Os Patches Quantum Health Lip Clear para Feridas Labiais Invisíveis são a solução ideal para quem busca alívio e proteção contra as incômodas feridas causadas pelo herpes labial. Com uma fórmula inovadora e invisível, esses adesivos oferecem discrição e conforto, permitindo que você siga sua rotina sem se preocupar com a aparência das feridas. A tecnologia de hidrocoloide presente nos patches mantém a umidade da pele, acelerando o processo de cicatrização e proporcionando alívio imediato da dor e coceira. Além disso, a proteção contra irritantes externos ajuda a evitar que os sintomas se agravem, garantindo que você se sinta bem durante todo o tratamento.
Os patches são projetados para se fixar de forma segura, evitando que se desloquem e garantindo máxima proteção contra o herpes labial. Sua compatibilidade com maquiagem é um grande diferencial, permitindo que você aplique batom, gloss ou corretivo normalmente, já que o adesivo é semi-transparente. Para potencializar os resultados, recomenda-se o uso do tratamento Lip Clear Lysine+ Cold Sore Treatment antes da aplicação do patch, promovendo uma recuperação ainda mais rápida e eficaz.
1. Conforto e alívio: A tecnologia de hidrocoloide mantém a umidade da pele, proporcionando um tratamento mais confortável.
2. Proteção contra irritantes: O adesivo protege a ferida de irritantes externos, minimizando o desconforto.
3. Compatível com maquiagem: O design semi-transparente permite o uso de maquiagem, mantendo a estética.
4. Fixação duradoura: Os patches são projetados para permanecer no lugar, garantindo proteção contínua.
5. Resultados mais rápidos: O uso combinado com o tratamento Lip Clear Lysine+ acelera a cicatrização das feridas.
Para utilizar os Patches Quantum Health Lip Clear para Feridas Labiais Invisíveis, siga as instruções abaixo:
1. Limpe e seque cuidadosamente a área afetada antes da aplicação do adesivo.
2. Remova o adesivo da embalagem e aplique-o diretamente sobre a ferida do herpes labial.
3. Pressione suavemente o adesivo para garantir uma boa aderência à pele.
4. Deixe o adesivo no lugar por pelo menos 8 horas ou durante a noite para um tratamento eficaz.
5. Para remover, puxe delicadamente o adesivo a partir de uma das extremidades, evitando qualquer desconforto.
Com esses passos simples, você poderá desfrutar dos benefícios dos Patches Quantum Health Lip Clear e retomar sua rotina com confiança.
Jenn –
I liked them except they would slip off pretty easily.
Roberta Roth –
For a normal size cold sore along the lip line or other dry surface, these are Ana amazing. To the point where i got to slip the scaly yellow phase bc it was so good at absorbing the viral secretions. On cold sores inside the lip or on a moist membrane- of course not as good, but still can be attached to a dry area or layered with two to provide some coverage. It was important to me to cover to protect my baby. In summary, if you are looking for function (absorption, a barrier) this is a good product. If you are looking for cosmetic coverage or a thinner product to apply makeup over, try the Compeed brand- they are larger, but thinner and less absorbent.
Tatiana Fajardo –
It works in a few days! Looks good on the lip or where you use it!.
Johannah Bowman –
These are worth every single penny! First off, cold sores are disgusting. Everyone that gets them are embarrassed by them and do everything in their power to hide them. They generally come from stress which doesn’t help because normally it’s right before a big event when you get one. This week I just so happened to get 2, double stress I guess. My first one, I used zilactin, as that always dries it up the first day and then there is just a huge scab on my lip for a week. So that one was over and done with and then I just so happened to get a row of bumps across my lower lip just as my other one disappeared. Wth! So I resorted to online looking where I came across these suckers! First off, I’m so thankful for this product and the fact Amazon had them delivered to me the same day I ordered them. Second, holy crap they cover cold sores like no other. They say that you can use them with makeup and lip gloss but they are so discreet that I don’t even need to. Yes they are the tiniest bit noticeable but I’d much rather people see this than my big ugly cold sore! For wearing, I put one one last evening when I got it and ate dinner with it and had drinks. It never budged. I slept with it and the same through breakfast without issue. I pulled it off this morning to clean it and change it and again, it hides everything. I am so happy I found this product. I have already sent it to my sister and she is going to send it to her friend who also gets stubborn cold sores. Thank you thank you thank you!!! Buy this!!!
B. Packard –
I bought these wanting to compare them to the Aleve brand of the same product. They are significantly less expensive than the Aleve brand, and feel pretty much the same way (soothing), and they do a good job protecting the sore, and preventing an accumulation of crust overnight. There are only two things that I didn’t like as well as in the Aleve product. One of them is something that someone else might find preferable… the adhesive on these is noticeably stronger, requiring some soaking in order to release from the sore without sticking to it. The other thing is that while the elaborate packaging and opening process required in the Aleve patches, while it seems excessive, is somewhat easier to get the patch isolated from the backing material. It’s do-able, though.
Johannah Bowman –
These were not very sticky for my cold sore. I tried a few different ones and they kept curling up and coming off. I would not recommend these.
C00kie –
I love the Compeed cold sore patches but hate that it doesn’t sell in the US so shipping times are long. I bought these thinking they would work just as well. In some aspects they do. They cover the sore throughout the oozy scabby stage and help the wound heal faster. However, these don’t stay on as well as the Compeed and they are a little thicker (thus not quite as invisible). The price is better than Compeed, but I find myself needing to replace them more often during the day, so it’s a false economy. I’ll use them in a pinch, but will try to make sure I have the Compeed patches on-hand in case I get a flare-up in the future
Deuce –
They work very well in the healing process.
S. Gibbons –
What a great product idea! Too bad it only stays put for a very short period of time. I was very excited to get these. I talk to people all day every day and a big ugly cold sore on your face. I placed one on while getting ready for work. It looked great. Then I got to work and started talking to people (about 40 minutes after getting ready at home). One of my co-workers pointed to her lip to indicate I should take a look at mine. How embarrassing! It had lifted around all of the edges and looked horrible. I tried several different ways throughout the course of my cold sore. What I found was if you try to use them when the bumpy blister has formed (the phase you want to hide the most), look for another way to conceal it. After bumps, blisters, scabs, etc. have gone away, then it sticks very well. I can cover that with makeup. Thank you Quantum Health for the effort but I cannot recommend this product and would not purchase it again.
Karen L Clary –
I like these because they’re easy to use and clear so covers sores with out being noticed.