Descrição do Produto: Hypnos Sleep Support Patch | Patches de Sono para Adultos | Liberação Prolongada de Melatonina, Lavanda e Magnésio | 30 Patches
O Hypnos Sleep Support Patch é a solução ideal para quem busca uma noite de sono reparadora e tranquila. Cada patch contém uma combinação poderosa de melatonina, lavanda e magnésio, projetada para promover um relaxamento profundo e facilitar a transição para o sono. Com a tecnologia de liberação prolongada, os ingredientes ativos são liberados gradualmente ao longo da noite, garantindo que você desfrute de um sono contínuo e revigorante. Os patches são discretos e fáceis de aplicar, permitindo que você os utilize em qualquer lugar, sem a necessidade de ingerir comprimidos. Com 30 patches em cada embalagem, você terá um mês inteiro de suporte para suas noites de descanso.
1. Sono de Qualidade: Promove um sono mais profundo e reparador, ajudando a combater a insônia.
2. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes naturais como lavanda e magnésio, que são conhecidos por suas propriedades relaxantes.
3. Liberação Prolongada: A tecnologia de liberação gradual garante que os efeitos durem a noite toda, sem picos de sonolência.
4. Praticidade: Patches fáceis de aplicar e usar, sem necessidade de água ou ingestão de comprimidos.
5. Sem Efeitos Colaterais: Ao contrário de muitos medicamentos para dormir, os patches têm uma fórmula suave que minimiza o risco de efeitos colaterais.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique um patch na pele limpa e seca, preferencialmente na parte interna do braço ou na região do abdômen, cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Certifique-se de que o patch esteja bem aderido à pele. Utilize um novo patch a cada noite e remova-o pela manhã. Para um efeito ideal, evite o uso de álcool e cafeína nas horas que antecedem o sono. Armazene os patches em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Eddie –
As someone who’s seen more airplane ceilings than stars, I’ve finally discovered the secret to conquering jet lag and sleepless flights: the melatonin patch with a soothing lavender scent.
Just two days ago, during a flight from Vancouver to Gothenburg, I decided to test this little marvel. Gone were the days of playing random games or watching random movies. This patch changed my in-flight experience entirely. It was like having a personal sleep assistant, whispering ‘relax’ with lavender scent.
Surprisingly, I drifted off into the most peaceful slumber I’ve ever had on a plane. I woke up refreshed, a rare feeling after such a journey. It’s not just for those restless nights or for me battling time zone changes; it’s a versatile aid for anyone seeking a passport to dreamland.
In conclusion, this melatonin patch isn’t just another product; it’s a game-changer for travellers and restless sleepers alike. Whether you’re soaring across skies or just craving a peaceful night, this patch might just be the ticket you need. I haven’t encountered any shortcomings so far and will continue to use it. Sweet dreams and smooth travels!
Andrew R –
I used it to help me get to sleep at night!! Works very well and I sleep so good and am really rested when I wake in the morning!
Ashleysue –
To be honest, no one has absolutely any idea what are in this patches. Be careful and try out your own risk. These aren’t lab tested, they are not third-party tested, they are manufactured in an overseas facility and the packaging is very iffy. To contact the company is at a random Gmail email. I was to nervous to try these after seeing how they arrived.
Andrew R –
Amazing, and honestly it smells really good! Definitely had me snoozing lol
Dia2ne –
Love the Sticks one!!! They definitely help me sleep!!!
gvnhope –
Currently trying every sleep aid I can get my hands on. These are great. Stick well, work great.
Bunny –
I decided to try these patches to see if they can help me get to sleep faster and improve the quality of my sleep better than the alternatives. I noticed that the patches don’t really help me much to fall asleep, but the gentle lavender scent makes me feel more relaxed. I also noticed how I feel more well rested when I wear the patch before bed.
The only thing I disliked is how they don’t stick well to my skin. The edges of the patch would lift and easily fall off if it stuck to my shirt or blanket.
tommy –
These patches are working really well for me so far. There is a nice lavender scent and the patch easily stays on all night. My sleep tracker is showing that I get more deep sleep when wearing these, and I feel a lot better in the mornings. I recommended trying these if you have trouble with sleep and morning tiredness
Kaneisha Harris –
This gave me an instant headache when I put this on. Did not make me tired at all. It really made my nose irritated. I use essential oils on a daily basis, but this product is awful.
Sharon Webster –
Sleep quality 0/10 these are NOT effective
Waste of money
I’ve been using for a week straight now and have not had any ease falling asleep.