Descrição do Produto: Vitamasques Sleep Patches for Adults, SnoozeMe Wellness Hydrogel Patch (3-Pack)
Os Vitamasques Sleep Patches são a solução ideal para quem busca uma noite de sono reparador e relaxante. Com uma fórmula inovadora, cada patch contém ingredientes poderosos como lavanda e melatonina, que promovem um ambiente propício para o descanso. Os patches são feitos de hidrogel, proporcionando uma aplicação suave e confortável na pele, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos sejam absorvidos de forma eficaz enquanto você dorme. Cada embalagem contém três patches, perfeitos para uso noturno, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e a melhorar a qualidade do sono. Experimente a sensação de acordar renovado e revigorado com a ajuda dos Vitamasques Sleep Patches.
1. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: A combinação de lavanda e melatonina ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, promovendo um descanso mais profundo.
2. Redução da Ansiedade: Os ingredientes naturais têm propriedades calmantes que ajudam a aliviar o estresse e a tensão acumulada ao longo do dia.
3. Fácil Aplicação: Os patches são simples de usar, bastando aplicar na pele antes de dormir, sem necessidade de preparação complexa.
4. Conforto e Praticidade: O formato em hidrogel proporciona uma sensação agradável e não irritante, permitindo que você se mova livremente durante a noite.
5. Uso Versátil: Ideal para qualquer pessoa que tenha dificuldades para dormir, seja por estresse, rotina agitada ou mudanças de horário.
Para obter os melhores resultados com os Vitamasques Sleep Patches, aplique um patch limpo e seco na parte interna do braço ou na área desejada antes de dormir. Certifique-se de que a pele esteja livre de produtos oleosos ou hidratantes para garantir a adesão adequada do patch. Deixe o patch agir durante toda a noite e remova-o pela manhã. Para um efeito contínuo, utilize um novo patch a cada noite. É recomendado não exceder o uso de um patch por noite.
Amazonian Queen –
Stayed on all night, didn’t have any skin reaction and smelled nice 🙂
This is the first time I’ve tried a patch for helping with sleep but I’ve tried all the ingredients in pill form. Seems to work about as good as pill form. I have bad anxiety and if I am feeling pretty anxious before bed these don’t help (nothing really does). But if I’m not anxious they do seem to help me fall asleep and stay asleep. I put it on about 1.5 hours before bed (which is when I usually take pills.) Was falling asleep by the end of the 1.5 hours.
These patches are advertised for promoting the “quality and quantity of your sleep.” There are multiple patches in each resealable package. I found that the patches adhered comfortably to my inner wrist. The patches did not cause a problem for my sensitive skin.
The lavender scent of these patches is nice and calming but it is not very long lasting. Within an hour, I cannot not perceive any scent unless I actually sniff the patch itself. I still struggled to fall asleep and could not perceive any positive impact on my “quality or quantity” of sleep. As a result, I would not order these again.
BlondeBomb –
Last night I had trouble falling asleep and then remembered getting these patches. I put one on and after about 5-10 minutes I noticed how relaxed I felt. It wasn’t long before I fell asleep and slept very well through the night. I’ve used sleep patches before and had success with some and no luck at all with others. I will say I don’t remember any of them making me feel this relaxed though. The patches are a type of gel and it had a slight smell, supposedly of lavender, but it was not that noticeable unless I put it right up to my nose. If you are sensitive to scents, I doubt if this is going to be enough to bother you. I love that it is cruelty free! Will definitely be purchasing more of these!
InMyHO –
Every night, I place a patch on my wrist before bed. It’s small and easy to forget about once it’s on. There’s a faint lavender smell, soothing but not overwhelming. The patch stays there for twelve hours, though I’m asleep for most of that time.
Falling asleep used to be a struggle. I’d toss and turn for hours, my mind racing with thoughts. But with the patch, I notice I drift off faster. It’s not instant, but the time it takes to fall asleep seems shorter. My room is dark and quiet, the perfect setting for rest.
In the mornings, I wake up feeling more rested. The usual grogginess isn’t as strong. I peel off the patch and throw it away. My wrist feels fine, no irritation or residue. There’s a subtle difference in my day; I feel a bit more alert and less sluggish.
By evening, I’m ready to put on another patch. It’s become a routine now. Place the patch, brush my teeth, and get into bed. My sleep is deeper and I wake up fewer times during the night. It’s a small change, but I can tell it’s helping.
Frances –
These patches are great and seem to be helping me achieve a better sleep without having to take a pill. It did take a couple of nights to determine the best placement on my wrist for them. I couldn’t place it where it bent because the patch would either come off or fold on itself. I place it a little lower and it sticks throughout the night now. It also doesn’t irritate my skin and is very easy to pull off in the morning. I barely notice it is there. I’m not sure if it’s a placebo effect or if these actually help, but I do feel like I have a deeper sleep when wearing them. I only wish more patches came in the package. I’d recommend this item.
J. –
Love love love these!!
BlondeBomb –
What I like about the Vitamasques Sleep Patches for Adults: The patch is soft, easy to use and not irritating to my skin. You get 4 patches to a packet that is resealable making them easy to use for traveling. There were no associated fragrance to the patches.
What I dislike about the Vitamasques Sleep Patches for Adults: They do not stay on my skin. I have applied the patches to clean dry skin as per instructions and even while sitting watching a movie the one patch peeled off into a curled mess resulting in my need to reapply another patch. This is a transdermal mechanism of action for the product to work as claimed; but if the patch cannot stay on your skin then they will not work. My patches did not have a lavender aroma.
Tanya –
I can’t say I would order these again. They didn’t stick very well on my skin (perhaps you need to use no moisturizer at all beforehand?). I also didn’t notice any benefits as far as falling asleep or staying asleep.