Os Patches de Silicone para os Olhos da Beautistin são a solução ideal para quem busca um cuidado eficaz e prático para a delicada região ao redor dos olhos. Composto por 2 pares reutilizáveis, esses patches são feitos de silicone de alta qualidade, projetados para suavizar rugas e linhas finas, proporcionando um aspecto mais jovem e radiante. A tecnologia de bloqueio de umidade desses adesivos permite que a pele se mantenha hidratada e revitalizada, enquanto a sua reutilização por mais de um ano torna-os uma opção econômica e sustentável.
Esses patches são especialmente desenvolvidos para serem usados em conjunto com o seu creme para os olhos favorito, potencializando a absorção dos ingredientes ativos. Ao contrário de outros produtos, eles não possuem adesivos pegajosos, evitando qualquer desconforto ou puxão na pele sensível da área dos olhos. A aplicação é simples: após limpar a pele, basta aplicar o creme desejado, colocar os patches e relaxar por 15-20 minutos. Acompanhados de uma haste de massagem de metal, esses patches não apenas tratam, mas também promovem uma massagem que melhora a circulação sanguínea e relaxa os músculos ao redor dos olhos.
A manutenção dos Patches de Silicone é prática. Após o uso, basta enxaguá-los com sabão neutro e secá-los antes de guardá-los na caixa de lata que acompanha o produto. Essa caixa é ideal para transporte, tornando os patches perfeitos para viagens ou uso diário. Além disso, são um presente atencioso e ecologicamente correto, ideal para amigos e familiares que buscam cuidar da pele de forma eficaz.
- Patches reutilizáveis que duram mais de um ano, oferecendo uma solução econômica.
- Bloqueia a umidade, ajudando a reduzir linhas finas e rugas visíveis.
- Compatível com cremes para os olhos, potencializando a eficácia dos tratamentos.
- Não contém adesivos pegajosos, garantindo conforto e segurança na aplicação.
- Acompanhado de uma haste de massagem de metal, que melhora a circulação e relaxa a área dos olhos.
Para utilizar os Patches de Silicone para os Olhos, inicie limpando cuidadosamente a área ao redor dos olhos. Aplique uma quantidade adequada do seu creme para os olhos preferido, garantindo que a pele esteja bem hidratada. Em seguida, posicione os patches de silicone sobre a região dos olhos, ajustando-os suavemente. Deixe os patches agirem por 15-20 minutos para permitir que a pele absorva os benefícios. Após esse período, remova os patches e utilize a haste de massagem de metal para massagear delicadamente a área, promovendo uma melhor circulação sanguínea. Para resultados ideais, recomenda-se o uso diário.
Sturdy and does the job! –
The patches have a good shape and hold well. I can even sleep with them. Combined with a good serum they do miracles
A. Bradley –
These are such a perfect Christmas gift.
I love under eye patches but sometimes feel wasteful throwing too many out. Here comes these reusable eye patches! If you keep them cool, it can help keep under eye bags cool and removed. Putting these patches over other serums helps them go deeper into the skin.
I highly recommend!
BlondeBomb –
I was excited at the idea of reusable eye patches, since I’ve enjoyed other disposable eye patches and found them refreshing and rejuvenating. But as these are literally just silicone, they don’t feel terribly refreshing. I did try them chilled and with my facial cream applied first, as well as just on their own and wasn’t terribly impressed with how they felt on my face. They’re okay, but not great. They do stick well to my face, but they weren’t the refreshing facial experience I’ve had with the disposable eye patches.
BlondeBomb –
Under Eye Patches Silicone – 2 Pairs Reusable Eye Patches: This holiday-themed set is a great stocking stuffer or treat for yourself. I love the holiday design, and let’s be honest, I can use these year-round as no one will see them but me anyway. Just apply your favorite under-eye cream, add the patches on top (they stick well), and leave them be (you can use them on your smile lines too). They come in a storage tin with a little tool to help massage in any leftover cream once you remove the patches. Rinse them off and pat dry after use, and they go back in the tin for another time. I appreciate that you can use these many times and not create so much waste, and you can use your preferred cream.
S. C. –
What I like about these Reusable Under Eye Silicone Patches 2 Pairs: I like that you get two pairs so one pair can be used on the under eye region and the other can be used on another region. I like that these patches are reusable and can be cleaned with soap water then rinsed and left to air dry. The silicone cringed to my eye region well and was easy to remove. The best thing I like about these under eye patches is I can use my own cream and I’m not relying on a cream that might not work. The stainless steel eye tool was much smaller than I expected but in reality it’s the right size for the smaller gentle under eye skin. I will be placing the tool in the refrigerator so I can use it to calm swollen tired eyes and the protective sleeve for the tool will help keep the tool clean. They include instructions on usage and cleaning of the products plus a tin storage can so you can keep and grab everything you need for your eyes. These particular patches have a Christmas theme but you can order ones that are plain.
What I dislike about these Reusable Under Eye Silicone Patches 2 Pairs: Nothing
S. C. –
These Christmas themed under eye patches are cute, a nice set, and would make a fun stocking stuffer. These do come in other colors too.
I like that there are two sets of reusable eye patches, a great metal cream applicator, and it all comes in a nice little storage tin.
The metal applicator may be my favorite part. It feels really good to spread the eye cream with that cold metal ball. Note that these eye patches are used with your own eye cream, the patches are dry.
I applied extra eye cream, placed the eye patches under my eyes and went about my business for 15 minutes. The patches stayed firmly in place except for one where the inner third started falling off, I pressed it back on and it stayed for the remainder of the time. Though these are thin, these do feel somewhat stiffer than my usual premoistened disposable types. I do feel like these worked pretty well and my eye moisturizer really got a chance to soak in and do its job.
When I finished I rinsed and dried the patches and placed them back onto the plastic card, I also cleaned the applicator before storing.
One thing that is lacking is instructions. I wish a little instruction card was included so that if this is gifted, and the person won’t see the online listing, they would understand the purpose and usage of this product.
CBloom –
I’ve used under-eye patches before for extra conditioning and really liked them. I keep a pack in my refrigerator for times when I feel like I need them. When I saw Beautistin Under Eye Silicone Patches I was very interested. I liked the idea of being able to use some of my favorite eye treatments AND having a product that produced less waste.
I placed my order and received them quickly. I placed one set under my eyes and the other around my mouth as depicted in the picture on the product order page using a good quality eye skin care cream. The patches around my eyes stayed very well, but those around my mouth wanted to come off. I was impressed with the results, these silicone patches made a noticeable difference in the areas where they were used.
The patches are made from a thick silicone. They appear quite sturdy, and I believe they will last for many uses. The size and shape are pretty much the same as the disposable patches. They come in a handy tin for storage and include a cool little tool to apply eye cream and massage around the eyes. It too looks to be sturdy and well made. I really liked it. One end is great for scooping out eye cream and smoothing on the patch while the other end feels nice as a massage tool around the eyes. The only thing I missed when using this set was the super-moist, cool (refrigerated) liquid that I’m accustomed to.
The next time I used the patches I put one set across my forehead instead of around my mouth. They stayed there with no problem. They performed very well. I love that these are reusable, and I can vary the products I use with them. They’re easy to clean, I just used hand soap. My set came with a holiday theme of green and red with Christmas related print. This would make an excellent stocking stuffer. I’m very happy with this product.
****About me: Integrity is very important to me. Reviews I’ve posted will be from items I’ve had direct contact with. These are my honest opinions. I will not post a review for a product I have not had personal contact with.