Descrição do Produto: Veru Wellness Sleep Patch
O Veru Wellness Sleep Patch é uma solução inovadora e natural para quem busca uma noite de sono reparador. Com 32 patches de alta potência, este adesivo para dormir foi desenvolvido especialmente para adultos que enfrentam dificuldades em relaxar e adormecer. Formulado com ingredientes 100% naturais, o Sleep Patch oferece uma alternativa livre de medicamentos, promovendo um sono profundo e revitalizante sem os efeitos colaterais comuns de fármacos. A tecnologia de liberação gradual dos ingredientes ativos garante que você desfrute de um descanso contínuo durante toda a noite, ajudando a melhorar a qualidade do sono e a disposição ao acordar. Ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada ou sofre de insônia ocasional, o Veru Wellness Sleep Patch é a escolha perfeita para transformar suas noites.
1. Sono Natural e Reparador: Proporciona um sono profundo e tranquilo, sem o uso de substâncias químicas.
2. Fórmula Extra Forte: Aumenta a eficácia do produto, ideal para quem tem dificuldades mais severas para dormir.
3. Praticidade de Uso: Fácil de aplicar, permitindo que você se concentre em relaxar sem complicações.
4. Sem Efeitos Colaterais: Ao ser 100% natural, minimiza o risco de reações adversas, comum em medicamentos para sono.
5. Melhora a Disposição: Acorde revigorado e pronto para enfrentar o dia, com mais energia e foco.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Veru Wellness Sleep Patch, aplique um adesivo em uma área limpa e seca da pele, como o braço ou a parte superior das costas, cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Certifique-se de que a pele esteja livre de cremes ou óleos que possam interferir na adesão do patch. Deixe o adesivo agir durante a noite e remova-o ao acordar. Para um efeito contínuo, utilize um novo patch a cada noite. É recomendado não usar mais de um patch por vez e consultar um profissional de saúde em caso de dúvidas ou condições pré-existentes.
AMZ Fan –
I’m a terribly restless sleeper. According to my fitbit, I sleep an hour or 2 straight, wake up for a few seconds of restlessness, then sleep for another hour and so on and so forth through the night. I put a single patch on my belly because I was worried it might break me out and I wanted it to be in an easily concealable spot just in case. Have had no breakouts or irritation so far. The first night I tried this patch, I slept 4 hours straight without any restlessness waking me up. The second night, I slept for 7 hours and 59 minutes. I think the last time I slept that long was when I was pregnant with my daughter, and she’s 26 now. I’ve never felt so rested in my life. Highly recommend for anyone who “sleeps” through the night and still wakes up exhausted because they didn’t truly sleep. These are amazing!
Kimreviewerfuntime –
These did not work for me at all. They can also be hard to get off and will leave red patches. To fix this issue I used rubbing alcohol to get the patch’s off. Wish this product would have worked better as I do have trouble sleeping.
SG –
The patch is very easy to put on, however everyone has different sleeping issues. My insomnia is terrible, I have found that these patches help me get to bed a little bit sooner then usual. I do feel if I continue to wear them they may work better.
c. kevin kirkpatrick –
If you’re looking for a simple, effective solution to help you sleep better the natural way, I highly recommend giving this sleeping patches a try! I wake up feeling refreshed every time I used them. Great product!!
Sarah Clowers –
I’ve waited a couple of weeks before writing this review to say if they are working or not. I am thinking that they may help me to fall asleep faster. Doubtful if they help me to stay asleep once I have fallen asleep because I am still waking up in the middle of the night.
I put two patches on about 2 hours before I go to bed. I am menopausal so my sleeping is horrible so that is why I use two patches at once. I rotate the spots that I use them on, not sure if that matters or not. I tend to place the patches over high blood flow areas on the inside of my arms or wrists.
The patches do not irritate my skin and they do stay intact so long as my skin is very clean and not oily.
Plan to continue to use and hope that they work! Will buy more if successful! Price is decent.
SG –
This sleep aid is special. Unlike most natural sleep aids, this one requires no digestion so there is no worry about acid indigestion or other negative side effects. I was taking melatonin tablets but I always seemed to wait until the last minute to take them. When I swallowed the large pills, they sometimes became lodged in my throat, and usually caused acid reflux when I lay down. Very unpleasant. With these, you apply the patch to a hair-free area of your upper body (e.g. chest, arm, back, etc.) 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime and fall asleep naturally. These are not habit-forming and you can even use more than a single patch, if need be. You remove the patch when you get up, or within 8 hours of application. There is no latex, so no worry about allergic reactions to the adhesive.
Melatonin, magnesium and GABA are the active ingredients to take you to dreamland.
At about 69 cents each, these patches are an inexpensive, unique and pleasant way to get the rest you need to function at your best.
Sherry Gudgeon –
Definitely helped me get more sleep!
Shipped quickly in a well-padded envelope.
I’ve had sleeping problems for a long time, where I would sleep for about 60-90 minutes, then have to get up and then try to go back to sleep. Many times sleep would not come.
Since using this, I am now falling asleep faster and sleeping for an average of two hours before waking up, and falling back to sleep is much easier. I also do not wake up groggy after the patch has been on for 7-8 hours.
I would certainly recommend trying this product!
Brittany Mathers –
I bought this for my sister who suffers from sleep problems. She tried it for two days. Sadly, it does not
work for her.