MQ 14ct Motion Sickness Patches Non Drowsy – Essenciais para Viagens em Navios, à Prova d’Água, Ação Rápida
As pessoas que sofrem de enjoo de movimento sabem o quão desconfortável e debilitante pode ser viajar de carro, avião ou barco. Felizmente, o adesivo MQ 14ct Motion Sickness Patches Non Drowsy é a solução perfeita para esse problema. Com ingredientes 100% naturais, este adesivo é seguro e eficaz, sem causar efeitos colaterais ou sonolência.
O adesivo MQ Motion Sickness Patch é rápido e duradouro. Basta aplicá-lo 10 minutos antes de viajar e ele dura de 1 a 3 dias. Se o enjoo de movimento for mais grave, o adesivo pode ser usado atrás da orelha e no umbigo ao mesmo tempo.
Além disso, o MQ Sea Sick Patches pode ser usado em viagens de carro, avião, trem, cruzeiro, balsa e até mesmo em parques de diversões. É a solução perfeita para quem sofre de enjoo de movimento em qualquer tipo de transporte.
O adesivo é fácil de usar. Basta remover a película plástica branca do adesivo redondo de cor bege e aplicar a superfície adesiva em uma área seca e sem pelos no umbigo ou atrás do lóbulo da orelha, um adesivo atrás de cada orelha.
O design portátil do adesivo MQ Motion Sickness Patch é pequeno e leve o suficiente para caber no bolso, na bolsa ou na mala, tornando-o perfeito para levar para qualquer lugar. É um item essencial para viagens de cruzeiro.
- Eficaz e seguro: O adesivo MQ Motion Sickness Patch é feito com ingredientes 100% naturais, sem efeitos colaterais e sem causar sonolência.
- Rápido e duradouro: Basta aplicar o adesivo 10 minutos antes de viajar e ele dura de 1 a 3 dias.
- Ampla aplicação: O adesivo MQ Sea Sick Patches pode ser usado em diversos meios de transporte, como carros, aviões, trens, cruzeiros, balsas e parques de diversões.
- Fácil de usar: Basta remover a película plástica e aplicar o adesivo em uma área seca e sem pelos no umbigo ou atrás do lóbulo da orelha.
- Design portátil: O adesivo MQ Motion Sickness Patch é pequeno e leve, perfeito para levar em viagens.
Para usar o adesivo MQ Motion Sickness Patch, basta remover a película plástica branca e aplicar a superfície adesiva em uma área seca e sem pelos no umbigo ou atrás do lóbulo da orelha. Recomenda-se aplicar um adesivo atrás de cada orelha. O adesivo deve ser aplicado 10 minutos antes de viajar e dura de 1 a 3 dias, proporcionando alívio eficaz e contínuo contra o enjoo de movimento.
Denise –
This was my second time purchasing. I don’t know how , but these work. The smell is not the best but I put two near my belly button and I barely notice they are there. Didn’t feel sick once on my 12 hours of travel by car, bus, tram and airplane. Stood up to being the back seat passenger with my father in laws rally car racing through winding country roads at 1:00 am, that is a five star rating.
Paopuig –
Lo compré para mis padres , viajarían en crucero y funcionó perfecto , discretos y fácil de usar (no da sueño como los medicamentos)
K –
Wore these everyday while on a cruise, SO happy I got these. They give off a lavender essential oil scent at first but it wears off over a few hours. A lifesaver if you get seasick or even motion sick in a car like I do. Trust!
Linda Hanock –
Didn’t work for my husband
Amazon Customer –
It works great and sticks on great
Kristen –
Haven’t actually used them yet, but got them for a plane ride coming up. I get motion sick very easily. I do not like the smell of them. I will likely wear it on my navel not my ear because the smell itself would make me sick.
Ton –
Worked very well
isabella –
I purchased this product for my daughters to take during our 5 hours plane trip and let me tell you, these little patches were a life saver. Easy to put on, no irritation of any kind. We replaced it every 3 days to make sure we keep the effect going. I can’t never be a passenger specially during long car rides, but had no issues while wearing the patches. I purchased more and intend to keep supplies with me going forward.
Anya –
Went on two cruises with these, and I gotta say they are a godsend! Unlike anti-nausea pills, this product doesn’t make you drowsy. I do double up though, one behind each ear. And they work for at least 48 hours. I switch them out every two days. You can bathe and shower with them on, they stay put, at least behind the ears. Maybe if you put them on your stomach, there would be more friction and they won’t stay on as long. But behind the ears they definitely stay put.
Anyways, they work great! In fact I think they work better than they should. On our last cruise we had the drink package, and we took advantage of it fully. I should have been so sick from all the drinking, but somehow I wasn’t hungover once. I don’t know if that was entirely due to us not giving our bodies the chance to have a hangover or it was because of this product. I really think it was due to these stickers. There is some sort of herbal mix they are made of. When you put them on, there is a cooling sensation on and around the spot you stick it on. I might be wrong of course, but if there are herbs in the ingredients, that can definitely help with the side effects of drinking.
Tam –
Since they discontinued the scopolamine patches aka transderm V, I had high hopes that these would work, but they did nothing. I even put two on, a couple hours before a boat trip and I was seasick by the time we got an hour away from shore on a power boat no less.
It ruined my scuba diving experience because I was feeling nauseous once I got the gear on and before I could even go underwater I had to abort and threw up on my way swimming back to the boat.
If you live somewhere where they still carry the transderm V patches I suggest you stock up, I wish I did!