Descrição do Produto: MONIER Sleep Patches para Adultos Extra Forte
Os MONIER Sleep Patches para adultos são a solução ideal para quem busca uma noite de sono reparador e revitalizante. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina ingredientes naturais altamente eficazes, esses adesivos proporcionam um auxílio ao sono que vai além do convencional. Cada patch contém uma mistura poderosa de Melatonina, L-Theanine, GABA, Ginkgo Biloba, raiz de Valeriana, Magnésio e outros componentes que atuam em sinergia para garantir um sono de alta qualidade. Ao longo da noite, os ingredientes são liberados lentamente no organismo, evitando que você acorde durante o sono e garantindo que você desperte renovado, menos grogue e mais disposto.
A aplicação dos patches é extremamente simples e prática. Basta retirar um adesivo da folha protetora e colocá-lo em uma área do corpo sem pelos, como o braço ou a barriga, cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Assim, você poderá desfrutar de uma noite tranquila e acordar com energia renovada. Os MONIER Sleep Patches são formulados nos Estados Unidos e utilizam 100% de ingredientes naturais, garantindo que você não tenha desconfortos estomacais, pois a entrega dos ativos é feita de forma transdérmica, evitando o sistema digestivo.
Além disso, a adesão dos patches é forte e amigável à pele, assegurando que eles permaneçam no lugar durante toda a noite, sem a preocupação de que se soltem. E para garantir a melhor experiência possível, a MONIER oferece suporte ao cliente 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, sempre pronta para ouvir e atender às necessidades dos consumidores.
– Sono Reparador: A combinação de ingredientes naturais promove um sono profundo e contínuo, essencial para a recuperação do corpo e da mente.
– Fácil Aplicação: A simplicidade na aplicação dos patches permite que qualquer pessoa os utilize sem complicações.
– Sem Efeitos Colaterais Digestivos: A entrega transdérmica evita desconfortos estomacais, comum em outros suplementos para dormir.
– Adesão Confiável: Os patches permanecem firmes durante toda a noite, garantindo que você não precise se preocupar com a sua eficácia.
– Suporte ao Cliente: A MONIER se preocupa com a satisfação do cliente, oferecendo suporte contínuo para resolver dúvidas e preocupações.
Para obter os melhores resultados com os MONIER Sleep Patches, siga estas instruções: 30 minutos antes de se deitar, retire um patch da folha protetora. Aplique-o em uma área limpa e seca do corpo, preferencialmente em um local sem pelos, como o braço ou a barriga. Certifique-se de que a superfície da pele esteja livre de óleos ou cremes para garantir uma adesão adequada. Após a aplicação, relaxe e prepare-se para uma noite de sono tranquila. Os ingredientes ativos começarão a ser liberados lentamente, proporcionando um efeito calmante e ajudando você a adormecer mais rapidamente. Ao acordar, você notará a diferença em sua disposição e energia para o dia que se inicia.
Mia –
I’ve been using the Monier 60 Sleep Patches for the past few weeks, and I’m genuinely impressed with the difference they’ve made in my sleep routine. If you’re someone who struggles with falling asleep or staying asleep, these patches could be a game-changer for you, just as they have been for me.
The primary reason I decided to try these sleep patches was my ongoing struggle with insomnia and restless nights. From the first night I used them, I noticed a significant improvement. The patches helped me fall asleep faster than usual and kept me asleep throughout the night, which has been a challenge for me in the past. It’s a relief to wake up and realize that I’ve slept through the night without the constant tossing and turning.
Morning Grogginess:
One thing I did notice, however, is a bit of grogginess in the morning. While the patches do a fantastic job of promoting sleep, they also seem to leave a lingering sense of drowsiness when I first wake up. It’s not overwhelming, but it’s something to consider if you need to be up and active immediately in the morning. Personally, I’ve found that a cup of coffee and a few minutes to fully wake up is all it takes to shake off the grogginess.
Ease of Use:
Applying the patches is incredibly straightforward. They are small, discreet, and comfortable to wear, so I never felt like they were in the way or bothersome during the night. The adhesive is just right—not too strong to irritate your skin when removing but strong enough to stay in place throughout the night. I also appreciate that there’s no noticeable residue left behind in the morning, which is a huge plus for me.
Value for Money:
One of the standout aspects of the Monier 60 Sleep Patches is the value they offer. For the price, you get a generous amount of patches, which makes this a cost-effective solution for those who might be dealing with sleep issues long-term. Given how much these patches have improved my sleep, I consider them to be an excellent investment in my overall well-being
Cindy Carter –
These did not work at all! They were a complete waste of $! I see now that they are no longer available, & that’s most likely due to so many negative reviews! I noticed that the earlier reviews were pretty positive, but there were at least (4) pages of negative reviews after the positive ones. I planned to go back & look at the dates of the reviews, to see if the negative ones were all later. If so, the product very well could have been changed, and thus no longer worked. The only reason I decided to go ahead & buy these is b/c a friend of mine’s son had used these successfully years ago. This really makes me wonder if they changed the formula for them. I sure do wish they were eligible for return. If the seller has any confidence in them at all, they ought to allow them to be retuned if they don’t work!
Kimberly –
I received the patches two days after making the purchase on They come in a sleek box. The box contains 60 patches, with ten individual packages of six. This is convenient that way you are not opening all at the same time. Also nice to be able to grab a single pack for traveling instead of the entire pack.
I read the directions and used the patches according. Instructions state to place on arm or stomach thirty minutes prior to going to bed. I place a patch on mu left arm the thirty minutes before going to bed. I also removed the patch in the morning per directions.
The patches are designed to help go to sleep faster, sleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed. The first night I tried the patch, I was not sure if it was the patch that helped me fall asleep faster or if I was already tired enough. I did wake feeling more energized than I normally feel but I kbow I did not sleep longer. The second night, I placed the patch in the same location. I was not already tired when I placed the patch. I did notice that the second night I did not lye there for as long before falling asleep. Again I did wake feeling more energy than I would with out the patch. Over all both nights I do believe I got a more restful nights sleep.
I definitely do plan to continue to use these sleep patches to help improve my quality of sleep and over all mood.
Amazon Customer –
I found that I fell asleep quite easily within about 30-45 minutes. I’ve tried other sleep patches before and typically I find that I wake up with a bit of a headache the next morning due to the melatonin.
However with this product I did not have any headache at all after using it two nights in a row. I felt rested and it was easy to wake in the morning. I didn’t feel groggy or want to continue sleeping excessively.
I will definitely continue to use it when I feel like I need a good nights sleep!
jenny –
It has been 3 days of using the sleeping patch and here are my final thoughts.the first two days I would say that I didn’t really go to sleep any faster but I did have more energy in the morning when I woke up. But today on day three I went to bed when I actually wanted and I have a lot of energy when I woke up. I will continue to use them throughout the week for improved results.