Descrição do Produto: VIORY Melatonin Sleep Patches para Adultos Extra Forte
Os adesivos de sono VIORY Melatonin são a solução ideal para quem busca uma noite de descanso reparador. Com uma fórmula extra forte, cada adesivo combina a melatonina com valeriana, proporcionando um efeito relaxante e facilitando a indução ao sono. A aplicação é simples e prática: basta colar o adesivo na pele antes de dormir e deixar que os ingredientes ativos atuem durante a noite. Os patches são discretos e não causam desconforto, permitindo que você se mova livremente enquanto dorme. Ideal para adultos que enfrentam dificuldades para adormecer ou que desejam melhorar a qualidade do sono, os adesivos VIORY são uma alternativa eficaz aos comprimidos tradicionais, promovendo um sono profundo e revigorante.
1. Indução Rápida ao Sono: A combinação de melatonina e valeriana ajuda a adormecer mais rapidamente, reduzindo o tempo necessário para pegar no sono.
2. Fórmula Extra Forte: A concentração elevada de ingredientes ativos proporciona um efeito mais potente, ideal para quem tem dificuldades crônicas de sono.
3. Praticidade na Aplicação: Os adesivos são fáceis de aplicar e não requerem ingestão de líquidos, tornando-se uma opção conveniente para qualquer rotina.
4. Sem Efeitos Colaterais: Ao contrário de muitos medicamentos para dormir, os patches não causam sonolência no dia seguinte, permitindo que você acorde revigorado.
5. Apoio ao Relaxamento: A valeriana, conhecida por suas propriedades calmantes, ajuda a reduzir a ansiedade e o estresse, preparando o corpo para um sono tranquilo.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique um adesivo VIORY Melatonin em uma área limpa e seca da pele, como o braço ou a parte superior das costas, cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Certifique-se de que a pele esteja livre de cremes ou óleos que possam interferir na adesão do patch. Deixe o adesivo agir durante toda a noite e remova-o pela manhã. Para uso contínuo, recomenda-se aplicar um novo adesivo a cada noite, respeitando a dosagem indicada. Evite o uso em caso de hipersensibilidade a qualquer um dos componentes da fórmula.
Ofa –
These were easy to apply and felt quite lightweight and soft on my arm. I love the essential oil ingredients, but they don’t have a strong smell! I applied these patches at night and was pleasantly surprised by how much better I slept that night and fell asleep earlier than usual. I highly recommend these for people who have trouble sleeping.
Collesha –
I’ve always taken Melatonin in the pill form, but decided to give these patches a try. I applied the patch about 20-30 min before bed. The patches are comfortable, skin-friendly and I couldn’t tell it was on, which was nice. I usually have a very hard time falling asleep and will toss and turn for about an hr. But with this patch, I started to feel the drowsiness usually associated with Melatonin in about 15 minutes. I easily drifted off to sleep shortly after and STAYED asleep. The next morning, there was no grogginess or irritation on my skin. I felt extremely refreshed. I will continue to use these anytime i need help falling asleep
Trish –
It’s kind of soft you don’t feel it on your skin
Linda Woods –
One patch did nothing for me, but two seems to be working. I am going to continue this and see how I feel in a few weeks. HOPE.
james wittenauer –
I’ve been struggling with sleep recently and these patches made a noticeable difference. I felt much more relaxed and very affordable! They are super easy to apply and I keep them right by my bed so I never forget to use them!
Collesha –
These patches have a high absorption rate and helped improve my sleep and reduce stress. I noticed a positive shift in my mood after using them consistently. Overall, they worked well for stress relief and better sleep quality.
Jennifer Parker –
Found my unicorn 🦄! l have tried everything! Prescriptions leave me groggy and hungover, over the counter drugs, nope. Tried headphones built in a nightmask, nope… My mind races and will never shut off… these!!! OMG! I started with one, amazing! Buuuut, I tried 2! Boom! I wake up well rested, I never thought I would see this day! Tried and true with someone with high anxiety!
Trish –
The Viory melatonin support patch, infused with botanicals, vitamins, and supplements, is worn at night to help promote a good night’s sleep and helps user to wake up refreshed.
What I liked about the patch-The patch had easy to follow directions and was easy to apply. The patch was easy to remove after waking and did not leave any skin residue. I placed the patch on the underside of my forearm just to see if there would be a difference in the skin when the patch was removed and there was no difference.
The ingredients in the patch were clear and included the dosage in milligrams which I think is important. The patch started to work within 20 to 30 minutes and did give me a good night’s sleep. I woke up early took the patch off as per the directions and didn’t feel drugged or groggy the morning after using it. In fact, my wife tried the patch, and she had reported having a good night’s sleep as well with no weird dreams or groggy feeling either.
In general, the patch is a good product worth trying for those who really have a hard time getting a good nights’ sleep.