As Patches para Olheiras e Olhos Inchados da marca Máxima Visibilidade são a solução ideal para quem busca revitalizar a área dos olhos, proporcionando um olhar mais descansado e rejuvenescido. Com uma fórmula inovadora, esses patches oferecem ação hidratante e um efeito refrescante que ajuda a melhorar a aparência da pele ao redor dos olhos. Com ingredientes eficazes como colágeno marinho, vitamina C, ácido hialurônico, extrato de pérola, extrato de algas vermelhas, óleo de semente de camélia e extrato de flor de crisântemo, esses patches são suaves e adequados para todos os tipos de pele.
Os benefícios são notáveis: a redução de olheiras e inchaço é perceptível após o uso, proporcionando uma sensação de frescor e relaxamento. A aplicação regular dos patches não só melhora a aparência imediata, mas também contribui para um efeito anti-envelhecimento, hidratando e preenchendo a pele. A facilidade de uso torna esses patches uma opção prática para o dia a dia, permitindo que você cuide da sua pele de forma rápida e eficaz.
1. Redução de Olheiras: Fórmula específica que atua diretamente nas olheiras, melhorando a aparência dos olhos.
2. Diminuição do Inchaço: Ingredientes como colágeno marinho e ácido hialurônico ajudam a reduzir o inchaço, proporcionando um olhar mais descansado.
3. Efeito Anti-Envelhecimento: A presença de vitamina C e extratos naturais promove a hidratação e o preenchimento da pele, combatendo sinais de envelhecimento.
4. Fácil de Usar: Aplicação simples que pode ser incorporada à rotina diária, com resultados visíveis em apenas 15 minutos.
5. Ingredientes Naturais: Com uma composição suave e natural, os patches são adequados para todos os tipos de pele, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, comece limpando o rosto e a área dos olhos, secando suavemente com uma toalha limpa. Em seguida, aplique os patches de gel sob os olhos, pressionando delicadamente para garantir uma boa aderência. Deixe os patches agirem por 15 minutos, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele. Após o tempo de aplicação, remova os patches e massageie suavemente a área dos olhos para auxiliar na absorção dos nutrientes. Para resultados otimizados, recomenda-se o uso diário dos patches.
kj tutt –
This is my favorite yet very glittery.. my girls love to use it with me. And it feels great on my skin.
Anonymous –
I love these. Very calming before bed. They make my eyes less puffy and my dark circles less noticeable.
Mark –
I really wanted these to work on the puffiness around my eyes. I don’t have dark circles to comment on, but the minor puffiness I have hasn’t changed. Under my eyes it does feel more hydrated and softer. Hopefully they work better for others.
Random Reviewer –
I love the colors of these and they work as well as any other I’ve used. Great gift item or way to splurge a bit on the look of your eye masks!
DanyelN –
I have serious dark circles under my eyes and have for decades. These eye patches actually seem to help. They are cooling and relaxing to wear and very hydrating to that sensitive skin under the eyes. They come in a big box so they are a good value. My only quibble is that they patches can be heavy and only stay on well if you are reclining. So relax while using them.
SnickerdoodleSarah –
These worked well, eyes felt moisturized and refreshed. I do love that they’re individually packaged as well. They are dripping with product though and so do tend to slip. Might want to use them lying down.
Kristina –
These are fun patches that do a nice job of moisturizing under your eyes. I mostly use these for the Hyaluronic Acid moisturizing properties. I’m certain I could achieve the same effects (if there really are any) by applying my own Hyaluronic Acid under my eyes. But these are nice for traveling or for gifting and at a good price!
Kali Euker –
They’re cute, had I seen them closer to christmas I probably would have ordered them for my niece. Though I’m an adult, I actually do love the bright colors and glitter myself! Aesthetically, they’re pelasing.
Do they work? With the amount provided in the package, for me, no. But I will caveat that I do not generally believe eye masks to be effective. I’ve used them for years and never seen much in the way of results, but that’s fine, it hasn’t stopped me from using them. More often than not, eye products in general tend to contain the exact same ingredients as other skin care products, just sold at a higher price and marketed differently. For me, eye masks are more about the feeling of self-care/pampering myself. For that reason, I do enjoy these eye masks.
Is it necessary for them to be individually packaged if only one person is going to be using them? No, it’s a bit wasteful. However, if these were given to a teenager, would be great for them to share with friends, or use at a slumber party or something.
All and all, for what they are, I like them. I would recommend them to someone who likes eye masks, but I wouldn’t try and sell someone on eye masks if they weren’t already using them with THIS product (if that makes sense). They are on the thicker side, so they tend to fall down the face a bit. Doesn’t bother me, most eye masks do… and if they don’t, they’re very thin and often rip.. pick your poison!