Os Patches para Espinhas no Rosto com Óleo de Melaleuca são a solução ideal para quem busca um tratamento eficaz e discreto para a acne. Feitos de hidrocolóide, esses adesivos invisíveis são enriquecidos com ingredientes naturais, como o óleo de melaleuca e o óleo de calêndula, que são conhecidos por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e cicatrizantes. Eles são projetados para tratar espinhas, incluindo as císticas, ajudando a reduzir a inflamação e acelerando o processo de cicatrização. Com um design ultrafino e acabamento fosco, os patches se adaptam perfeitamente a todos os tipos de pele, tornando-se praticamente invisíveis sob a maquiagem.
Os adesivos possuem excelente aderência, garantindo que permaneçam no lugar mesmo durante a noite, sem causar irritação ao serem removidos. Eles atuam absorvendo o pus e as impurezas, limpando a área afetada e promovendo uma cicatrização mais rápida. Disponíveis em dois tamanhos (8 mm e 12 mm), os patches permitem que você escolha a melhor opção para cada área do rosto, proporcionando um tratamento personalizado e eficaz.
1. Tratamento Natural: Ingredientes como óleo de melaleuca e óleo de calêndula aceleram a cicatrização e aliviam a vermelhidão.
2. Proteção Invisível: Design ultrafino que se adapta à maquiagem, permitindo um tratamento discreto.
3. Excelente Aderência: Ficam firmes no lugar durante a noite, mesmo com movimentos, garantindo eficácia contínua.
4. Cicatrização Rápida: Acelera o processo de cicatrização, reduzindo o tamanho das espinhas e limpando a pele.
5. Tamanhos Variados: Opções de tamanhos diferentes para atender a diversas áreas do rosto, facilitando o tratamento.
Para obter os melhores resultados, comece limpando e secando a área afetada. Escolha o tamanho do adesivo que melhor se adapta à espinha, garantindo que cubra completamente a área. Pressione suavemente o adesivo sobre a pele para assegurar uma boa aderência. Deixe o patch agir durante a noite ou por pelo menos 6 horas. Ao remover, faça isso com cuidado e lave a área com água morna. Repita o processo conforme necessário para maximizar os resultados e manter a pele saudável e livre de acne.
McKayla –
It does its job but it falls off quite easily, especially with the smaller patches. It doesn’t work as good as the corsx one– it gets kind of saggy when u leave it on overnight on a pus filled pimple unlike the corsx on. But do I mind? No not really! The price is more affordable and it comes with lots of patches to use
Raya –
These patches are real hydrocolloid unlike the fake patches that are just adhesive plastic. Awesome value too. When I got these before, they were a 180 count pack, now there are 360!! They work perfectly and are gentle on my sensitive skin.
Bunny –
These hydrocolloid patches work very well and compete with some of the more expensive brands. 180 patches are included with varying sizes. That is a deal for the price. It should be noted that these only work on open acne or blemishes as hydrocolloid is used to absorb secretions and protect the open skin/wound/pimple. This won’t work on cystic acne that hasn’t come to a head. Will definitely stock up on these again!
Wasabi –
I know these are for acne but!!!!
Bought these for cold sores. Patches specifically for them are very expensive. 180 for 7$ here for practically same product. These patches have no extra ingredients in them like the Compeed brand. Only difference is the cellulose is thicker on these but they come in 2 different sizes which is more convenient than expensive ones i would try and cut down cuz too big and tryn to save money. Ive been buying the more expensive ones for years. Never again. The trick with these is to keep changing them often. They literally pull the yuck out and it sticks to the pad, youll see it its gross. Wash it with soap and water, let it completely dry and apply another. Ill do close to 10 a day when its bad. Im shocked at how quickly they go away!! Even with immune issues!! Very cool!
Aloe –
More than half of these won’t stay on. When they do? Oh my gosh!!! Soooo irritating on the skin. I thought my teens were being dramatic, as I had them each try one out (took a few per kid to get one that stayed and didn’t shift or peel). Nope. Got my shower and washed and dried my face, put on two of these in very different spots on my face and one on my chest (after peeling a dozen to get these ones, as they wouldn’t stick) and laid down to read to my youngest and poor kid had to wait 3/4 of the way through their book because I could not stand these on my skin!! I got up and removed each one. Tried it again before I went to bed and again. It itched and just felt awful. I recently tried a name brand one from a friend and had it on for hours with 0 problems. I also hate that these are visble
Because no matter what I’ve done to peel them off the sheet there’s a curled bit that makes it more visible.
These are such a disappointment and haven’t had them 24 hrs. Blech!
Raya –
First picture I’m pointing to a patch that’s currently on a pimple. Here’s my review: There are some pimple patch brands out there that sell, quite literally, 10 tiny patches for the same price as this box. I have cystic acne and so far these don’t seem to make me break out more. They work awesome, and I can even wear them in the day if it’s not around my mouth or chin (when you talk the patch will peel off). I LOVE that they come in different sizes and they really mastered the exact ratio of big to small patches. I’m never left with too many small or big ones at the end which is rare compared to other brands. They’re sticky and stay on all night and do their job! Awesome deal, I’ll buy these again when I run out in probably a year 😂
Jordan Wilkens –
They go on clear so you can’t even tell that they are there. Also keeps you from picking at your face, wonderful!… my skin doesn’t heal like it used to 👀
Rachael –
You get a lot of them which is nice(most only come with like 10 and it’s almost the same price). However, they are a bit thin and if you are like me and put a pimple cream on before hand.. they don’t stick very well and aren’t water proof. You have to wait a bit for your face to be COMPLETELY dry to get them to stick. They get the job done and help me stop picking my pimples. They just aren’t as good as the clearisil or mighty patch ones. Don’t know if I’d purchase again.