidade premium que você pode confiar: Feitos de silicone seguro e sem odor, os adesivos não causam irritações e são projetados para não arranhar a pele.
5. Serviço de pós-venda excepcional: A Vitaminer Shop oferece um atendimento ao cliente de alta qualidade, garantindo a troca dos produtos sem custo adicional em caso de problemas.
Os adesivos para rugas no colo e pescoço oferecem uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Eles ajudam a suavizar as rugas, são reutilizáveis e laváveis, promovem a circulação sanguínea e a produção de colágeno, são feitos de materiais seguros e contam com um excelente serviço de pós-venda. Esses fatores não apenas melhoram a aparência da pele, mas também proporcionam uma solução prática e econômica para quem deseja manter a juventude da pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados com os adesivos para rugas no colo, siga estas instruções: antes de cada uso, enxágue os adesivos com água para remover células mortas que possam interferir na aderência. Utilize movimentos circulares leves com as pontas dos dedos na superfície adesiva, evitando pressão excessiva que possa danificar a camada adesiva. Após a limpeza, deixe os adesivos secarem ao ar na caixa, evitando o uso de toalhas que possam comprometer a adesão. Para resultados ideais, aplique os adesivos durante a noite, permitindo que a pele se beneficie do tratamento enquanto você dorme.
AmandaPanda –
Easy to apply, stay put, less expensive than other brands and THEY WORK. They include chest, neck & entire face. I’m 62 & see a noticible difference, I wear them all night, wakeup to smoother,softer less noticible frown lines, scowl line, jowl lines, I’ve only used these 3 times, they’re reusable and actually work, do wrinkles come back after 8 or so hours? yes but less noticible. In time & with dedication I believe my issues will look better & better. Can they make you look 20 again NO but I will feel better & look fresher & less harsh. I actually bought these myself, this is an honest review with no perks. Buy these, you’ll be glad you did. And they come with multiple sheets for all your parts.
siatree –
I am very happy with this product and recommend it.
moriah –
I was super skeptical, but figured it was worth a try. I’m a side sleeper, and it was starting to show on my face. I wear the forehead patch at night and it minimized the appearance of the lines I already have and prevents the lines above my eyes from sleeping. After using them at least a month, I believe the deeper lines on my forehead aren’t as deep. The most benefit is up to 2 hours after wearing them (I find wearing them overnight works best). It is imperative that your skin is clean and dry and free of moisturizer or oils. I just moisturize after removing the patch.
Adriana Bohorquez –
I was very exited with the product at first, but after after the second use, the product is not longer adhering to my skin. The neck and front doesn’t stick to the skin at night or during the day. I have to use a scarf around the neck to hold it in place. The chest pad was good when I used it during the day, but at night I have to sleep on my back because it keeps moving as I turn on my side ( this was the idea to buy this product). I will most likely not buy this brand nor I recommend it.
robin3906 –
I’ve tried several brands of these. This particular one has great adhesive. The neck one won’t stay on, bit that’s across the board with all of them
moriah –
I wish I could say if these actually worked or not but they wouldn’t stick long enough to find out. I knew they wouldn’t stay while sleeping so I decided to try them while I was working. Since my job is pretty low-key and I sit at a desk all day, I thought that would be a fair trial.
Nope. They still didn’t stick. Not only that but immediately after touching the chest pad to my chest, I broke out in hives.
I decided to give up.. The idea, I guess, is to keep the areas that the pads are from moving so you don’t worsen your lines? But they hardly stick on so they’re not accomplishing much of anything..
Not only that but when I removed them my face felt dry and tight like I had just used an incredibly stripping soap.
If you’re able to get these to work well for you, that’s awesome. I however did not end up so lucky.
Robin Griffiths –
At first, I was excited by all the shapes and sizes, but they really do not stick compared to other brands. I only bought them because Amazon stopped selling my favorite ones. Won’t be buying these again.
Note: When these actually work, they do indeed smooth out wrinkles. I use them all the time, and I even bought some for my mom. We’re both sad that Amazon got rid of the good ones!
Cindy –
This is a great quality product and works as expected. If you are purchasing this for large scars/”stretch marks” make sure the silicone is covering the ENTIRE scar plus half a centimeter or so, or else the silicone sticking to your skin will pull that scar apart and make it way, way worse. You’re welcome.
Ps. Clean your skin thoroughly before each use. I recommend putting oil or a moisturizer on the skin surrounding the silicone patch right after it’s placed.